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But she's legal!

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by trojanstf, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. trojanstf

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    Sep 7, 2010
    A few days ago at dinner a friend of mine started talking to his sister about a girl she goes to high school with that he's been trying to take out on a date. Normally this wouldn't be anything to write home about, except he's about to graduate college (and is 23) and the girl is still in high school. We all gave him shit for it, his answer "She's 18". I still think it would be too weird, and started asking if he had his prom tuxedo picked out yet.

    Focus: If you had to give an age today, what's the youngest you would date? Is it based on age, or something else (college, graduated college etc..)

    Alt. Focus: What's the biggest age range you've ever had with a guy/girl before?
  2. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    I'm 27. As far as lowest I'd date, probably 24, maybe 23. As far as just hook up with one night or two, 18 obviously.

    In the past, I'm almost always dated women who were older than me by a year or two. Those are just the women I attract I guess. Not until recently had I dated someone younger than me, and my current girlfriend is a year and a half my younger.

    I do think that it's not really an age, but a different stage in life type of thing. I think there is a different stage from "just out of college into the working world" and "okay, I know this show, I've been working for a couple of years now". You look for different things in life, you want to spend your free time differently, and generally vary in maturity levels.

    God this fucking creeps me out (51 vs. 16)

  3. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    My rules:

    -No one in high school, under any circumstances
    -18-40ish for sexual liaisons
    -20-28 for relationship, with the closer they are to my age the better.
  4. hooker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    If she's old enough to crawl, she's in the right position. Right?

    My husband is five years older than me and I've dated men with as much as a twelve year age gap between us before. I never really liked younger men.
  5. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I've had a girlfriend six years older than me, my wife is four years younger than me. I've never dated anyone more than five years younger than me.
  6. ex Animo

    ex Animo
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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    San Jose, CA
    My friends asked me this question a couple of weeks ago;

    "If she was 18, but still in high school, would you fuck her?"

    I don't know how to answer this. I still don't.

    As for my dating preferences, if she's at least 21, that's good enough for me. I've dated nothing but 19 year olds (don't know why they are attracted to me at this age), and all have been just too immature. After the last girl I dated, which ended in April, I'm only dating 21 and up. I'm 22, going on 23, but I look like I'm 16, so I don't think any older women will even try to look my way. So be it.
  7. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I'm just going to reverse the focus for a female perspective. I'm 22, and I have a pretty low age for "oldest I would date." 28 is the highest I would consider, but more realistically I tend to be more comfortable with 26 year olds being the highest. (I'm not sure why, but I've always most been drawn to guys four years older than me.) If the stereotype for girls wanting to date guys much older than them is because of daddy issues, I'm going to guess the opposite is true for me. I was raised by a single dad and we're very close. If the guy I was dating ever reminded me of him, or there was even a whiff of a paternal nature to our relationship, it would be a major boner-killer for me. Also, even though I know all the social rules and expectations for hitting 30 are a bit outdated, I still would imagine that our worlds and wants/needs would be too different to be compatible.

    That being said, I wouldn't want to date a guy younger than me, for all the usual reasons. (Although, fun fact: my last boyfriend was a year and a half younger than me. It didn't matter as much for a number of reasons that I won't go into, but I'm not jumping at the bit to try it again.) I don't usually find guys even my age all that appealing. They make great friends and hookups, but tend not to be what I consider relationship-worthy.
  8. rbz90

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    Experienced Idiot

    Nov 8, 2009
    I'm 21, I'll fuck a 17 year old if she's exceptionally good looking but there's no fucking way i'd date one ever. My girlfriends have for the most part been my age except for the last one who was 24. I kind of liked having an older girlfriend but I don't think she liked me being younger and I'm 90% sure that's because her friends gave her shit for it. I don't think i'd date someone much older then that right now though. If a 30+ year old wants to date me then there's probably something seriously wrong with her. I say that because I'm a typical 21 year old. I'm fairly smart but i'm not mature I do typical 21 year old guy shit. I like to go out drinking, I still think there might be a chance I'll be a stand up comedian or actor and getting stoned and watching looney tunes is a legitimate way to kill an afternoon in my eyes. Now, to some of you older TiB gals. Does that sound like someone you would have a relationship with? Not if you are well adjusted.

    I have a friend who is my age and is dating a 17 year old. He sucks with women so at first we didn't blame him since we figured he is just having some sex with a hot high school girl, and here in Canada it's perfectly legal. Then several weeks passed and we finally met her. Several issues became instantly apparent. She was not ugly but really nothing that special to justify him even paying attention to her as opposed to a girl his age. She acted like....well like a 17 year old girl. Oh, and here's the big one. She lives with her ex boyfriend and his parents. The guy is 22. Since my friends and I are assholes as soon as we got a couple of drinks in us we started making jokes to which she responded by sulking, and telling our friend he can't hang out with us anymore. He's a pussy so he pretty much listened and only comes out in secret. Some of my other friends feel bad for him and play along. I think he's a pussy for letting a 17 year old snot nosed brat tell him who to hang out with, her vagina isn't that special i don't care how unruined by time it is.
  9. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    I'm 23 and the youngest I would date is 21. I just don't care to date anyone who can't legally drink.

    I once dated a girl who was 5 years older than me. I didn't mind the age gap at all until she starting acting like a teenage girl. She was basically a 16 year old trapped in a smoking hot 27 year old body.
  10. shimmered

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 12, 2010
    XH1 was 6 years older than me.
    XH2 was 15 years older than me.
    The Guy is 3 years younger.
    Other Guy is 7 years younger.

    That's about the extent I'm willing to go with that...any older or younger and it's just weird. I'll probably NEVER go more than a year or two older than me, ever again. Ever.
  11. TX.

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    The Mad Pooper

    Oct 21, 2009
    With Waylon, Willie and the boys
    Focus: If you had to give an age today, what's the youngest you would date? Is it based on age, or something else (college, graduated college etc..)

    Alt. Focus: What's the biggest age range you've ever had with a guy/girl before?[/quote]

    The youngest I would date: 30. Baby faces are huge turn-offs to me. I don't want to date someone who looks like a 14 year old. I want someone who looks like an adult. Plus, I think immaturity runs much more rampantly among guys 18-28 years old. The older men I've dated have their shit together and treat me better.

    Biggest age range: 13 years. He was older. That didn't end well because he wanted to get married after about 2 months and I felt like we were just starting to know each other. Lame.
  12. GTE

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009

    Focus: Youngest I'd probably guy is 25-ish (Me being 34)

    Alt Focus: Oldest I've dated was 10 years older 32/42. Her age didn't bother me a bit but in a superficial way I'm kind of glad it didn't work out. She's at the age where the years are going to start taking their toll and gravity was going to kick in at some point. But it was fun while it lasted.
  13. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    So what if the age of consent is the country is 16 and there really aren't any drinking age laws so to speak?
  14. captainjackass

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 30, 2009
    I'm only 23, but the thing about fucking an 18 year old, or a high school student, is... sure, you couldn't do it with your friend knowing, or publicly, because it might be frowned upon socially.

    But would any guy here not fuck a stunning 18 year old? It's practically wired in our biology. If no one would ever find out, I think most guys would. Now a relationship? Well, probably not. There's a lot of maturing that goes on in high school and college and an 18 year old might make for some boring conversation.

    Now for an upper limit? Hey, I really don't care if a woman is older than me, or if she's much older than me. The only important consideration with age is how well she's kept up her looks, ie is she still physically attractive.

    I think Jennifer Tilly is 53.


    Would I fuck her? Yes. Would I have a relationship with her? Sure. She's fucking rich. And has nice funbags.
  15. rei

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Guelph, ON
    The rule is half your age plus seven come on.

    When I was twenty I hooked up with a 15 year old who convinced me she was in fact 17.
  16. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    Ian McShane is 69, so I would date up to age 69.

    Age has never meant much to me. Older, younger, as long as you don't suck, I've no opinion about it. That said, I've always been attracted to much older people, but given that I have looked 17 for the past six years, I haven't had a whole lot of luck getting them to date me.
  17. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009

    Oldest I've ever gone was five years older than me (not a real relationship, more of a friends with benefits situation). She used to get really angry when I called her a cougar. Youngest was a freshman in college when I was a senior. Which isn't too much younger....but I was also her TA.

    I think for long term dating, anyone beyond their twenties is going to have severely different life goals than I would. I'd like to some day have children, for example....but not now. I'm also not looking to settle into a permanent residence in the near term. These are likely to be substantially more near-term goals for someone 30+.

    Guys are somewhat lucky in that 1) we don't have a biological age limit on parenthood, and 2) we on average tend to age better. Sure, there's Diane Lane and Salma Hayek, but they are WAY outside of the norm for their age.

    As LTMS said below....say she's a hot 40 year old. Fast forward 20 years. I'm a shade over 40....and she's close to qualifying for AARP. This seems less than ideal unless you have a wrinkle fetish.
  18. LessTalk MoreStab

    LessTalk MoreStab
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 29, 2009
    One of Lesstalketts friends is marrying a dude who is 54 in a couple of months. She’s 31. To me this is fucked up, the dude doesn’t even have money and is still renting. (If he had millions I would at least understand) and the friend "seems" smart is reasonably pretty and is far from being a land beast.

    Lesstalkette refuses to try and talk her out of it despite my leaning on her to. She is scared it will ruin the friendship.

    The worst part is not the age difference now, but in 15 years. If you look after yourself when you’re 45 you’re still awesome. This birds dude will be fucking 70 by then. Good luck going on fun holidays luv.

    For me I would have trouble dating an older woman. Lesstalkette is 3 years younger, this seems to be a nice age fit for me. As far as judging others anything more than 10 years is starting to get a bit silly for long term relationships. As for shagging, if she is in a licenced establishment, she's fair game.
  19. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    I dated a 20 year old when I was 22. That's about it. My rule in general is that the person I'm with has to have been born in the 80s. I was born in 1986, so anyone born in 1990 was a freshman in high school when I was a senior. When I was a senior, I always felt like the freshmen were babies, and this feeling has stuck with me.

    I have no real reason for 1979, it just seems like a good stopping point for mutual interests. I'm sure there is no difference between 1970 and 1980, it's just arbitrary.
  20. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    Extremes - When I was 17 I fucked a chick in her early 50's. I don't expect to top that age difference any time before my mid 50's (I'll have to be a dirty old man at least once, but at least 21 I hope). One of the girls I play with is 9.5 years younger than me and relatively speaking the youngest person I've ever fucked. That's enough to creep me the fuck out. Earlier this year, I got as far as foreplay with a 17 year old before I found out that she was 17, freaked the fuck out, kicked her out of the party, and spent about a week feeling unclean. Had she not told me how young she was - I would have assumed 22/23 - all the body language/looks/personality of an adult. Creepy as fuck though. i don't care if it's legal, I can't do it.

    In general, I've always been into older women. Until I was about 26, I'd never even kissed someone younger than me. My wife was 8 years older than me. I hooked up with a 19 year old guy for a while and that creeped me out with the 7 year age difference. But I guess in the last 2 or three years - the older only thing went out the window. Most of the people I've been involved with are 20 somethings. I have a couple of current fuck buddies who are in their early thirties, and one who's thirty nine. I'm rarely attracted to people over 40 - although there are a couple of exceptions around.

    It's rare that I'm interested in someone under 22 or 23. Just general maturity level thing. The exceptions tend to be pretty mature people, or people who've had enough life experience to feel like adults regardless of their age. The 20 year old I'm currently fucking has a messed up life history - more life experience than most people twice her age. The girl who went from perfect health at 21 to almost blind at 22? Not a kid any more, that shit burned the immaturity out of her and made her a fun adult. The other younger people I'm into are all kind of the same, a kid who's done 2 tours in Afghanistan and 1 in Iraq as a field medic? He might not shave regularly yet - but he's adult enough to be interesting. Gay boy who toured the country at 15 running anti homophobia education sessions after being beaten into a coma by his dad, and has lived alone since? I don't give a fuck that he's 19 - he can have a conversation like an adult.

    On the other hand I know a 27 year old with a doctorate in some fluffy bullshit, who's never existed outside of schools and universities. I feel like a fucking predator hitting on her, and her immaturity makes doing anything impossible. No matter when she was born, she's a fucking kid. I just can't fuck her.