There were reports of earthquakes around Little Rock today in the news, but the locals said it was Buford and Jennie-May doing their spring cleaning...
- Sir KFC, a loyal knight of the Round Order. - That is not a fair price, she is worth her weight in gold.
I with my sword! And I with my fupa! We shall destroy the One Ring! Lord of the Fatties: Fellowship of the Gunt
The cornfields were trampled. Crop circles all over the place. Thank God the aliens were allergic to McDonalds.
I'm sure this is not what Tom Vision envisioned when he listed 'shoots nudes' in his advertisement in the daily paper.
"This is how I slice my butter. . . and since I can't find my penis I use this to pleasure her as well."
This summer Kathleen Turner and Michael Douglas are back in Romancing the Stone or Jewel or Whatever.