So basically you're saying we stand a chance of the Jewish ladies of the board posting in the boobie thread? Go on...
Hey, CharlesJohnson, were you posting some time ago about trying to find a ginger that was into black guys? Have a look at Top Gear season 15 episode 3, there's a couple getting married consisting of a black guy and a ginger. At least one of them exists.
Well, I just got back from my first "date" in months. I think it went alright; she agreed to see me again instead of pepper spraying me and kicking me in the junk, and she seems like a cool person in general. But it turns out that this girl is the sister of a guy in my circle of friends. (I've known the guy for years, and he never mentioned having a younger sister.) I usually avoid dating any woman in my circle of friends; I don't want any complications/burned bridges if things go South. After all, my friends are the people I go to for support when things go bad between me and a woman/ the world. Weird. Anyway, here's music:
I'm ripped. Here is this. G'night, TiB.
I was basically raised on White Russians. By that I mean my mother drank vodka constantly while I was breastfeeding.
So the Oscars are over and French people won pretty much everything important. In other words, the polar opposite of every war in the history of ever.
The bar I was at tonight had the Oscars on mute (thankfully) but the hipsters had pumped a bunch of money into the machine to play their shitty punk rock. I was not a happy pool player. That said, I would totally make out with Bret Mckenzie.
Oh when he won the award it was so difficult to hold back all the emotions that came over me. But then I remembered a little tune that I turn to in those moments where you have no place else to turn. Those times when all hope feels lost. Spoiler
So I fell asleep at 4 oclock yesterday, and just woke up. I still have another 4AM shoot, but I don't have any e-mails, any calls, any anything about it, and I'd not go if only I didn't leave all my shit at their office. Balls.