There is a guy I work with who looks exactly like Malcolm Gladwell. If you know what Malcolm Gladwell looks like, you know how amazingly improbable that is. But it's true. He would have to grow his hair another maybe 3-4 inches to be full-on-Gladwell, but it's otherwise uncanny. The pitch and timbre of his voice are also very close to Gladwell's. Gladwell is a little bit more measured and soporific, but it's enough that when I see this guy, the same neurons light up in my head as when I see Malcolm Gladwell. The problem for me is that my brain just automatically assigns qualities of Malcolm Gladwell to this guy. So whatever this guy says just sounds automatically like 30% smarter to me than it would if it were coming out of anybody else. It's not that this guy is not a smart guy - he's brilliant - but he gets like a Gladwell Bonus. It's even a little stronger than the British RP Accent Bonus. The reason I'm just writing about this today is that we have a consultant onboard for this week, and I just met him on Monday. He looks and sounds just like Louis C.K.. Unfortunately, he hasn't said anything funny yet, so I don't know if he gets a bonus or not. I'll let you know as the week progresses. FOCUS: Who in your life is the spitting image of somebody else - famous or otherwise? What ramifications has this had on your relationship?
My cousin used to be the spitting image of Jennifer Love Hewitt. Yeah, that was painful. My Dad, at this point, kinda looks like a less grey version of Jerry Garcia. I should maybe talk to him about his eating habits.
My rep for Pacific Fresh Fish looks and sounds like Christopher Lambert when he played Rayden in Mortal Kombat. He laughs just like that. It's deeply unsettling. Also, today I got a visit from the local exterminator while I was prepping for lunch. Fuckin' guy looked like David Caruso, it was uncanny.
I get told I look like such and such somebody knows all the time, but I've never seen them to tell. But a couple of years ago, my brother was out to dinner at a fancy restaurant and he was getting service above and beyond what would normally be expected; it was almost silver service. Everyone kept asking him how he was enjoying everything. Nothing extreme, but more than enough to be noticeable. The waiter then came and said that the chef had asked if it would be alright if he came out to meet him. My brother said sure, and the chef came out and greeted him as "Oliver" and how honoured he was that he had come into his restaurant. My brother's name is not Oliver. Apparently he is the spitting image of a famous Michelin star chef from Sydney. He said the service sucked after he told them it wasn't him.
Can a Döppelgänger be a cartoon character because Peter Griffin comes into my work every now and then. This guy could sue Seth MacFarlane for using his likeness. I'm used to seeing him now so i dont stare as much. But it's fun to watch other people (usually under 30's) look at the guy. They usually take a look, look away, and then their heads snap back and their jaws drop as everything registers.
A guy I work with (we work in a newsroom) looks almost exactly like tennis player Novak Djokovic. It doesn't really affect our relationship at all, but we're pretty merciless when Djokovic eventually crashes out of whatever major tournament he's playing in. Another colleague fancies himself a dead ringer for Australian comedian Wil Anderson, but he's fucking kidding himself.
My torts professor looks like Paul Giamatti. This hasn't caused any weird instances yet, but I am planning on giving him a bottle of Merlot.
A serious version of Eddie Izzard taught me War and Society Since 1945 last year while the love child of Richard Gere and Billy Boyd (aka. Pipin from LOTR) taught me about the reign of Constantine. My university is a madhouse to say the least.
I hope so, because otherwise my story would be cheating. Last company I worked for outsourced IT. The desktop support guy we had was a dead fucking ringer for Droopy Dog. "Ohhh Nooo." I want to test to see if my impression is as spot on as it was when I left that place, but I think i would just confuse an entire cubicle farm.
My cousin looks like Margot Tenenbaum. She has no real resemblance to Gweneth Paltrow, but something about her fashion choices and general demeanor make her look like Margot.
One of the profs kicking around the faculty seriously looks like Adolf Hitler lately. This is because his moustache is dark under his nose but white by the corners of his mouth, and parts his hair to one side; the general facial structure is close enough of a resemblance as well. I cannot look at him with a straight face.
I went to school with a guy that looked just enough like napolean dynamite that he was told this 3-4 times a week for the 6 months the movie was popular. If he had learned the dance he probably could have picked up some girls. But he did like what many others do when they are similar to someone, i.e. Michael Bolton in office space; he grew an irrational hatred of everything involving napolean dynamite and anyone that mentioned it. The best part was seeing cute girls hit on him and mention that he looks like napolean dynamite. You could see the hatred burning in his eyes while he forced a smile. It was so good we would always get cute girls to come up to him, just to watch him squirm and come to grips with his reality. If he was too drunk he would let his hatred loose on the poor girls and it was twice as funny.
I've been told countless times, if I were to put on a pair of oakley's and a M&M's jacket, I could be Kyle Busch. I'm not quite sure if that is an insult or not at this point...
My dad is friends with a guy who looks EXACTLY like Scott Van Pelt. I mean EXACTLY LIKE HIM. If I posted his picture, which I'm very tempted to do, but won't in order to protect his privacy, you would think it was him. PM me and I'll send you a picture. For the women, foreigners and gays... uhrrr, men who don't follow sports, Scott Van Pelt is an ESPN sportscaster.
I've been compared to many a celebrity over the first started in high school as people would tell me I was a Robert Deniro look-a-like or even Keanu Reeves. Lateley, my friends have told me I was a dead ringer for Ben Bailey of Cash Cab, when I had my head shaved.
There's a guy with reddish-brown hair in my platoon. He has freckles going from his nose to his mouth, and he has enormous dimples when he smiles. The staff sergeant took one look at him and said, "Holy shit, how the fuck did the guy on the cover of Mad Magazine join the Marines?" The resemblance is uncanny. Just take that face and put an eight-point cover on his head, and that's him.
I worked with a guy who looked just like Napoleon Dynamite. He's hilarious and took it to the extreme. The guy who played Pedro was in town for a car show and Nick dressed in his Napoleon get up and went to meet him. The actor said that he was the best Napolean impersonator he'd seen. When I mention his name to people that we both worked with, I usually have to clarify that I'm talking about "Napoleon." Here's him doing the dance (sideways):