"That's the problem with people like you, George. You want results, but you never want to get your hands dirty."
Dude, the bathroom is all the way downstairs... fuck that. Plus, this is going to be absolutely hilarious in about 3 hours when one of you retards forget that the bottle of MGD is really my piss.
What do bullets, feelings, and indecent exposure charges have in common? None of them can stick to Jack Bauer.
After growing weary of cleaning piss off the floor of their bathrooms, McFinnigan's Pub installed the "Potty booths" with great success. Edit: With no time to spare, Jack Bauer takes a Jack Bauer Power Dump, finishes his beer, then resumes kicking terrorist ass.
"You see tha boy? I got that from FUCKING TERRERISM IN THE ASS!!!!!" "Pucker up ya damn, hipster communist!"
Christ Kieffer if that's what you meant when you asked if we wanted to see "your Lost Boy" I would have said no.