Couples rejoiced Thursday as gay marriage was legalized on the pathetic planet of Teegeeack. Our Glorious Leader Xenu was the first to feel Cupid's sweet sting.
"Gee, what do you want to do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night —try to take over the world!"
His belly looks like a smiley face, nips are the eyes and that's the nose. If he were the one wearing the pink banana hammock, they'd be the mouth.
His conjoined twin that he'd consumed in the uterus chose now to fight back. Eddie Murphy auditioning for his newest role as an overweight white working-class guy, alongside his co-star, Cate Blanchett, in the upcoming We Be Drivin' Trucks! Twenty minutes from this thread getting bumped until an Alien reference? You guys are slipping...
Never wanting to be without a snack Dax the blueheaded clownfucker always kept a dinner roll in his belly button hole.
Magneto?...naw. Mysterio?...pass. Somebodies holding up a hot dog cart with a box cutter?...Spidey can get that. Wait...what's this? Is he fishing without a license? Not on our watch!!! GOAT BOY, AND BLUE BALL AAAAAAAAWAYYYY!!!
If you're impressed by the cauliflower growing out of his navel, wait until Buff Albino eats the grilled cheese growing under fatty's left tit flap.