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Caught red handed with your pants around your ankles.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Bundy Bear, Nov 13, 2012.

  1. fertuska

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I can think of two, both pretty smart people. Well, other than being dumb enough to lie.

    One was a classmate from medical school, a very nice guy. His lies were believable at first, after all, my class was full of accomplished men and women. It helped that he had a lot of interests, and could carry on a lengthy conversation about a variety of topics with good knowledge about them. He was also very confident, which helps fool people. But after a while the lies started getting more and more ridiculous, and sometimes he would make the mistake of trying to lie to people who knew more than him. The scary thing though was that when he was on clinical rotations, because the teams of supervising doctors switch every 2 weeks, none of them found him out. They came close, and had they interacted with him for more than 2 weeks they would have found out...but they did not. I do not know what happened to him, he did not graduate with my class, and although I don't like to wish bad things on people, I really hope he does not become a doctor, because so much depends on trust/truth between the providers/patients. Having worked with him, I do not think he is a bad person and I do not think he would use lying to try to manipulate people. My explanation is that he was just insecure and enjoyed being the center of attention and admiration some of his lies got him.

    The other one is a friend who would invent boyfriends, and would buy herself presents and write herself love letters, and we ate it up for a while (we were like 15 back then). But we figured it out eventually. The interesting thing is that she still keeps doing it. Her newest relationship is reportedly with a coworker (aka she has pictures of them together), who is trying to keep it secret from his exwife (aka he cannot come as her plus 1 to weddings) and is a lot older (aka not interested in hanging out with us).
  2. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    Focus: One guy in my class sounds a lot like the dude in fertuska's story. This guy lies about everything. He brags about how much he can drink, how much ass he is getting, his grades, his college tennis career, and pretty much everything else under the sun. I'm not sure if I have heard one truth come out of his mouth. Everyone I know dislikes him but feels so bad for him because he's so insecure and no one feels comfortable calling him out on his shit. He's probably an alright dude but he's a pathological liar.

    The other one I can think of is my uncle. He lies about everything. He has a great heart and would do anything for anyone but is insecure and has extremely low self-esteem. I think that what charlesjohnson said may have some truth to it, as my uncle is the son of a terrible alcoholic and probably had to lie his ass off as a kid to keep his friends from finding out what was really happening at home.

    Anyhow, my uncle lies about women he's dating, where he is, where he's working, and just about anything else, but especially women. He was working construction on a big 10 university and told me all sorts of bullshit stories about meeting smoking hot 20-24 year old women and how they just couldn't wait to fuck him. I've spent the better part of 6 years on college campuses and I've never experienced the shit that he describes. However, I don't have the heart to call him out so I just go along with his bullshit.
  3. TheDoctorsScarf

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    Should still be lurking

    May 23, 2010
    I forgot to mention my Pinocchioesque cohort always bragged that he was sponsored by a big skate brand (Shorty's, I think). I saw him skate a few times, actually.

    It was like watching a stack of bricks standing on that board, going down a spiral staircase.
  4. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I love it when people claim this. It's as if 90% of the population is walking around with a photographic memory or an "IQ around 140." I feel like every other kid in my classes at college would make these grandiose claims.
  5. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    "Really? You have an eidetic memory, huh? You walked by James, my coworker, about twenty minutes ago. What shape were his glasses?

  6. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I understand faking skills, that's one thing. Or faking a relationship over the internet (which is fake to begin with). I had no idea this faking being in the military thing was such an epidemic, though. That's horrible.

    ...but faking gifts? A photographic memory is a gift that can't be taught, like super-advanced math skills or gaydar. How do you FAKE having a photographic memory? Especially if somebody calls you out as I'm sure has happened more than once to these people.
  7. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    Workmate of mine was travelling through the States recently on a bit of a boys trip (he’s 23). Before going he had some professional business cards made up claiming he was a “Dolphin Trainer” at SeaWorld and photo shopped some facebook photos of himself with: dolphins, dolphins and kids and sexy girls and dolphins, they weren’t perfect but they were pretty fucking good, and in a dimly lit bar with a few drinks, the evidence of a rather slick business card and an Aussie accent as ammo, apparently proved DEADLY effective. Also not a bad lookin kid with no moral compass, which I’m sure helped.
  8. Volo

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 9, 2009
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    There's nothing to say.
  9. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    My best lie came during the Boulder cruiser ride. The crusier ride was where everyone got drunk and rode their bikes around town. If you were a part of it, it was a lot of fun. It could last upwards of three hours, but it was a show. Drunk people and people who aren't use to riding bikes drunk is begging for accidents and there were. The locals hated it, it was banned after a while. One time a buddy of mine and I meet these girls and they asked us where we were from. Inspiration and booze conspired for me to say Iceland, thinking there's no way they'd believe it. They did, so I ran with it. I was talking about the landscape and lifestyle and even helped them pronounce Reykjavik. At no point did they ask me to speak Icelandic. I ended up making out with one of them and never saw them again. I'd like to think they told their friends about these cool Icelandic guys they meet, and even if they didn't I still had a look of fun being Sven.