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Breaking Bad Season 4

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by dubyu tee eff, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Wow. Probably tops my best endings list for this show for sure. My head is still racked with the high pitch wail at the end.
  2. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Sweet fuck that was awesome. I mean, really. That whole last scene with Walt and Skylar, the heart beat-like drumming building up to Walt's Joker-laugh? What a fucking show. Seriously.

    So I guess this is stating the obvious, but someone's gonna die, right? Like in the last episode? And it's got to be either Walter or Gus, doesn't it? What a clusterfuck the last two episodes will have to be. Walt can't disappear, Hank knows someone is after him (he probably won't believe it's the cartel) and that inciminates Walt (re: Gus), Skylar is now not only tied to a book-cooker, but also to his death (potentially), and...fuck, I'm probably missing something about Jesse or something.

    It's weird, I know the finale is gonna be huge, so a part of me is already feeling the 'Between Breaking Bad Seasons' blues.
  3. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Oct 19, 2009
    I've too been trying to figure out how in the fuck this shit will turn out. With one season left I don't think they'll be ditching the 3 time Emmy Award winning actor by killing off his character. Gus or Hank seem like the best bets, maybe Jesse. With Gus' Big Blue like Chess abilities I have a feeling he threatened Walt's family to elicit the exact reaction we saw from Walt. Walt in permanent hiding would relieve Gus of having to kill him and thus keeping Jesse placated. Though dealing with Hank seems a little more difficult now for Gus. How this will perfectly work out for him as everything else has, is beyond my grasp. Gus has stolen the show for a good chunk of the past two seasons.
  4. toejam

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Wishful thinking: What if Skylar is the one to die? It solves nothing, but would be more satisfying than Ted axing himself with an area rug.

    I don't know how this will play out, but I think Mike will end up involved in a big way. There's no way his old, menacing, bald ass stays invalid in a warehouse in Mexico.
  5. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
  6. Harry Coolahan

    Harry Coolahan
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    Apr 22, 2010
    This is pretty much the only reasonable guess I was able to make. Everyone seems like they are in deep shit, it's hard to see how Walt/Jesse/Gus/Mike are going to deal with their respective dilemmas. But, Hank is keen and Walt was not subtle in causing that accident at all. Hank has been a small supporting character this whole season and I can definitely see him taking center stage for the season finale.

    Also: The car hit the right tail side of Walt's car. There is sure to be a lot of whiplash, etc., but how were they in the hospital for 4 days? Neither of them was hit directly and they weren't going that fast (based on how the car barely moved after getting hit).

    And also: I noticed that no one has mentioned how Walt implicated a totally innocent bystander in a life-threatening car accident to protect his own interests. That kind of theme has gotten a lot of attention in past seasons, now it seems like it is becoming par for the course.
  7. Roxanne

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    Dec 8, 2009
    Just played a five episode catch-up and all I can say is:

    Holy shit.

    Also, I would definitely watch a show about Jesse, Gus and Mike rolling around fucking up people's shit. Walt and his family are almost background to me now.
  8. Superfantastic

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    Oct 21, 2009
    Yeah, I meant Gus or Hank, not Walt, though I wouldn't put anything past this show.

    So here's my 'thought about it for a day' prediction:

    Hank finds out EVERYTHING, or rather, finds out he's right about everything, and Walt becomes in some way complicit in Hank's death. Eh? Eh?

    I don't totally get people's hate for Skylar, either. I mean, she's played The Bitch part for a while now, but really, how would you deal with your significant other acting the way Walt's been for a year.

    That's another thing I often forget: even though this is season four, in the character's world, the timeline has only been about a year. From boring chemistry teacher with the cancer to laughing maniac responsible for hundreds of people a year.

    What a fucking show.

    EDIT: Oh and also, Gus is by far my most favouritest character on any show since Cartman. Not sure what that says about me, but damn I love it.
  9. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Oct 19, 2009
    This has confused me a little since they don't have near a million in cash. Originally Walt was offered 1 million for the meth Gus originally bought (which he payed half to Jesse). Then Gus offered him 3 million for three months cooking then extended it to 15 million for a full year. I forget if all of this was supposed to be split evenly with Jesse? It would make sense if the money he quoted Skylar was over 7 million a year they'd have to wash through the car wash. But after paying Hank's hospital bill (I think it was stated at 90k?), buying the car wash at 750-800k, paying off Ted with 600k, it looked like he counted maybe a few hundred thousand left in the crawl space. So in total he might have only been working for Gus for about three months?

    I also agree that Mike should be back for some killin by the end of the season. I could see him flipping to Jesse's side of a dispute with Gus. I just wonder if they'll settle the shit between Gus and Walt this season or if they'll use all of next season to hash it out. If Hank is killed, I'd say in a likely one on one showdown with Gus, they could use next season as Walt's quest for vengeance. What would Walt's option be if he is able to kill Gus? It'd be hard to see Walt either take over Gus' position if Gus died or stop cooking entirely if he didn't. I don't think they'll have an on the lamb final season.

    edit: Wikipedia is saying that the 5th and final season will be 16 episodes instead of the usual 13. Sweet by me.
  10. E. Tuffmen

    E. Tuffmen
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Negative space
    I don't understand the Skylar hate either. I think she's sexy as hell.

    Part of the fun of this show, for me anyway, has been watching Walt go from unassuming chemistry teacher to criminal. As much as I'm enjoying watching the tables turned on Walt with Jessie being the one on top, I want to see a return of Heisenberg and watch him turn it all around again. The cartel is out of the picture and he wouldn't have to worry about them. So, if he kills Gus only Hank, and maybe Mike, is in his way. Mike has a bad wound and he's an older guy, so I could see it affecting his performance, though he could still come out on top in a Hank-Mike showdown. I can even see Walt using that as a means to enlist Skylar's help in getting Gus and Mike somehow. She's pretty smart from what I can see and the scene where she plays bimbo for the IRS guy shows that she can think on her feet, like Walt in Heisenberg mode.

    But hell the speculation is part of the fun too, and anyway they take this it's gonna be awesome. Great fucking episode.
  11. Sponge

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 22, 2009
    Hank's little "If you're in over your head don't you think I'd be the guy to talk to?" got me thinking the same way. It just felt more like a DEA agent talking drugs than a cop talking gambling related beatings. Add in the way too nervous way Walt has been acting on all the stakeouts, putting Hank off a few days every time he mentions a new tactic, and the accidentally-on-purpose car crash (not to mention the smug drunken "Gail wasn't good enough to lick Heisenberg's boots" speech that started it all off) and I'll be very disappointed in the writers if it turns out any other way than Hank at least having Walt down as a suspect by this point. Loving this season so far. The slow build in intensity has been excruciating but you could feel it coming in the background even during the slower episodes. And with two episodes left this season I really have to wonder how they leave it hanging because that was season ending cliffhanger level material right there. Cranston likely just won his next Emmy with those last few scenes.

    As for who gets offed by the end of season my first instinct was to go with Walter Jr. but the more I think about it the more I think Walt's slip of the tongue where he said "I'm sorry, Jesse." as he passed out in front of Jr. has to come back on him, likely through Hank finding out about the link between them.

    And for Kubla Kahn's confusion about the timeline with the amount of money in storage remember that although the show is only about a year in, that Gus and his deal didn't make an appearance and an offer until the end of season 2 so 3-6 months seems like a pretty reasonable guess. But with a show that has such a compressed timeline (~1 year show-time spanning ~5-6 years of real time once it's done) a little suspension of disbelief in timeline continuity might be necessary in order to fit Walt's cancer treatments and Hanks recovery all in there though I could be wrong seeing as I don't really know anything about how long either should take. As for establishing a timeline in the first place, Walter Jr. was 15 when the show started and just had his 16th birthday.
  12. Superfantastic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Motherfucker, I keep forgetting about that! I actually didn't even catch it until I watched that episode a second time. That is abso-fucking-lutely going to play SOME part in the finale. There's no way they throw that in there and not have it come back somehow.

    Also don't think they'd have Hank come this close and not end up confirming his suspicions about Gus, though I don't think he suspects Walt...yet.

    And if they somehow end up killing Walt Jr. off -- wow.
  13. manbehindthecurtain

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    Oct 25, 2009
    I love the commentary guys, keep it coming.

    I think we watched Walter White die in the crawlspace, entombed in the final shot.

    Now, Heisenberg takes over. He has no other option.
  14. redbullgreygoose

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    Oct 19, 2009
    I think Hank's been taking Walt around to fish around with him. Ever since Walt got drunk at the family dinner I suspect Hank was on to him. I think he's having Walter drive him around for just that reason. A super chemist who suddenly has tons of money crashed his car right in front of the laundry he suspected? The audience wouldn't know. Who's Hank going to tell? His sister? (edit: His wife, skylar's sister) The DEA? They think he's full of shit. Remember when Hank went to interview Walt at his school and all the glass wear was missing? Hank is a DEA agent trained to look for this kind of thing and is a much better liar than Walter. Now only a day or two after that car crash the cartel is coming to finish the job? Then again, I've believed Hank would catch on to Walter from before the season started. I either posted it at the beginning of this thread or in last season's. I could be biased. I suspect Gomez is involved in illegal activity too. I could very well be wrong, but I get that feeling. I have no evidence to base that on.

    You might not want to get so excited yet. AMC wants to split the final season into two. This was a problem with BB and they were apparently shopping around for another network. We'll see what happens. I agree, it's bullshit. I'd rather have the next season be 13 episodes than watch 16 over the next two years.
  15. fencechopper

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    Village Idiot

    Mar 16, 2011
    I'm also on the 'Hank Knows' boat. That way Hank looks at Walt when he walks into the bedroom after the crash? The bad joke? He has to know!

    It's really gonna suck having to wait for season 5.
  16. Superfantastic

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    Oct 21, 2009
    I disagree that Hank knows, for little other reason than it doesn't seem like this show's style. Seems like this season has been building to Hank's "AHA!" moment regarding proof of his Gus suspicions (and Walt's role), and I think they would let us see his face when he puts it ALL together, rather than have him sneakily bide his time without us really knowing. Plus, they've really hammered home the whole gambling thing, and everyone seems convinced.

    Since before this season, I've been totally expecting a great scene where Hank realizes all of Walt's comments/questions/actions were actually ways to get or keep info from Hank, except that time at dinner where Walt basically encouraged Hank to keep chasing him.

    You know, because he's going fucking crazy.

    Right now, my money is on Walt Jr. talking about Walt accidentally saying Jesse's name, and Hank finding out. Maybe Jesse even goes to his uncle because he thinks his dad is that far gone in the gambling world, needs help, oh and also, he "mentioned some guy named Jesse"?

    Just a thought.
  17. DaVoN

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    So I spent the past 2 weeks catching up on every single episode of this show because I heard great things about it. Holy Shit what an amazing show. Ranks right up there with The Wire and Lost for best shows I've ever seen. Definately agree that this season was a little slower then the previous ones but when shit hits the fan it really does.

    I'm not really in the boat that says Hank is on to Walt at all. I think he knows something is up with him for sure but I doubt he believes his chemistry teaching brother-in-law is behind the purest form of Meth the worlds ever seen. That's a pretty big jump to make and I think the proof would have to be right in front of him and even then I think he'd still doubt it a little bit. Sure Walt has been on this downward spiral but the guy got cancer and has a "gambling" addiction.

    Agree with everyone on that last scene in the last episode with Walt crying then Joker laughing in the crawl space. Seems he's hit his breaking point which I'm all for. I want to see "Heisenberg" come back out in full force.

    "Stay outta my territory....."
  18. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Oct 19, 2009

    I never really got everyone's craving and all out love for his Heisenburg schtick. Almost every time he's tried to be bad ass with a hat, he fucks it up and is shown to be WAY over his head for what drug dealing entails. It has only been rarely that it's worked out. As much as I can remember bringing the explosives that looked like meth early on was the best his Heisenburg character has ever done. He's killed, mostly out of self preservation (or Jesse's), but none of it really benefited his situation in the long run, like Gus' criminal badassery has.
  19. DaVoN

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009

    I can see what you mean about it not really working out for him but I think that's why I want to see it the most. I WANT it to work for him. I want people to see that look from him and be shook. Yeah we've seen junkies and lower people on the show back down because of it but I'd love for him to give the Heisenberg schtick to Mike and see Mike back down because Walt is the boss. While I believe Walt will fall eventually, I want him to have his time at the top before it.
  20. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was thinking that Walt has at least two big options. Kill Gus somehow or murder Jesse like Gale. If it came down to it between his family and Jesse I'd think he'd pick his family. Thoughts?