I am really excited for this show to premire tomorow on Amazon Prime, I've read all of the books and I am hoping they translate well to TV. EDIT: Can't spell for shit
Thanks for this, I had no idea. Fuck man I got hooked on these books as well as the Mickey Haller series. I really really hope the character translates well to screen. It is hard to take a screen actor and replace the image you have of a character in your head but I love these books so much I'm willing to give it an honest shot. Since the books start so far in the past and the titular character had his start in 'Nam, I wonder where in time the series will start because Harry is getting up in age these days.
I watched the first episode today, it was enjoyable. In answer to whathasbeenseen, he is not young, but not old old either. Seasoned. I do like Titus Welliver.
I've gotten through 5 episodes. I keep expecting Bosch to say 'I like high speed Comcast.' Nonetheless, awesome show. It's so weird seeing 'Marlo' from 'The Wire' as his partner. And Daniels is in there too.
I forgot about this thread. Dug the show. Enjoyed how they fleshed it out using a couple of books as source material. Oddly enough I just read the latest Bosch book. I always enjoy them but my wife made a good point that with shows like True Detective and other procedurals, does 'Bosch' have enough specialness to carry it through more than one season? It's hard to say really. The die hard Bosch fans will watch but I wonder if it will attract casual viewers.