Another great new show. I was originally introduced to this show by this amazing clip. The basic premise - a lawyer is disbarred for having a fake diploma, and has to go through community college to get a real one. It stars Joel McHale (The Soup), Ken Jeong (The Hangover), Donald Glover (Derrick Comedy), Chevy Chase, Danny Pudi, and John Oliver in a recurring role. This show is fucking hilarious. I love how they keep poking fun at McHale's nemesis Ryan Seacrest, and Troy and Abed are pure comedy together. Dr. Doogie Seacrest Sharks, Pencils and Ben Affleck Airs Thursday at 9:30 pm on ABC.
I wasn't too impressed with the first few episodes, but it's coming into its own for me now. It's becoming funnier, but still has a ways to go I think. Still checking it out though. "There's only one black hole worth investigating..."
I liked the part in the show afterwards. "I'm sorry, can we do this in a room with LESS BALLS?" *looks at guy taking a shower* "You're very confident, I'll give you that." "...But you shouldn't be..."
I love Joel McHale and think that he's incredibly underrated as a comic goes- and that makes me really want to love this show but i'm just not sure that I do. I find myself chuckling at points and being bored at others. I'm hoping it grows solid legs before NBC gives up and axes it.
Great news, I just got around to watching the most recent episode and thought it was great. Nice to see that they are getting away from the Jeff/Britta storyline, which was the focus of the first few episodes, and starting to build their relationships with the other characters. Chevy Chase continues to crack me up every scene hes in.
The back-and-forth between Jeff and Troy was really well done. It's a self-aware show with lots of ADD-style comedy, it's the "lowbrow" comedy for the 21st century. Nothing wrong with that.
I thought last night's episode was great. Just in case someone's waiting to watch it online/DVR... Spoiler Abed as Batman...classic. His soliloquy had me cracking up and when he rescued them from the collapsing desk/chair fort, I was dying. Chevy Chase's acid trip was great, too.
Senor Chang is just a great character. He is the most consistently funny character for me each week. "I have the body of a 5th grader. If I was working with what you got, we'd be over at the Comfort Inn."
What a fucking hilarious episode. Abed as Batman is just amazing. And this marks the first episode where I thought Pierce was legitimately laugh-out-loud funny. He's gotta do it next episode. Nails will be bitten.
I love the little Troy and Abed bits at the end of every episode. Those two work really well together, I'm glad this show got picked up for the rest of the season, I look forward to it more then The Office now.
I have a sinking feeling it will be glossed over and completely forgotten... I hope I'm wrong though.
Regarding the Office: I think Community is funnier than the Office now. I just can't handle anymore of Michael's cringe-worthy existence. Don't get me wrong, the show is still entertaining but Community is by far the funnier show.
I wasn't as thrilled with this episode. I still enjoyed watching it, but I hate episodes of comedies when they build the characters relationships. Sure the benefits come later, but you wouldn't want to watch your parents convincing you.
I'm convinced that every even-number episode is just the rotting afterbirth of an awesome odd-numbered episode.
Agreed. Not the greatest episode, but if the rap with Pierce at the end didn't make you tear up laughing, you are dead on the inside.
This episode was meh. Still think its one of the better shows on TV right now though. For some reason I find the characters, who are all cliched stereotypes by design, surprisingly deep.