Touched on in the WDT: Well, we've had a thread centered around race, another torture so let's see how we handle hacking and The Interview. Sounds fun doesn't it? FOCUS: Your thoughts on the movie, Sony pulling the plug for Christmas Day release, the hacking that caused it or anything else surrounding the clusterfuck it's turned into.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? Like I said, I think it was a bitch move. Sony just humiliated America entirely and opened up the door to threats from any faction with a distaste for the USA. And unlike NK, some of these factions have things like technology and brains and CAN pose a threat. This is a colossal fuck-up. Sony should have stuck with making overpriced stereo equipment because they seem to suck at just about everything else. The whole thing is a big fucking joke. This is people pissing-their-pants-offended over a fucking MOVIE. I can't think of anything more stupid.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? I'm not surprised the NORKS got pissed off. Kim Jung-Un is considered a diety over there and they take that seriously. The reverence is hard to understand over here, but over there its a genuine thing. Its not difficult to see why they got angry when Hollywood brats killed their revered leader in a movie. The level is seriousness is up there with terrorists and the image of Mohammed. Remember when SouthPark had a similar issue? Except the terrorists are usually illiterate so they stuck to threats of violence. I also understand the Japanese apprehension to pissing off the NORKS so badly. North Korea isn't that far away and in the past actually kidnapped Japanese citizens from Japan and brought them back to Best Korea. To them, North Korea isn't some punchline. I'll assume the threats of violence on moviegoers is a bluff, but as we've seen, if someone wants to, its not hard to commit an atrocity in a movie theater.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? Like Crown said, if it works for one group who finds something offensive there will be a lot of copy cats so lets get this party started. What is better is the media is all over this so they will continue fear mongering and force fat American kids to stay home and drink mountain dew and play video games instead of going to the theater and sit on their ass while drinking mountain dew any time any group makes a veiled threat. 9-11 style attacks on theaters? Really
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? I can agree with the business reasons that Sony pulled the movie... they are in the technical cross hairs of a serious hacker group that has already shut down their national offices, and they're scrambling to get their shit in order. It will take a fairly long time to do, and they don't want to further piss off the group. People saying it's a viral marketing campaign (intentional one, at least) couldn't be more wrong. You do not get the various US 3-letter agencies involved in a marketing scheme, or bad shit happens. I think people are just misinterpreting the movie being pulled from theatres as some US vs Best Korea pissing contest, when it's really Sony vs Best Korea's Hired Hackers, and the hackers have already KO'd Sony once. Sony has every reason to be very afraid of that hacker group, never mind whatever information they have that they haven't released yet. Sony might just be buying time while things are being investigated, and don't want to do anything to force the hand of the hackers, causing them to release whatever information they have. It's the US-based movie theatre chains that pulled the showings that I'm scratching my head over. I think it is a bit cowardly and plays into the perpetual fear that seems to have permeated US culture. If anything, I think they should have kept the screenings in place and then warned people about the bullshit, and let them make their own decisions.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? Remember two years ago when that guy killed all those people at the Batman movie? They have a movie theater massacre in recent memory. The threat is enough to close up shop so that doesn't happen again.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? That was the act of a single lunatic though, without threat or warning. He could have easily have shot up a softball game and he'd still be a random lunatic. Back in the late 80's, The Last Temptation Of Christ had theatres firebombed that played it and Scorsese and the studios STILL said "fuck you" to the ones who demanded the film banned. THAT is the kind of attitude Sony should have taken.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? And that is exactly the problem. You have a better chance of being hit by lightning than that happening. But OH MY GOD LET'S OVERREACT TO EVERY BIT OF HYSTERIA.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? You don't think North Korea has a spare million or so and a shotgun to throw at someone's family a la Palestinian organizations?
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? Sure... let's all live in fear of a bunch of "what-if" scenarios that will probably never affect you, never mind never happen. More people will die in car accidents on the way to the theatres than will ever die in any hypothetical terror attack against a theatre.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? The pussy-fest continues: Paramount has just forbid theatres to show Team America as a substitute. Jesus fuck. Where are your tinfoil hats?
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? That's why I love Alamo Drafthouse:
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? Umm..... not like it was their fault.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? America needs to be a dick right now, and they've banned the only movie that explains why. If something isn't done, we might all soon be covered in shit.
Re:'s a Seth Rogan movie. Really? So they got access to an admin's login. Well, that's fantastic. Hey Sony, tell your next IT head not to use "12345678" as their password.