My last birthday was the TiB up in Toronto. Nothing really crazy, we just got shitfaced and bad mouthed everybody else on here. Oh, I also got a sweet t-shirt out of the deal. Straight-up panty dropper.
Hmm, this makes me curious.... My best party has been detailed here, and included blacking out and making an ass of myself. Is there any other way?
My actual best birthday was my 32nd in Niagara Falls. We stayed in JDTheHero's hotel and aside from a blur of retarded bullshit, the most memorable moment had to be getting attacked by a maggot-drunk girl who mistook me for somebody else. She wouldn't stop thrashing me, so I scooped her up and dropped her into the Casino fountain. I got cheers from witnesses. Even her friends were restraining her from me. It was fucking incredible. No cake, though. Humbug.
January 14, 1963. Some guy in a mask grabbed me by my ankles and slapped my ass, and it's been downhill ever since.
While drunkenly walking down to the bars for my 21st birthday I tripped on the sidewalk and knocked my front tooth clean out. Needless to say I didn't make it to the bars. But the pre-party was a lot of fun!
Am I the only one here who doesn't give a shit about birthdays? I never tell anyone when my birthday is (unless asked); if someone happens to remember it, great. If they don't remember it, also great. When I see adults making a big deal about their birthday, I think they're being drama queens. I'll go along with it and give them a card and drink some of their booze, but I don't agree with it. I think that birthday celebrations (along with Christmas/Easter/etc.) are just for kids. Li'l Bandit and my nieces are the only people who get a birthday gift from me these days.
When I was a kid, I joined choir in school because they were entering a contest to sing the anthem at a Jays game - we won, and the actual game was on my birthday, which was pretty damn cool. It's really useful in drinking games like Two Truths and a Lie and shit. Worst experience was the first time I tried getting hammered on my 18th birthday. I basically jacked a bottle of my dads Cognac, drank that mixed with coke, drank a ton of shitty Polar Ice vodka, and some Mikes Hard lemonades, with three friends. Never was able to really enjoy vodka since. I've made a conscious effort to avoid telling people at my work when my birthday is because I don't think many have realized I'm the only person in our entire building under 30 (and I think the fact I'm under 25 would drive them crazy)
My bday is in July which is great now as an adult, but sucked as a kid. I didn't get the class party, I had to share with all the other summer birthdays on the designated "Summer birthday day'. Then in college, I didn't get to throw a rager of a party and be a completely indulgent drunk, instead I was home where most of my friends no longer lived or at an internship, which all sucked. The two most notable birthdays for me were my 21st for the terrible performance of my friends and last year, for my 25th. For my 21st birthday, I came home from my internship for a long weekend that was highlighted by a night down in Chicago for a concert and bars. We show up at House of Blues and I'm super stoked. Brand New, my favorite band, is playing, I turn 21 in a few hours, I'm stoked. Then my jackass friends decide to go up in the balcony, where its 21+, and I'm not allowed as I am still 20. Security ignores my pleas, and my shithead friends basically tell me they will see me after the show. So I go down in the pit and entertain myself. After the show, we are leaving and I meet up with my friends and 2 girls they met. So our group has grown so we move onto a bar to meet another friend of ours. There, at 11:45, I am forced to wait outside by the bouncer until 11:59, because he was a cocksucker. Inside, my friends are more concerned with getting wasted and macking on the girls, so again I'm entertaining myself. Long story short, we end up at a late night bar, both my friends are blacked out and making out with these girls, while I am buying myself shots in an effort to catch up. I end up passing out on the couch at the apartment of these two girls, while both of my friends are fornicating the hell out of them in their respective bedrooms. Thanks guys... Last year, in proper fashion, we threw a rager at our place. A good 50 some people there, multiple bottles of quality liquor brought in my honor, shots all over the place, just a successful party. My roommate decided to cash in on a bet I had lost and handed me a viagra. Despite being worried, it ended up being a non-issue...until a roommate of said roommate's gf said she wanted to see if it really make a difference. Umm, no further signals needed. I'm not sure if, considering it was 6+ hours after I took it and I had been drinking heavily, it had an effect or if I am just awesome, but needless to say, it was one of my finest horizontal performances. Thats how a birthday should be. Oh, for my 8th bday, I had a party with mini golf and go-karts, that frankly was probably the best birthday ever.
My birthday is December 22. Even though my entire family is always together for the Christmas holiday, it usually kind of sucks. The most memorable one was when I turned 20. Everyone literally forgot. Actually, one person remembered: my brother in law's mother, who I have met about 4 times in my life, brought me a card and a blank diary. Everyone was embarrassed when they remembered at the end of the day, but it was too late. I spent the majority of that day in the bathroom on the floor. I have a feeling that this upcoming birthday will be amazing. I am skipping out on Christmas in Houston with my family and staying behind with El Fiance. He isn't flying in until the 23rd but I don't care. We will have a fantastic time!
Hmm. On my 18th Birthday, we got hammered at a bar and ended up having a massive food fight with the platters of finger food they served us. Astonishingly, we didn't get kicked out. The night finished with the girlfriend allowing me to take the road less travelled for the first time. Good times. For my 21st we hired a party bus for a pub crawl and people were crowdsurfing inside the bus. I went home with a girl, ended up naked in her bed, but didn't get laid after she said the memorable line 'Just so you know I don't give blowjobs because it reminds me of my Uncle molesting me when I was a kid'. Bad times. My 27th is coming up in 3 weeks, and I've got a keg and a stack of friends coming over to frolic with strippers in my pool. On reflection, I may lead a somewhat dissolute lifestyle.
I had two 21st birthdays. After two years at my local Penn State campus, I was finishing up in Erie right before I turned 21, so I celebrated with my family early. For the family party, we started drinking at 2:30 in the afternoon and stopped at about 4 in the morning. Highlights of the night include one of my cousins adding twice the recommended amount of rum to the strawberry daiquiri and getting everyone twice as drunk as they should be at 3 in the afternoon, my aunt telling me to make out with one of my guy friends against the washing machine when he stepped inside to go to the bathroom, my mother (upon hearing my aunt's suggestion) telling me to use protection if I'm going to have sex with him against the washing machine, and my cousin singing "Total Eclipse of the Heart" to the police office who was called about the noise and the fact that 10 underage kids went running into our basement when they saw the cop car. Thankfully, the police office was from the neighborhood so he laughed off the singing and only gave us a warning about the kids in the basement. For the Erie party, we went out to a bar and my roommate thought the fare was the time when we got in the cab to go home. Obviously, the family party was better.
For me it was 9-11-2000. I was at PH!SH, scored backstage passes & ended up doing blow with a bunch of the roadies and assorted hangers on. The next year was a downer to say the least so '00 hangs in my memory.
FOCUS: How about rotten birthdays? My 21st was the best (read: worst) one - I wanted to get hammered at the local club (shut up, cheap booze drowns out shitty music, eventually). I invited 30 people. 4 arrived (including me). Yeah. The penny dropped for me at that point that I didn't have friends (the other three guys who arrived that night are not friendly with me anymore unless I have money). At least I got shitfaced. I still haven't blacked out though and I don't drink to excess like that anymore. This next birthday will be my 30th. I don't plan on doing anything for it, mostly due to slightly precarious family finances. I'll probably just ask for pizza or something. Maybe I'll have found work by then... There definitely won't be a party though - what's the point when no-one arrives?
My most memorable birthday was probably my McDonalds party room birthday. For my 18th. I made all the guys wear suits, and the ladies dresses. I clearly remember the phonecall for when I booked it, because the lady misheard me and thought I said it was for an 8th birthday party, which from the tone in her voice she also thought to perhaps be still too old. We had two McDonalds staff members host my party, who were both younger than 18 (and therefore all the guests). We still played pass the parcel, and they rigged it as usual so the birthday boy won the main prize. We didn't get a trip through the freezer room though.
My best birthday was my 18th birthday. I picked up a few cigars on my way home from school and smoked them in my living room and watched the Saints play the Falcons in the first game in the Superdome after hurricane Katrina. No one was around. No cake, balloons, or special dinners. Just a peaceful monday night game and a Saints win.