The listing of attendees of this years Bilderberg Conference has been released. For anyone who doesn't know, it's a secret meeting of super influential and powerful people. Conspiracy theorists will say its so they can make decisions on a geopolitical, economic, and global scale. I don't really buy into conspiracy theories for the most part, but I will say these meetings are very interesting and Id love to be a fly on the wall in one of them. Focus: The Bilderberg Group. Do you think there's some legitimacy to the theories that major decisions are made there or similar groups like the Trilateral Commission, etc? Alt Focus: What conspiracy theories do you believe and why? Alt Alt Focus: Yeah I bumped my own thread, wanna fight about it?
Alex Jones is a Bilderberg conspiracy theorist. That pretty well proves they're harmless in my mind. I lean toward believing that there was another shooter on the grassy knoll. One of my favorite theories to mock though is the idea that the pharmaceutical industry has a proven cure for cancer that they're hiding in order to perpetuate cancer treatments, because ongoing cancer treatments are more profitable than a cure.
I think anytime there's a great deal of wealth, there's a great deal of influence. How MUCH influence, I don't know. I, like JUICE, would LOVE to be a fly on the wall when they're chewing the fat. *i am a complete moron.
Yea, when people spout that I tend to get enraged. My dad works in cancer research and to assume people like him are actively allowing people to suffer while others pocket revenue just pisses me off. Nevermind that chemo is a low margin drug, nevermind that if someone came up with a cure they could charge whatever they wanted, ignore all logic then that still isn't a possibility. The thing I lean towards in terms of conspiracy theories is that the US is a subtle oligarchy and that the stock market is kind of a scam. Anymore I'm not sure how the stock market keeps hitting record highs meanwhile unemployment remains relatively high and GDP growth remains relatively low.
Plutocracy would be closer to the truth. The stock market could be considered a scam if you think it's a reflection of on the street economic well being for the majority of Americans, which it is not. The reason it keeps hitting record highs is because unemployment is high - it almost always does this because labor tends to be the highest cost for a company, so less labor = less overhead = company looks 'healthier' on paper. No conspiracy necessary. What people need to realize is that 'conspiracies' are everywhere. All a conspiracy really is is an agreement among two or more to engage in illegal behavior. The stock market is a great example, as the most recent crash (and the failure of remedial regulation) is exactly that: an agreement among some very wealthy people with the government to engage in fraud. There are several great books written on the subject of the most recent crash - but 'Predator Nation' does a nice job of outlining the agreements among the government, regulators and high end stock brokers/financial advisors/banks/insurance companies regarding committing fraud. Another way to look at a conspiracy is the following: you and your friends agree not to tell friend x that you're all going out because friend x brings friend y whom you all hate. Now, there's nothing illegal about that at all. But from the standpoint of 'shadowy agreements' it would certainly fit the bill, as if the agreement were made about you, you'd probably feel pretty shitty about it. Anytime you see the type of power brokers meeting like they are at the Bilderberg conference, decisions ARE being made to engage in certain practices beneficial to them mutually. Those agreements may not be illegal or necessary hurt anyone else, but they're not there (given how busy they are) to be purely social. They are doing something and agreeing to pursue certain behaviors to their mutual benefit. Is that a conspiracy? Maybe, depends on what the agreements are regarding.
I think its alot more innocuous than people want to believe. If you look at that list, there is ALOT of differing political and economic ideologies, especially among the government leaders from various countries. I fail to believe its an attempt to consolidate wealth and power. More likely, its a magnified version of the small business CEO roundtable that my Dad belongs to and goes to monthly where its people in similar positions with similar problems discussing their experiences and how to solve common situations.
Yep. I used to buy into it being more of a grand conspiracy... it's strange how people are drawn to that kind of thinking, but it makes for a hell of a story, and we love stories. In reality, I bet it's just the world's elite gathering together, all trying to protect and strengthen their own interests. I'm sure there are shady deals of questionable morality/legality that go down, but I can't wrap my head around the idea that they're all working together to execute some master diabolical plan. When have humans ever been able to cooperate that effectively?
JFK isn't a conspiracy theory, it's a cover up. And I'm not talking some magic bullet bullshit. The Kennedy Clan made their fortune in bootlegging and had deep ties with the mob. I won't go as far as to say Jack and Bobby were elected thanks to the mob, but it's more likely those assassinations weren't carried out by two randoms. Especially after the brothers went gun-ho against organized crime. Then JFKs random is murdered by another random, surrounded by authorities. We can put this to bed, though. Let's pay a commission to agree with our story. Not to mention Cuba or half a dozen other infinitely more financed and powerful,legitimate threats to JFK, I don't buy the Warren Commission's findings. If you want to go off the deep end, it's possible LBJ with a strained budget due to Vietnam, had the Warren Commission organized simply because he couldn't afford a domestic war against The Mob.
A lot of conspiracy theories come down to this in the end. How could the US Government keep the tens of thousands of people required for 9/11 to be an inside job when they can't even keep what happens in the Whitehouse secret? Focus: Conspiracy nuts looking at the Bilderberg Group are probably the same as 10yo kids looking at a teacher's lounge. They think all sorts of planning to make them suffer is going on in there, when really they're talking about the same old bullshit all adults talk about. Alt Focus: I have a bit of an interest in conspiracy theories, but largely in the busting of them (snopes, etc) so I don't think there is one I particularly believe. I remember doing a school project when I was 12 with a friend about how the moon landing was a hoax, based entirely off one article we found somewhere, but I think that's as far as I've gone. That sort of theory is largely harmless though, the real problem is when conspiracies start causing people to stop vaccinating their kids and the like. Alt Alt Focus:
Focus: Honestly, people who think foreign policy decisions are made by backroom cabals of old white dudes smoking cigars make me laugh. Decisions are built, maintained and perpetuated by bureaucracies which outlast any one leader. I'd bet dollars to donuts the whole Bilderberg thing is like a fancy version of an industry conference: a bunch of dudes show up, talk about sweeping visions of the future, everyone acts real chummy for a while, then they all go back to their day jobs and nothing changes. Alt-focus: There's a really obvious conspiracy in this country. It's by rich people who work together to keep themselves rich, and to convince poor people that they too are "temporarily embarrassed millionaires." Nobody is keeping silent about it; it's just that rich people, having money in a country that believes corporations are people and money is speech, can shout the loudest. And luckily pretty much every rich guy has any other rich guy's back.
I'm not sure if it's a conspiracy theory, exactly, since I don't really think there are people consciously making this decision, but I think that the reasons there aren't male birth control options in between condoms and vasectomies are much more social/political than simply not being able to figure out how it would work. There have been several options people have figured out, but there seems to be a prioritization issue in terms of research funding and the effort it would take to get it on the market and it drives me nuts. Related but not exactly on focus: If anyone's interested in this kind of stuff, including the Bilderberg Group, I highly recommend Jon Ronson's Them. It's all about him spending time with conspiracy theorists and extremist groups, and he breaks into the Bilderberg camp thing and gets in this car chase when he tries to spy on one of their meetings in Europe somewhere. I don't know why it's consistently his most overlooked book because it blew my mind. Really fun and really fascinating.
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