Everyone has their own little obsessions, this ones for us gamers. Share those "fml" moments, the ones you wish people were there to see, the whole nine yards.
I play on the PS3, I'm okay but my K/D ratio is really bad because I let my friends play on it. The tag's 'DJ-Voodoo' if you ever wanna play.
Smythe24 on PS3. My KDR sucks too, I have streaks, but it's nothing to brag about. I'm just trying to stay a kill above .500 now in matches.
I'd love to have some 1v1 or team games going, it would be fun. KDR's mean shit. If you're leveling up you're going to get merc'd because you're using all available guns and some unorthodox strats just to prestige again and again. Haven't been playing much cause of school work but I'm usually free on weekends. If you're up for the challenge my PSN is Maltob14. You might need to pull out some noob-tubes or akimbo models boys. I'm just kidding I'm not that into it. I will fuck your shit up.
I still maintain that playing with your thumbs is back ass wards. Got the 'Omnicide' and 'Wargasm' Challenges (Had Pred, Harrier and Pavelow) on High Rise Groundwar. Thats 9 different players killed in ten seconds. We still lost.
My buddy that I play with often just bought two pairs of these for us. I'm not even concerned if they work or not (it's $10), but what worries me is that this is turning me into an even bigger game nerd. And I don't know about you guys, but I've never invested so much time (let alone any) into something that makes me so angry so often. Between the noob-tubers, akimo shotgunners, heartbeat sensor using bastards sitting in a corner, or lightning fast teleporting knifers, I'm surprised my 360 is still intact. The shit-talking, though, and stuff some people come up with to mock you/others is hilarious and never ceases to amaze me. I don't know why, but the black dudes are usually the funniest and I die laughing every time when they're on my team and get killed.
To get things rolling here are my main setups: 3 classes for the Intervention each with a different attachment: Primary: Intervention -> FMJ/ACOG/Thermal Secondary: Spas-12 -> Grip Equipment: Claymore Special Grenade: Stun Perk 1: Sleight of Hand Pro Perk 2: Cold Blooded Pro Perk 3: Commando Pro or Ninja Pro Death Streak: Final Stand For when I go AR I use: Primary: ACR-> Suppressed Secondary: Javelin Equipment: Semtex Special Grenade: Stun Perk 1: Scavenger Pro Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro Perk 3: Ninja Pro Death Streak: Final Stand Kill streaks are Harrier, AC-130/Chopper Gunner, Tactical Nuke
No the hicks are usually ghetto trash that have to act tough every time they get smoked. My little brother makes it a point to mute every person before any of them can make a comment or weird bird shrieking noise when entering a game. I usually do the same unless Im interested on what my team mates think of the match. What is with people and making completely inaudible shrill shrieking noises for no fucking reason? Are people's aggressions so pent up they have to scream like a hawk raping a dieing rabbit IN THE FUCKING GAME LOBBY? I switched my perks around and use stopping power now which has totally changed my game. I'd say I went from having a positive k/d ratio 20% of the time to 90%, and having 1 out of 10 positive games be a complete blow out, 25-4 situation, where as before I don't think I ever had a amazing kill streak. Im getting better but I really did bog down the over all score that my brother and I share.
Still don't know how I did it, but I went 20-0 on Wasteland earlier today. Just my trusty thermal scoped M16A4 and One Man Army to keep ammo up. Just kept switching back and forth from sighting through the underground bunker, to turning around to catch people as the tried to sneak up/around. Had some great runs on Rundown today as well, think 23-4, and a 21-8. Same thing, thermal M16A4. I'm usually 10-15 kills, 5-10 deaths, so I was impressed.
I would say The Rundown was my most hated map for quite a while. It is a map that people camp hardcore on and it can piss you off something good. Since my turn around Ive gotten much better at the map and don't hate it as much. The other night I got a double kill with a predator drone, followed by a five person multi-kill with a harrier bombing, finished off with the game winning harrier kill as the guy shot it down. My most hated map has to be Derail. Fuck that snow map in its bleached white asshole. Also fuck karachi.... edit: I like Dust, it's compact but it doesn't seem to get crowded enough to hinder the game (ala dying every ten seconds like in Ground War). Sticking to the square perimeter seems to be the easiest and most effective way to get kills, though Ive climbed the ladder in the middle and sniped pretty well...
Invasion for me. No matter what I do I end up ~1 or negative on that map. It's super frustrating. In other news, I started rocking the FAL last night for the first time (semi-auto turned me off) and this thing is absolute rape. FAL w/ Holo AA-12 w/ Grip Semtex Stuns Scav Pro SP Pro Ninja Pro The Holographic Sight (unintentionally I think) makes the damage 55-40, which becomes 77-56 with Stopping Power, which means a 2 hit kill at any range. Pretty badass. The 2 shot kill combined with the fact that the semi-auto requires me to play more strategically has resulted in great success. The other class I've been having success with this prestige is: Intervention w/ FMJ Raffica w/ RDS (this thing is a mini-M16 if you have stopping power) Semtex Stuns SoH Pro SP Pro SA Pro (although I think I'm going to change this to Ninja, I hate hearing my footsteps in my headset) I couldn't snipe worth a lick my first time to 70, but I put some serious time in with it in the early levels and I consider myself fairly proficient now. I don't really play the campy sneaky sniper style though, I play it like it's a CS1.6 pub and run around quickscoping.
That it's not a new map... I enjoy 3rd-person team tactical on it doing capture the flag. I must have captured the flag at least 15 times on it, the only time I actually did it.
I will leave a lobby if Scrapyard or Karachi come up. Only maps I really like are Terminal and Afghan. They really need to add more maps.
The only map I truly hate is wasteland, Sniper paradise and you can't even use a smoke to cover while your run because they all have thermal scopes. I'm a member of the steam group on here if anyone wants to play. Name is VooDoo.. on there.
Doesn't seem to be a lot of Xbox Live love on here, but if anyone's interested my tag is: carsicklettuce. Don't ask, my roommate made the name.
I finally got my first Tactical Nuke earlier tonight. On a whim I changed up my killstreaks to the Harrier/Chopper Gunner/Nuke combo (usually I do Predator/Harrier/Pavelow) and happened to get very lucky on a game of Domination in Ground War. Having just dealt with some boosting fuckers in free-for-all earlier in the night getting the nuke, I have to say that it was extremely satisfying to actually earn it.* *Yes, I did stay in the same building the whole streak (the big one on Underpass), so I suppose I was being a camping bitch. But, I didn't just sit in a corner waiting for people; I was actively hunting. It's just that once I reach a certain number of kills in a row I become crippled by fear of death and switch to an extremely conservative play style. In other news, I share hatred for Derail , especially when people take up a post in the center building and just sit there. Once I ran into a team of three guys who protected each other quite well in there, and at least one of them kept tactically inserting into the building. And none of them would move out so we would just try and grenade or sneak in to no avail. Talk about wanting to throw my controller through a wall. And I realize I may get shit for this, but I love sniping (despite sucking at it sometimes), so I especially love High Rise, when I can get to one of the good spots. My strategy is to get to either of the good spots, set up a tactical insertion while in my M16/OMA class, then switch over to sniping. I don't even mind dying then, because I usually respawn in the same spot I died and take out whoever killed me with my trusty M16. That having been said, I'm not just a campy sniper, and I do also like to run around and snipe too, rather than sit in one place. While others may hate Wasteland, I usually will don my Ghillie Suit and run around with my Thermals. That map can be fun specifically because sitting in one spot is not a good strategy. Usually I'll figure out where most of the enemies are grouped, and then try and run the long way around and snipe them from the other side. Whether I'm successful or not, I find this strategy much more fun than running into the middle bunker and getting noob-tubed all to hell.
Am I the only one, or does anyone else wake up in the middle of the night to cries of "ENEMY HARRIER INBOUND!" "UAV SPOTTED"? ahahahah I play too much. Xbox Live: JoeFresh
I've only played this 2 or 3 times, and I think both times it was in Free For All. If anyone wants to play, add me. PS3 Newfie-Munster I'll only have the internet until the end of Feb (moving to the country), but wouldnt mind playing with some people who know how to play. I play Headquarters alot, but i'm game for anything.