I've got a 1976 scout 2 that I have no pictures of. It looks kinda like this. Mine's yellow, but I don't have the cool-ass stripes...yet.
This is what I currently drive, a 2006 Subaru Liberty GT Spec B: This was my car before it, a 2002 Nissan 200SX (Silvia), s15 model. By far my favourite car I've owned. I had to wedge myself into it, the suspension was as hard as a rock and although it had 2 + 2 seats it was impractical to have anyone in the back. But the turbo kicked in early and smooth and it was easy to get the back end loose.
With my recent luck of getting run into by people, I played it safe (and cheap) and bought a 2003 Impala until the bad luck weather blows over a couple of years from now. I love larger, comfy cars and this is one of them. My favourite car was my all too short lived relationship with my 1999 Buick Regal. I absolutely loved this car. Leather heated seats, an amazingly smooth and quiet ride, a fantastic stereo and a shockingly powerful super-charged engine that could throw you back into the seat when you jammed on it. It was destroyed while being towed by CAA (AAA in the states) if you can believe that. Seriously.
I'm currently in a 2007 Nissan Sentra. I hate it, but I have a 140 mile daily commute so it makes sense. Prior to that was a 2004 Tacoma TRD. Best truck I ever owned, and I'm buying another one as soon as I lose this commute. My favorite was the Camaro I built in high school. I bought a 1981 6-cylinder from a scrapyard, mainly because the body and interior were in pristine condition, and it was cheap. My old man and I pulled a 350 with a turbo 350 trans from an old Nova and did a complete rebuild. In order to complete the transformation from 6-banger to "Poor Mans Z-28", I scraped the front fenders and hood from a 78' Z-28. I sold it before I left for the military, and the kid that bought it introduced it to a telephone pole shortly after. I'll scan a pic later, but for now he is a good representation:
The second vehicle I owned is by far my favorite ever. It was a silver 98 Dodge Durange. I had it through college, and for about two years after. This beast experienced tons of sex, drugs, rock and roll. Lots of road trips and good memories. But of course I fucked it up. One summer I was working 7 days a week 12 hours a day in the shipyard and randomly got to leave at lunch time one day. I came out to the parking lot and I was fucking double parked in. There was no way I was going to stick around for an extra 3 - 4 hours at the earliest for some dick to get off work, so I did the most reasonable thing I could think of. I fucking rammed that mother fuckers shitty pick up truck out of my way. Fucking prick, he deserved it. But I banged up the Durango pretty good in the process, and had to live with it like that for another 3 years. I finally donated it when my company gave me a truck a couple years ago. Not mine, but exactly what it looked like, minus the weird thing on top. About two years ago I was rewarded with a company vehicle, a metallic blue 2004 Ford F150. But about 6 months later the owner decided that over 100 employees with company vehicles were driving our rates up too high, so he offered to sell them to us at ridiculously cheap prices or take them back. I already got rid of the Durango, so I bought mine. About two weeks after that I was on my buddy's farm driving shit faced, really fast through narrow trails in the woods. Naturally I hit a tree. I kind of side swiped it, and there's a huge dent on the passanger side of the bed. Still run fine though, and the pick up has been great for tailgating, and moving shit. Unfortunately it also makes me the sucker to move a lot of my friend's shit. Again, not mine, but exactly what it looks like.
I gave up my beloved Element in October because it only seats 4 and we were about to be 5. (I do not miss lovebug season!) Now I drive this (Ford Freestyle) because I am too cool for a minivan: (I'm full of shit - I don't care about driving a minivan but dem janks are expensive!)
I DRIVE A DODGE STRATUS!! a black one from 2001. It was a hand me down that I got from my brother after the engine blew on him. My parents bought it and got a new engine, and gave it to me. It's kind of a piece of shit. I've put a ton of money into it since I got it. Most recently about 2300 for engine work and other small things (tires, brakes). Both front tie rods (whatever the hell those are) have broken on it. My dad was getting ready to drive it to the shop when I was at school one day, but the wheel fell off before he got out of the driveway. The worst that happened was some fucking drunk smashed it in a parking lot in January 2008. The kicker is that he was driving less than 200 yards. (He was driving to another apartment in the same complex) Somehow he got up to ridiculous speeds, hit ice and smashed the fuck out of it. He hit it so hard that I got pushed into the person that was parked next to me, and he got pushed into the one next to him. I also hit the car that was in front of me. The money the insurance gave us was more than the actual repairs, so we went ahead and fixed 'er up, even though she was deemed totaled. Before that I drove a '92 Grand Am. Purple in color with sweet ass red interior.
I've got a 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer Ralliart. I fucking love this car. I'm in class so I had to poach a pic off the interwebs. My baby looks just like this, except black. Spoiler This will be my next car. That's the Ft-86 Subaru Toyota concept set to be launched in 2012.
Currently, we have 3 cars. 2003 Nissan 350Z. Currently the wife's daily driver. Was mine for two years until I got the Sti. Great car but not ideally suited for the Canadian winter. I'm currently driving a 2005 Subaru WRX STi. Of the cars I've owned, this has been my favorite car thus far. AWD gets the power to the road with little drama, rain or shine, and is drivable year round. With snow tires and a locking center diff, this car is virtually unstoppable. I have never gotten stuck with this car, even on the worst snow days. Our 3rd vehicle is a 2008 Nissan Rogue SL AWD. Serves as the wife's winter vehicle when it snows and the Z has to stay parked, as well as getting us to/from the cottage most weekends. Great little truck. Very good on gas, handles nicely for an SUV, and great in the winter (with snow tires, of course).
Meet my pretty girl, Sally. I am not clever when it comes to names. She is what I've wanted since I was 7, so once I had enough coin (and the financing rates dropped to 0%), she was mine.
My parents asked me if I wanted a car. Obviously I said yes, so they bestowed Gil upon me. Gil is named after this guy and is apparently the same colour as my eyes according to my mom. The first picture is how he was when I got him, the second is some... recent additions I made to him. I like to say that Gil is going through a mid-life crisis where he lost his job and is getting divorced. He's going to get fixed soon though.
Not mine, but this is it: 2009 Mitsubishi Galant. Solid gas mileage, SUPER roomy, easy handling, simple interface. Bought it last month. It's a monumental upgrade over what I drove just two months ago...
I've driven several cars in my rather short driving career. My favorites were the trucks, Specifically my Dodge. It looked just like this one: Spoiler Except I had limo tint all the way around and dual straight pipes out the back. The Interior was 40/60 leather and suede and had real wood grain. It also had an Infinity sound system. The cab was huge and we'd all pile in on sunny days and cruise around the country and drink beer or cruise around campus and check out girls. Unfortunately when gas hit $4 a gallon I had to get rid of it. It got on average 10.4 mpg. Now I drive a piece of shit 99 Jeep Cherokee, but its ok because my other car is a motorcycle!
Focus: I drive a bright blue 2000 VW TDI Beetle. I bought it used, less than a year old and with less than 18K miles on it (and about 10k off the new sticker price). She needs a little love right now, just cosmetically, but I've had very few problems with it overall. Alt Focus: Our 1970 Austin Healey Sprite was supposed to be my first car. Unfortunately my brother was in a bad accident and we never got around to finishing the restoration and when it came time for me to get a car, it was easier to just buy one. *This isn't it but same year... ours was red.
I bought this back in October: It's the first Ford I've ever owned, and other than the fact that I miss having four doors, I really like it. But if you look closely at the side mirror, you can see mute evidence of my on-going war with a couple of no-good friggin' blue birds. They are territorial birds by nature, and they see their reflection in my mirror as a threat. Therefore, they spend most every day pecking at my mirror and shitting all over the goddamn side of my truck. Since I'm not allowed to shoot birds at the office, I'm thinking about covering the tops of my mirrors with some sticky rat-trap paper, and when they get stuck, I'm going to roll them into little sticky bird-balls and play badminton with them. Eff those blue birds. They are my new ornithological nemeses. EDIT: They attack their reflections in the windows as well, so folding in the mirrors would not accomplish much. My dad tried taping a large picture of a tiger to his window to scare them off, but that surprisingly didn't work either. Nope, these birds' days are numbered. I have a bug zapper racket with their names on it.
First car I ever drove would be a 1994 Nissan Altima, POS but it got me where I needed to go. First vehicle with my name on it. 2008 Tacoma, same as the pic, but a dark blue. I loved it, miss it terribly
This was my first car. It wasn't a bad car, I got a lot of action in the back seat. But the trouble living in LA was that people thought I was Mexican. I then upgraded somewhat to this: It was great, power everything, onboard computer that would tell you anything you needed to know, MPG, distance remaining on the tank, trip timer. It was a nice car, but eventually it died. I realized that I needed a truck, but not a huge one so I bought this last year:
2008 CLS 550. It was a present to myself when I got promoted to VP at my last job. I fully acknowledge the asshole factor that comes along with this. It's my one splurge. Sue me.
Now: 2008 Outback station wagon (you know what it looks like) Favorite: 1997 BMW M3 (you know what it looks like)