The first episode of the second season premiered a few days ago. A worthy season opener. Anyone else watching? Thoughts?
I'm watching, I still think this show is underrated. I always have an issue with what I feel shows blowing their loads earlier. I want to see how they tossed so much shit in a season opener that they usually would toss out in the 11th or 12th episode of any other season. The whole thing with the KKK and Chalky White was brutal to watch. The love the shot with Nucky talking to the black congregation and switching to the KKK group was wonderfully done. Nucky also stole the show with giving the kid money as a way to handle the problems. Nucky thinks money fixes every single problem, eventually they're going to take money away from him and we're going to have to see how he handles it otherwise. Also no fucking idea if Gillian (Jimmy's mom) is fucking with the wife or she's fucked up in the head. She was really patronizing the fuck out of the wife, then that comment she made at the end and her smile gave me the chills. Also, I love the Commodore, I enjoy every minute he's on the screen. Also the actor that plays Capone deserves something his performance is flawless.
Jesus, this show gets renewed faster than fuck. And the dream of a fucking finish to Deadwood is a distant memory (here's hoping Milch's new show can revive interest). I like the show. Watch it. Even with the all stars behind it, it isn't as stellar show, better than average, not close to a dozen other dramas. I haven't watched the third episode yet, but I really dread Queen Sour Puss Face's possible affair with this Irish dude, though her new fiendish side seems interesting. Over all Nuck facing the Commodore seems like a good line for the season. I honestly don't see Jimmy sticking with the old man in the end.
Good assessment, couldn't agree more. It's not the greatest show ever and anyone expecting a Sopranos-esque show is going to be disappointed. Its a slow burn but I kinda like it that way.
I wouldn't be surprised if there was some sort of abuse in the show's backstory. She even said at one point that when he was a little baby, she would kiss his dick to keep him from crying or something. She's definitely fucked up.
Seriously, bitch has been creepier than Van Alden this season. So far Ive enjoyed all of the stories sans Mrs. Sour Puss Face's inevitable fucking the young Irish dude. He is interesting enough but something really great will have to happen between them for me to ever actually care for what she does.
Spoiler I think Nucky will probably figure it out somehow. Either throw her out and/or kill the Irish dude. But he's pretty badass and I don't think he would get killed so easily. I also think Van Alden will somehow try to kill the annoying bitch that he knocked up.
Nahh, the flapper girl is the connection between Van Alden and Nucky. If she were dead Van Alden could easily step up and work with the Assistant Attorney General bitch against Nucky. I think they'll keep her around just so Nucky will have a direct link between them. Be funny and/or awesome of Van Alden eventually started banging the hot little AAG. Out there yes but seems like an odd place for such a hot character with so much personality if they weren't going to do something with her.
The show has been consistently interesting this season, if not exciting. Jimmy is clearly in way over his head. Nucky is coming back to fuck his shit up with a sub-machine gun armed IRA contingent, if someone else doesn't knock him back first. William Forsythe has no business playing a Jew. He's about as Jewish as foreskin, and listening to him butcher a Yiddish accent is painful.
Yeah subtlety isn't something this show does. Nucky is definitely playing it cool until the guns start blasting. One thing this show does real well, create irritating characters. There is almost to many to list, but I will anyway. Nucky's one joke German assistant, Jimmy's bitch wife, the mouthy guy Jimmy tossed off the balcony, Mrs Sour Puss Face, Lucky Luciano, Jimmy's mom, the flapper Van Alden knocked up, Van Alden's wife, Nucky's brother, Mrs. Sour Puss Face, and so on and so on.
I personally, didn't think his accent was that painful. The other Jewish characters on the show, I believe, are actually Jewish and capture some of smaller details in the accents pretty well. William Forsythe doesn't even look Jewish. But he is very intimidating in that role. I'm also becoming a much bigger fan of Rothstein. His presence in every scene makes me feel like something crazy is about to happen.
He's been my favorite character since the moment he stepped on screen. His delivery is so calm and methodical its almost creepy and his stories to make a point are fantastic. He's just incredibly interesting and the epitome of the gentleman gangster.
Agreed. Plus, there was that one scene a few episodes ago where his wife was nagging him about the apple bread. It was a brief glimpse into a different aspect of his life. One where he's not untouchable.
I thought this was to give legitimacy to the story he tells later on, about getting sick from eating tripe. i.e. to indicate that all the crazy stories he mentions offhand are actually true.
It was the opening scene (or something) of the most recent episode. He's sitting at his table and his wife asks him if he's still feeling sick. Seems really out of context until he mentions eating tripe later on in in the episode and says that "this I cannot abide."
Well fuck that ending ratcheted it up a bit. They have been slowly turning this season into another must watch show instead of the ehhhh it was at the beginning of the season. Spoilered for the ones who haven't seen it. Spoiler I am in between happy and sad Jimmy's wife was popped. Her bohemian lesbian story line has always been dreary and lame as fuck this put a stop to that right quick. But her dynamic with Jimmy was growing interesting this season. Plus she was one of the few innocents in the show and she got a harsh end.
Pretty sure the spoiler rule doesn't apply once things have aired across the continental U.S, but I agree. This week's episode definitely put things in motion. So far this season, no one suffered as a result of his actions, excluding Nucky, and that made the show bland. That changed at the end of this episode. I really like the way they eliminated Jimmy's wife. Munya "Egg Nog and Bacon" Forsythe taking her out accidentally was great. Her character had nothing to do for the show except to highlight Jimmy's continued disconnect from being a normal human being. The only plot line she could add would center on her getting a better haircut. I hope Munya killed Mickey Doyle too so I don't have to listen to his falsetto anymore. I think I'll enjoy the contrast between Jimmy Darmody, single dad, and Nelson Van Alden, single dad, if the show takes that path.