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Broken, Burned, Sprained and Smashed.....................

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Mike Ness, Feb 26, 2010.

  1. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Throughout my thirty four years I have had TONS on injury's. I was an athlete, a reckless teenager and a little clumsy. I have broken my arm, both ankles, my foot and a couple fingers. I have had bruised ribs, got a second degree burn on my calf from a motorcycle, cut my hand with a chain saw, had bursitis in my elbow and gotten socked in the face with a pair of brass knuckles resulting in a busted cheek and orbital.

    None of these fore-mentioned items compared to what happened to me on Monday. I have had a sinus infection for about ten days, I had been on antibiotics so i was getting better. During this time I had noticed some pain in my upper teeth, I thought it was pressure from my sinus or perhaps I needed a good flossing. I have only had three cavities in my entire life so I'm not very familiar with tooth pain, or warning signs. What followed was the worst most agonizing pain I have ever had in my entire life. From Monday at around 4:30 for the entire night I rolled around in horrendous dreadful pain. I finally got relief by taking my sixth Tylenol 3 (tylenol with codine) I was then able to get four hours of sleep only to wake up to the painful throb at around 7:30 Tuesday a.m. Thankfully my dentist was able to see me at 9:30 a.m. to perform an emergency double root canal. I had nine shot's of Novocaine and was still uncomfortable. My dentist told me I had a "hot tooth" and it would feel better soon. I kept thinking about soldiers getting there legs amputated and here I was acting like a total sissy on a root canal, however the pain was unbearable.

    FOCUS What is the worst injury you have ever sustained or the worst pain you have ever been in?
  2. Bourbondownthehouse

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    Nov 16, 2009
    I once snapped my leg in half right above the ankle. I still have a steel plate and 4 screws, along with some wicked scars. But as much as that particular incident hurt, it was nothing on what happened when I was about 8. I went to the doctor and it turns out I was pissing a lot of blood. They needed to take images of my bladder or something. Anyone know how they went about this? BY STICKING A TUBE UP MY DICK.
    Sure some of you may be thinking "Thats no different than a catheter and thats shit happens all the time" WRONG. I was 8, and they fucked up and used the ADULT SIZED tube. After several attempts to shove this thing in my cock, they realized the mistake and used a "smaller" tube to stick IN MY DICK HOLE WHILE I WAS AWAKE. It was literally the worst thing ever to happen to me.
  3. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    I dropped my bike going about 40 mph with little protection (stupid, I know). I had about a yard of skin melted off, mostly off my back, arms and shoulders. I went back to my house, stripped down to boxers, and dispatched one friend to get dressings and another to rinse out the wounds. He convinced a couple of nursing majors to come over and dress the worst of it. We gingerly cleaned the asphalt out of most of it with a garden hose. I then grabbed the railing on my porch and told them to hit me with the antibacterial spray. I cannot for the life of me tell you what this stuff was called, but I have never felt such pain. It felt like my open skin was set on fire and my muscles froze as if I was hit with an electric shock. I thought I saw Jesus for a minute. No other injury has ever compared to that feeling of napalm being sprayed on an open wound.

    I spent the next three weeks in utter misery every time I sweat, had to shower, changed clothes or attempted to raise my arms horizontally. I also ruined nearly every shirt I put on. Lesson here kids: use your leathers, no matter how hot it is.
  4. Viking33

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    Oct 19, 2009
    My Junior year of football, playing middle linebacker. We were pushed back to our own goal line right before the half and were doing well containing an all state fullback. On 4th and 1 I was sent on an inside blitz. The quarterback handed off to the fullback through the A gap and the noseguard and tackle submarined the O-line to the ground, leaving the fullback with no choice but to jump over the pile. I met him in mid air and we went helmet to helmet. I was 5'10", 200 lbs, he was 5'9, 215 and my dad said later on that he could hear the crunch from about 15 rows up in the stands. His helmet caught mine at a weird angle between my ear and neck and even though I collapsed him back onto his own line, my neck exploded with the worst pain I have ever felt in my life. It was a white hot burn that stretched from the middle of my ear down through my left side to my waist. The burn followed by a painful tingle that left my arm feeling like it was on fire while numb at the same time. The entire left side of my neck and back cramped and spasmed and felt like a combination of a runners side stitch and a dehydration x10.

    Now, I've dealt with stingers and burners before but this was a whole different level of pain. The white hot burn lasted a good three hours and NOTHING helped. The trainer "unofficially" gave me 3 codeine to try to help but my neck and back still felt like someone was twisting a knife through my ribs and shoulder blades. I was sent to the ER and a neuro specialist took a look and decided I had shredded the brachial plexus nerve bundle underneath my shoulder blades. He said he had never seen that bundle torn up so badly in his professional career and actually had another orthopedic surgeon, several interns and residents take a look at the CT scans and the X rays to make sure he didn't miss a hidden spinal cord injury. When none was found he gave me some medication for the inflammation around the nerve bundles and basically said "good luck, nothing we can do. We'll see you in a couple weeks".

    Luckily, I made a full recovery after giving the nerves time to calm down and heal. The neuro specialist said the recovery was almost as remarkable as the injury itself as people with nerve damage half as extensive as mine still struggle with sporadic pain while to this day it takes a hard hit in rugby to bring back a reminiscent tingle.

    But still fucking horrible. I have an extremely high pain tolerance (I currently play rugby and train in muay thai and bjj so pain is as much a part of my life as food) but that's the closest I've been brought to crying due to pain after about age 10.
  5. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Broken eight bones, including my back while running, had brain surgery, all that. Fun stuff. Insanely painful. Doesn't compare to:

    1) When I decided to jack off after brain surgery and a penile catheter removal.

    2) 20-guage, side-by-side, trigger for each barrel with a real light pull. My motion USED to be: while raising gun from side to shoulder, thumb off safety and put the fingers on triggers once against my shoulder. Now, I raise it against my shoulder, then thumb off the safety, then pull the triggers using only one finger at a time.

    I learned my lesson when I was skeet shooting, thumbed off the safety, and for whatever reason BOTH of my fingers hit BOTH triggers simultaneously, recoiling the shotgun with tremendous speed and force directly into my crotch.

    I dropped like a bag of rocks. My step-father thought I was shot and ran over to me screaming. Worst pain ever. But, I learned my lesson.

    (I may or may not be sterile after the above incident, I'm not sure. Joke's on my fiance if I am.)
  6. JohnQ

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I've had a broken arm, and taken all the skin off my knees from a motorcycle wreck and got to watch the doctor clipping shredded pieces of skin off the edges of the wound before he inflated my joint with saline to ensure it wasn't punctured.

    The most painful injury, however, was having my big toe crushed. The emergency brake on a car failed and it rolled down a hill into a boat trailer I had my foot on. At the emergency room, the toenail was so loose it just pulled right off. Still, no big deal at this point. Underneath the nail, the nail bed was gashed and needed stitches. After having them numb the toe about 3 separate times, I finally let them stitch it. While I have no idea why, having that sensitive skin under the nail stitched on was still easily the most painful injury.

    The funny part is that when the nail grew back it didn't attach to the scar underneath very well. So, a few months later I was at my mothers house recovering from having wisdom teeth removed and high as hell on painkillers when a UPS guy stopped by to drop off her new computer. The poor guy slid it across the floor and over my foot which ripped the nail loose again to the point that it was sticking straight up off my foot. He was obviously horrified, but I was so out of it that I just looked at down and said, "Eh, don't worry about it. Where do I sign?" I then promptly got some pliers to pull it the rest of the way off. I hardly felt a thing the whole time.
  7. c_norris

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 31, 2009
    drifting by, totally
    My broken arm was achieved at the tender age of five.

    My cousin and I were at her house playing tag upstairs. I was it, and raced into her parents' bedroom after her. She ran by their stereo system, and my arm happened to be flailing out as I sprinted past a floor speaker. CRACK. Cue me screaming like I walked in on a murder in progress. No bones saw the light of the evening, but I did spend quite a while in the hospital. The left humerus is the only bone I've ever broken.
  8. Roxanne

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Dec 8, 2009
    I thought getting my chin stitched up without any anesthetic when I was 8 was bad.

    Then I thought getting my collarbone snapped in half was the worst. They couldn't set the bone, so if I got bumped or moved the wrong way, the bones would grate together causing absurd amounts of pain.

    But the absolute worst was when I had a kidney infection. I have a high pain tolerance and so the sporadic bouts of stabbing pelvic/abdomen pain I attributed to eating something bad. This went on for three months, until the pain wasn't just intermittent anymore, it was pretty much all the time.

    It felt like a baby badger was constantly trying to claw it's way out of my insides and had gotten lost on the way, so he kept backtracking into my kidneys, which were being squeezed by an icy black hand of death. The pain was constant, but then there would be attacks of even higher pain, where I would double up and burst into tears because it was just so horrible.

    Internal pain > external pain every time.
  9. Evildreams

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    The earth's navel
    When I was in school someone threw a chair, the guy didn't have a good aim, so the chair hits me, in the head. Luckily I saw the chair coming, I dive to the floor and the chair hits the wall behind me. For a few seconds, I didn't realize that I was hit in the head with a chair, so I just stare for a few seconds, amazed at how lucky I am, until a friends points to my head and says that there's blood. I put my hand on my head, I look at my hand, and my hand is covered in blood and hair. Twenty seconds later my shirt was dripping in blood. Luckily because I tried to avoid the flying chair, I only needed three stitches on the upper right side of my head. There wasn't much pain and it wasn't a serious injury, but I've never seen a person lose so much blood.
  10. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    I told this story on the old board if I remember correctly, but here goes. When I was younger, I broke my femur. Was it playing rugby you ask? Nope. Was it because someone took a shotgun to my upper thigh in an epic dispute over booty we had pillaged you ask? Nope. Was it at least in a car accident you ask? Nope. I broke my femur because a fat kid fell on me. Yes, what is potentially the most badass injury possible, I had happen to me because a fat kid fell on me.

    Allow me to elaborate. I was only about 7 at the time, and I was a very thin youngling. My friends and I were playing tag after school waiting for our parents to pick us up. I tagged a friend of mine who can be described euphemistically as heavy set. I ran away, but there was a fissure in the ground that we were playing on and I tripped on it and fell on my stomach. He, in his relentless heaving pursuit, tripped on the same crack and landed on my leg, snapping my femur. It gets better.

    While waiting for my mother to arrive, the genius teachers who were watching over the playground activities, thought it wise to pick me up and carry me to the principal's office and lay me down on the table. This only caused further injury, and caused the bone to nearly break skin.

    In any case, I was brought to the hospital where I had to spend quite some time because the bottom half of the bone had ended up overlapping the top part so first they had to attach weights to my lef and pull it down into the correct position so it could heal. Then I got a cast which completely encased one leg, went up to just above my belly button and halfway down the other leg. I was incapicitated for weeks, unable to bend over, sit up, or walk. It was miserable.

    Fucking fatass.
  11. Axel NL

    Axel NL
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    Village Idiot

    Nov 26, 2009
    I have a very similar story, when i was in elementary school some kids had these marbles that were about the size of your palm. They decided it was a good idea to use these for a long-range game so this kid pretty much throws this glass sphere full force across the playground. I get hit in the head, did not realize at first till blood started dripping down my face. That was scary, but in hind sight not very painful.

    The most pain i've ever had is when i got a lung inflammation (i don't know if there's a proper english term for this) for the third time, i wasn't feeling well in the evening so i decide to take some ibuprofen and go to bed. When i wake up in the morning i am in total agony, i didn't know what the fuck was going on, later turned out i had picked up another lung inflammation. I spent 4 days rolled up in the fetal position in my bed. That was terrible.
  12. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    When I was 5, I had the top 2-3 layers of skin ripped off of my tongue.

    How the hell does that happen, might you ask? Well, you go and lick a metal door when it's -30 out.

    Why? I have no idea. I was 5. I'm sure it seemed like a good idea at the time. But trying to cry and shout for help with your tongue stuck/frozen to a metal door is harder than you think. Especially when the help is coming from the other side of the door, and opening that door in haste/fear due to the screaming is what caused me to go flying and have my tongue ripped clear.

    In the mid-90's, I was playing rugby and had my right knee dislocated by 5-7", ripping 3/4 of the ligaments in that knee, and severing the main nerve completely in half.

    Spent 2 weeks in the hospital undergoing reconstructive surgery, and then spent another 2 years walking like a gimp until the nerve (luckily) grew back down my leg and into my foot.

    4 surgeries and a 120 staple scar down my knee later, and I barely notice it any more.

    Except for the occasional time when that nerve shorts out and my leg goes limp. Hardly ever happens, except when I'm on a ladder climbing onto a roof or something.
  13. LadyLecter

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Stamford, CT
    I've broken my foot twice, but I'd take that again any day over kidney stones. As mentioned in another thread, I've had 4. They gave me the most intense unbearable pain that I have ever had in my life. The first one almost killed me by getting stuck, and the recovery for that had me curled up in bed for a week doped up on pain meds to get me through it.

    It was pointed out to me in the last thread that my body hates me and that I should disown it. I can say that I definitely agree when I have had them, but I haven't had one in 5 years *knocks on every piece of wood nearby* so right now I don't want to say anything to make it angry and betray me ...
  14. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space
    Okay, some of you may say big deal, but I have had a broken arm, a third degree burn on my calf, and a migraine so bad I literally couldn't do anything by lie in a dark room and moan until I woke up the next day with my head still throbbing. All three of those were NOTHING compared to the several GALLBLADDER ATTACKS I had several years ago. The pain is indescribable. It was so bad, there is literally nothing to compare it to for you to get a sense of how painful it was. I have been told the only thing more painful is passing a kidney stone. If that's the case, I might rather die than have a kidney stone.

    EDIT: See above post. I told you kidney stones were worse.
  15. Maltob14

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    Space Cadet

    Jan 19, 2010
    Halifax, NS
    I've injured my self pretty seriously a number of times but there are two that clearly stand out pain wise. The second most painful thing that I've had to deal with was a 20 day infection. Over these 20 days I was dehydrated, constantly shitting, puking, snotting. My ears and throat were infected very badly, high fever and all that good stuff. On night about 15 I woke up around 10 pm and couldn't hear anything. Then I felt blinding pain in my head as if my head were splitting open from my right ear across to the left. So as I'm screaming obscenities in a couple of languages and pushing my ear into my pillow as hard as I could, I feel my inner ear start to bulge and the pain get much worse. The pain keeps getting worse until it hits a high point when my ear drum starts to tear. At this point I'm beating my head against anything I can come across while I can both hear and feel my ear drum tearing. It was tearing ever so slowly, 5 minutes of pain for about a minute of rest. This went on for about an hour and half until it was over. I look at my pillow, it's covered in blood, puss and a tiny piece of skin which turns out to be a piece of my ear drum. When it was all over, all I could do was stare in shock, turn over and sleep on the other pillow. Then I wake up 20 minutes later to the other ear doing the exact same fucking thing for about another hour. When I went to the doctors the next day he was horrified and confused. Horrified at what had happened but confused because he expected a canyon to have opened in my ears. Turns out it was only 2-3 millimetres. At least I didn't loose any hearing.

    The most painful thing I've ever had to go through was a burn on my back and shoulders. I was on vacation in Lebanon for a few months. Basically I hadn't seen any serious sun for about two years and on day one I go diving with my friends for shellfish. Where we were diving, there is a large rock which rises out of the water about a foot and makes a pretty small but decent island. We're sitting there eating what we caught and drinking beers from about 10-2. Cut to 5 pm my back is bleeding, it and my shoulders have turned into one giant water filled blister. I had broken my door, my dresser and cracked my bed from slamming into them and beating them out of pain because I practically hulked out. It was my grandfathers house so the whole family was watching and I had cursed out every one of them making two go home crying from the obscenities/sight of me. Two doctors, our neighbour who is a nurse, morphine, a cocktail of burn cremes and a fuck ton of ice later and I was passed out. The only scars I have left are some very minor and hardly noticeable ones across my shoulders.
  16. Kratos

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    St. Paul, MN
    You guys are injury prone, Jesus.

    My worst is having my nose shattered by a golfball when I was 12. I was playing in a summer league and like usual I had outdrove my competition. Too bad I was in the fairway bunker. Anyways, I was about 10 yards right and 3 yards ahead of another player in my group. I walked up to my ball in the trap to survey the lie, turned back to watch him hit, and SMACK, everything went black. I woke up in the sandtrap with my face covered in blood and sand. The shot knocked me out cold. I got carted off and taken to the hospital where they decided not to try and set the nose back for fear of fucking it up more. My nose is a little crooked to this day.

    I also had a hernia when I was around that age too. The bad type of hernia (where the stomach lining drops down into your sack and squeezes your nut). I went for a year and a half with it (you know because you're insecure and shit at that age) and finally got it fixed when I was 14. My right nut, when it would flare/swell up was the size of a racquetball and felt like I got kicked square in the nuts 50 times straight. Never doing that again.
  17. Dcc001

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    New Bitch On Top

    Oct 19, 2009
    Sarnia, Ontario
    The Runner Up:
    Malaria. The hallmark of the disease is back pain. "Back pain" meaning "Your spine feels like it is made of glass and you curl into the fetal position." All of this happens fast. Like, in under an hour I went from fine to a shivering, feverish, glass-spined wreck. From the base of your scull to the tip of the tailbone hurts like a mad fucking bastard. I can't accurately describe the nature of the pain; it's like a deep muscle ache but it's in the bone.

    The Winner:
    Wisdom tooth removal complication. The surgery went fine, I was healing great, I had even started on solid foods after about three days (all four teeth were removed at once). About a week post-op, my jaw locked shut. No pain, I just couldn't open my mouth past a quarter of an inch. The doctor told me to apply a hot compress to both sides. That night, my right side released but the left side didn't. Instead, that night it went into a full-on muscle spasm. Imagine the worst charlie horse you can, only it's located deep in your jawbone and extends to your inner ear. It's the only time in my life I've left work for being sick, and it's the only time I've ever marched into a doctor's office, ignored the line and demanded to speak with someone right now.
  18. fleafly

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    Dec 10, 2009
    Last August I broke my scaphoid bone in my right wrist by punching a wall. It was outside of a bar called the Town Hall. I'm pretty sure it was brick under the siding. After the swelling went down and it stoped getting better I finally went to the doctor. I was in cast for a total of 7 weeks. 3 weeks in a cast that went above the elbow and 4 weeks in one that was below. I get a lot of grief for it but it was either punch the wall or punch him and the wall offered less consiquences.
  19. Elset

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 4, 2009
    near Boulder, CO
    Geez, you guys have had some shit happen huh.

    The worst I've had in terms of injuries is a sprained finger. I might have actually broken a finger, but never got it diagnosed, and I probably should have. Of course, neither of these really hurt that bad.

    I broke one of my front teeth playing hockey in my driveway in third grade (my brother tripped my other brother and his skate came up and kicked me in the face) I don't remember this hurting all that much, but it led to some pretty intense infections. In 7th grade, and again in 10th grade my whole face swelled up, and we had no idea why; we assumed it was an allergic reaction to something. My mouth hurt really bad though. Probably the worst pain that I can remember experiencing. Turns out it was the infections causing the swelling and pain, and I eventually got a root canal in 10th grade. But, because the nerves were dead already, I barely had any anaesthetic (A much different experience than Mike Ness it seems) . It was kind of cool feeling them pull the nerves out of my gums. (Not sure if that's what they actually do, but that's what it felt like.)
  20. travdiddy84

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Centerville, OH
    Tore a ligament in my ankle playing baseball. Had to physically remove a dude's cleats from said ankle because he slid into me and I didn't jump over him in time. Felt like my entire leg was on fire.