Hello, how do I get my avatar to move like this? http://www.uniballhq.com/forums/downloa ... 967180.gif
Are you currently trying to use that and it's not working, or you have a snapshot of that one and you want to swap it for the animated?? The motion one is just an animated GIF... from a web perspective no different than a regular picture and shouldn't give you any trouble if you try to embed it.
This may sound like a stupid question, but keep in mind I am kind of a luddite. How do you shrink pictures to avatar size? Every time I try to put one as an avatar the pic is too big and I have no idea how to shrink it. I use Windows XP and when I open up pictures they show up on Windows Media Player with the option to open with Microsoft Office Picture Manager. If you need anymore info just let me know. Thanks in advance.
Grab a free image manipulation tool ( I reccomend paint.net - http://www.getpaint.net/ ) and in its options it will let oyu resize images with pixel-specified precision. I'm a sellout on a mac now and can't doublecheck where the option is exactly but it should be fairly easy to find
The board says it has to be minimum 50 pixels, and the original size is only 49. So I saved it onto my computer and made it a little bigger and now it doesn't work.
Any alltel people out there know how to get ringtones to your phone without actually buying them? Apparently alltel is attempting to make it impossible. I got the lg tritan and from what I can gather from google searches there isn't a way around this problem with that phone. I've tried some of the free sites and gotten ringtones sent via text but unless I'm just too stupid, the phone won't let me open the attachment or whatever it sends.
Some apps don't play well with animated GIF's, and save them as a GIF format instead. Basically, an animated GIF is a series of GIFs in frames that are shown one after the other. A number of apps can't handle the frames, and therefor only save the graphic as the first frame. See if your app shows you the different frames of the original, and if it does, be sure to export the image as an animated gif rather than just a plain GIF.
This isn't a great workaround, but when I had a phone that was unable to download ringtones through the web (via a ringtone service such as myxertones.com), the easiest solution was to have someone I know that was able to download them grab them for me and send them to me as an attachment to a picture message. Then you can save the 'object' and make it your ringtone. I'm sure there is an easier way though.
Is anyone experienced in the care of Oscar fish? It seems as though the scales on its head are deteriorating, and leaving crater like marks. Should I be worried or is that normal?
Your fish has a disease called Head and Later Line Erosion (HLLE). It's also called hole in the head disease. This condition is most common in large South American Cichlids such as Oscars and Discus. The condition can be fatal, but it can be cured without being prohibitively expensive. The most common causes of HLLE are poor water quality and a lack of vegetable matter in his diet. Keep in mind that Oscars are very large fish and need a lot of water to thrive. I would not suggest a tank smaller than a 55 gallons for one fish. Truthfully, a 75, 120, or 180 are all better tanks for these fish, but I digress. Curing HLLE can be easiest by increasing your routine water changes, the aquarium's temperature, add aquarium salt, and a change in diet. Water changes- Change 30-50% of the aquarium's water every week. There is a secondary infection associated with HLLE called Hexamita. This is a parasite. Removing water will help manually reduce the number of parasites in the tank. This will also help remove accumulated impurities in the water. Some people do not suggest vigorously vacuuming the gravel in fear of negatively affecting the tank's beneficial bacteria. Personally, I have never had that problem. If you're concerned, only vacuum half of the gravel each week. Temperature- gradually increase the tank's temperature to somewhere between 80 and 85 degrees. You can go higher without negative affects, but your evaporation will begin to skyrocket. I would stay closer to 85. You may need to buy an additional heater to pull this off. Lots of online aquarium houses have good deals on submersible heaters. Whatever you buy, buy an additional guards as Oscars love to beat up things that can electrocute them. Salt- You'll have to research this one on your own a little bit, because I cannot remember correct ratios off the top of my head. I will suggest starting with at least 1 tsp./gallon and increasing the salt content from there. Again, I would suggest doing some independant research. I have cured HLLE in the past, and I used salt, but I can't recall how much salt I used. Diet- Diet is the leading cause of HLLE, in my opinion. Buy a premium staple pellet food and start feeding it immediately. You will also need to buy a good pellet rich in Spirulina algae. Watch the labels of both foods and buy the foods with the most organic content. Many years ago, I fed my Oscars the Hikari line and it worked well. If you have your fish on a diet of feeders, stop. If he won't eat pellets immediately, don't sweat it. He'll learn. If he won't eat all of the pellets, remove them from the tank after 20 minutes or so. No sense in adding to poor water quality. Finally, there are some medications that claim to cure HLLE. Some of them work, some of them don't. If you choose to medicate, I would do it only after you've done the above. Also, if you medicate, remove all carbon from your filters. Carbon removes medication. If you do cure your fish, the craters in his head will get shallower, but they will remain there for the rest of his life. It's not really a big deal and doesn't exactly affect the fish, but they'll be there. My Oscars lived nearly 10 years after they were cured of HLLE. I hope this helps, PM me if you have more questions.
How can I subscribe to threads but NOT get email notifications? i.e. like with RMMB, how can I make it so that I can just log onto my User CP and look at which threads have new posts instead of getting an email for every post on every thread. RCGT gave me some advice when I first mentioned it, but either I'm missing something or it's not there. I also tried the FAQ and couldn't find an answer. Is that just not possible with this board right now? If it is possible, I guess you're going to have to hold my hand and tell me pretty explicitly what I have to do. Sorry.
This is in the works. The software that was the old board (vBulletin) is very different than the open source software that is being used on this site (phpBB). The base software can be modified using things called "mods", and depending on the complexity of the mod, can be a quick 2 second install, or can take an hour of fucking around changing code and modifying databases, and can easily break things. That being said, we're in the process of setting up a test site, and are working on identifying the major differences between what is missing from the old board that we should try and implement here. Odds are this weekend is going to be a hack-fest, but until then, you're probably not going to see too many changes.
I have a sore throat / cold. I've been drinking tea, juice, water, and I even took some tylenol cold. All of these things help you feel better, but don't make you better. Does anybody know how to make the duration of my cold shorter?
I don't know about helping the duration of your cold, but a shot of whiskey with some honey in it will definitely help your throat. Plus, if it doesn't work the first time, you can always keep trying until it works, or until you just don't care that your throat hurts anymore. If you want to take a different route, TheraFlu is always what works best for me. I drink it before I go to sleep and I'll be out until morning. Does wonders for a sore throat and congestion.
I want to use my cellphone as an internet modem. From what I've read already, I understand my computer needs bluetooth hardware. Is there anyway around this?
A run of the mill cold will normally have run it's course in 7-10 days. If you're having trouble with the symptoms here's some tips: Salt water gargle, made with regular table salt (NOT rock salt...that's a whole other story) will help to relieve a sore throat. Lemon and honey drink. Fresh lemon juice and honey mixed in boiling water. Sip it slowly, It helps break up any congestion you have. Don't be a tight ass, buy good tissues. I hate cheap tissues. Some people believe that raising your body core temperature i.e. 'sweating it out' helps kill the germs. That is bullshit. Don't do that. You'll just end up dehydrated and feeling like ass. Drink plenty of fluids. Colds are naturally dehydrating. Avoid alcohol and caffeine based drinks.
I do it through USB cable. I have a palm pre, and modded it so it can be a wireless hub. It will connect to the computer through blue tooth, wifi or USB chord. It is the coolest thing I have ever seen a phone do. Now if only there were 82,000 tip calculators I could download from the app store.
I'd try zinc lozenges. The lozenge will help with the sore throat, and there's some study that says if you suck on one every 2-3 hours, it may cut the length of your cold in half. If your throat gets really scratchy, try a warm salt water gargle daily. Use a tsp of salt to every pint of water. I'd also avoid dairy products right now, because lactose can aggravate inflammation.