Is anyone watching this show? I think a lot of people dismiss it because anything that has Jason Schwartzman tends to be filed in the "for hipster use only" category, but this show is thoroughly enjoyable. I was sold on the first episode when Ames was talking to the Israeli movers and they ask him "Are you one of those self-hating New York Jews?" Ames answers with a simple "Mm-hmm" in the most sincere, deadpan delivery I've seen in a long time. I was on the ground laughing. As great as Jason Schwartzman and Zach Galifianakis are though the real scene stealer is Ted Danson. An old narcissistic, classical liberal, pot smoking, philandering magazine editor. Almost every line that comes out of his mouth is funny.
The first season kind of sucked in terms of delivery the funny, but I gave it a chance because I like all 3 main actors. The second season really came together with better storylines and flat out brilliance from Ted Danson. I actually enjoy the show and its nice to see Galifinakis in a comedic role different from the typecast he has sort of fallen into on the big screen.
Just stated watching a few weeks ago, and it has easily become one of my favorite shows. The dialogue and ridiculous situations are pretty much spot on 90% of the time.