"Oh, I liked them before they were famous" is probably the most famous cliche tossed around the hipster kingdom. Of course, when they say it they're usually full of shit because they're hipsters and they deserve death by fire and brimstone. The fact of the matter is we've all used that line before and meant it. Whether it be a famous band, a fashion trend, a new risky technology, at some point we were the very first human being we knew to try something that became a world-wide sensation. Then it would get popular and you would hate it, listening to all the green assholes around you bragging about their knowledge on it. Me? I was the first person ever to yell "HEY MOTHERFUCKER GET LAID GET FUCKED" during "Mony Mony". True story. Focus: What trends, gizmos or pop culture pheneomenon were you an Alpha for? Did you stay faithful to it even as everyone around you bought into its hype?
I think talking about music is one of the most boring ways to spend a conversation ever, but when I do I often end up sounding obnoxious because I so rarely have a clue about how popular bands are so I usually introduce new bands into the conversation with "I'm not sure if you've heard of them, but -" the same way I'll say "I'm not sure if I've told you this already, but -". I swear it's just to test the waters and not waste everyone's time talking about either a really famous band or a completely obscure one, but every time I say it I wish I could take it back. It's embarrassing. Anyway, one of my hometown's local bands, The Felice Brothers, has gotten pretty famous, at least for an indie folky band. There are a couple of members I'll hang out with when I'm back in town. It has been pretty exciting to watch them start touring internationally and being on the radio and selling out shows. I like being able to say that I know them and "I've known them since they were playing in coffee shops, man" but damn, I kind of want to be selfish about it and wish they were just playing coffee shops for free instead of selling out concerts before I even know about them.
I read Game of Thrones back in 2005, ripped through the first four books and tried desperately to get my friends to read the series so I would have people to share my enthusiasm. I followed the announcement of a TV show religiously, and tried to get all my friends interested in the premise. No one wanted to hear about it. Now all those faggots think they've discovered the 'next big thing' because they saw the TV show. FUCK YOU, ASSHOLES. But to be honest, I love that I now have a multitude of friends with which to gush about the whole thing.
I was the first person I knew that got an Ipod, even then it was a used 1st gen I bought off ebay (around 2003). I had a Lyra a few years before but flash cards were new technology and expensive as fuck, I remember getting one extra 32 MB card for 30 bucks. It sucked only being able to have 10-15 songs so I ditched it pretty quick when I saved up enough for the 5 gig first gen Ipod. I don't know if I bragged a lot but the fact that you could have your whole music collection on one device appealed to me. In my first year of college, 03/04, I was one of the very few that had the white apple earbuds on campus. It didn't last long as the next two generations blew up and were given out for free when you bought a new Mac computer. I've had an Ipod touch for about 3 years now and use the fucking shit out of it. I'd say between the downfall of Napster and the rise of bitTorrents me and one of my tech savy roommates were always the earliest adopters of new P2P stuff. This is really just in regards to our group of friends and people in general we knew, I am sure some dingleberry can mention IRC and earlier stuff but, meh. Each new P2P program meant a new wave of downloading quite a bit of porno.
I'm bringing Zubaz back. Bought a pair as soon as they came out again. Now everyone else should go buy them. I haven't wore mine out in public yet.
So you were wearing shirts that had sleeves that defied gravity and didn't tell anyone? (Also, I just called them stoner sleeves) Anyway, I was way into old timey music and movies before it became popular. I even started a film club at my high school. Basically it gave me an excuse to watch movies in the auditorium of my school with the girl I liked at the time. (Though our yearly showing of Its a Wonderful Life attracted huge numbers) Now, every person it seems claims to love the classics. Edit, now that I think about it, I realize that she was a hipster before there were hipsters. Fuck. She was patient Zero.
I started the Game of Thrones TV show thread on this board... months before it aired (combination book hipster and predictor-of-good-TV-and-film-projects hipster). I knew Obama wasn't going to be the Messiah (without blindly hating him for being a Muslim-socialist-Kenyan) before every other first time voter else experienced the greatest disappointment in their life since they gave it up at Prom. I played Mario Kart... on Super Nintendo; I was a Kirby fan before his absurdly overpowered appearance on Super Smash Bros; My copies of Harry Potter 1 and 2 don't have the "Year [X]" tag on the spine, because I got them before the publishers realized they would have a bigass series to label. I came up with OnDemand-style video streaming when I was five. I watch Community (seriously people, how is a show this genius this ignored for this long?)
There are a number of bands I listened to in middle school when they had just released their first CD's who blew up and now have millions of fans. Mostly pop-punk rock and stuff like Motion City Soundtrack, Taking Back Sunday, Senses Fail. Those types of bands. It always struck me as funny when in high school people would be excited about finding out about them and I'd known about them for years. I watch a lot of TV shows that most people don't, but that is because I read avclub and blogs like that occasionally to find out what is actually good on TV. If I had to watch NCIS all the time I would probably kill myself. Also was one of the first kids with a Yo-yo. That was pretty cool back in elementary school.
I've been waiting to see who claims Shower Beers first on this board. Speaking of which, who was the original Bartender In The Industry?
There are quite a few things I've done/been interested in before they've become famous, but these always bothered me when they went mainstream. Urban Gardening - Growing tomatoes upside down, herb gardens, hanging gardens made out of PVC pipe with built in irrigation...please... I hate how planting vegetables has all of a sudden become some kind of mythic quest of greatness and science. People have been planting seeds and harvesting plants since god knows when. Just because you've started using fresh basil to cook on top of your pizza, it doesn't make you a farmer. Restaurant Ingredients - This affects me the most because I have to start paying top dollar for items that used to be dirt cheap. Pork bellies, skirt steak, ox tails, pomegranate, avocado, scallops, duck etc... used to be at least 30% cheaper a few years ago. It just takes one or two chefs to start using some cheap item and turning it into a great dish to drive up the prices on what used to be throw away ingredients. Film Photography - It makes my blood boil when I hear people talking about "discovering film photography". I hate how the price of film cameras/lenses has skyrocketed in the past couple of years from dumb hipsters thinking they are god's gift because they picked up a medium format camera off ebay. Having a photography business (actual business, not taking pictures of flowers in a field) I see some of the shittiest things that people bring to me wanting to emulate. It makes me sad that most of these people who recently started shooting film have never heard of some of the brilliant photographers that shot film years ago.
I knew about the show before you did. You can't have hipster cred when there is someone more hipstery around, it's a hipster policy.
I had a Diamond Rio back in the late 90s. 32MB of mp3 goodness. I think you could fit about 10 songs on it. I thought I was the shit; everyone else thought I was a nerd.
I basically invented ballet flats. This was done by literally wearing ballet slippers everywhere I went when I was a sophomore in high school. I've also been wearing leggings since the early 90s. I wear them because they are comfortable, not because I was ever trying to be cool.
Please, bitches. Way back in third grade, in the Nineteen seventy of the four, I had both the word "game" and the word "throne" on a spelling test, and thought to my 9 year old self "Someday, this shit is gonna be huge." Hipster, Out. In case you don't get what being an Alpha means, getting on the front end of a revived trend, 10 or 20 years after it was popular, doesn't qualify.
I was really into the band OAR back when they used to be good...ie. Crazy Game of Poker and Hey Girl days. I've been to about 6 of their concerts big and small, but basically stopped listening to them when they started playing stuff off their newer album set to be released in '05. They became mainstream almost and their music started sounding bland and like everything else.
I was on facebook back when you still needed a college email to register. I was the first in my class to do so, and I thought I was hot shit. But I guess I negated it by completely missing out on the myspace thing. I don't think I missed much (and I've since deleted my facebook). I started listening to The Shins around '02 or so. I think that counts. Anti-focus: I still drink Miller High Life and Red Dog.