I'm surprised all the hot single women didn't flock to this gathering, what with all the available studs featured here. Wow. Only Fox would consider watching five hundred dorks gather together to hit each with children's toys "news." I would love to go down there, fill a tube sock with wood screws and start cleaning house. So, what are the rules to this Virginpalooza? If you get hit you're "dead"? Do you limp if they tag you in the leg? If you "die", you go home and masturbate to Manga whilst crying? To answer Chater, "RETARDED."
I bet Guiness is going to have to double their staff to stay on top of this one event, I wonder how many different records it broke. Largest gathering of the "never touched a boobie" club Largest gathering of the "I'm obese, 34 and still live with my parents" club Largest gathering of the "my girlfriend lives out of province/state and is a model but you wouldn't know her" club Simply amazing.
Add a laser light show, some drum n bass beats, a couple of rolls and a disco ball and you have winner. A special Olympics gold medal winner.
I don't know about you guys, but I think this is pretty freakin awesome. A couple weeks ago I got in a lightsaber battle with my brother, niece and nephew. As sweet as that was, it doesn't come close to this epic battle.
I love flash mobs. The potential for mindfucking is enormous. I've always wanted to organize one where a 100+ people gather in the lobby of a really nice hotel, and then simultaneously piss themselves in complete silence while staring at everyone who walks by. There would a really distinct sound, I think. Like water from a faucet hitting a piece of canvas. Except it's piss. And pants. This one's lame, though. Mine is better.
Sounds like a lot of people are pretty bitter about not being invited to the cool party. Also: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwMj3PJDxuo" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jwMj3PJDxuo</a>
Yea, this event was like totally, totally gay and stuff. A group of people gather to do something funny and film it in a public place, therefore they're all virgin losers. Except not. It's really not any different than all the pillow fight flash mobs that take place all over the world. I've never even seen all of the Star Wars movies, and that shit looked pretty fun, or at least very interesting, to me. They didn't all appear to be Star War nerds either, just people looking to do something random and fun.
Man, that was the cool party. I mean come on, lightsabers! Pfffffffffffffffffffft. I bet you can't even do this too. Whatever.
I watched the Lightsaber battle royale and immediately thought it was straight out of Improv Everywhere. http://www.improveverwhere.com They do stuff like this all the time. My favorites are when they threw an impromptu wedding reception for strangers following a courthouse marriage, hundreds of people walking invisible dogs around Manhattan, and a group of gingers protesting outside of a Wendy's. I vote AWESOME.
"Once a year, hundreds of nerds converge upon centers across the globe to initiate their mating rituals. Some of which use their natural body odor, greasy, long hair and gigantic lard asses to call and mate with unsuspecting females."
It's cheap humor at best. All of these organized shitfests are neither clever nor require any level of skill. It reminds me of these kids in college that started their own version of Jackass. But instead of coming up with funny, original skits, they just ran around in costumes sword fighting while videotaping it. I don't have anything interesting to do or say, but look at me!
Quietz0r, n00b, 0r I will hax0r y0ur basez0r bel0ng t0 newfag /b/tardz. Y0u can'tz0r haz exp0zing 0ur hyp0criseez. Z0r.
Busting out a costume, pretending to use Jedi powers on the others or pre-planned fight routines? Sad, and retarded. But being serious in that crowd and laying some serious smack on someone with a plastic lightsaber? The five year old in me would find that to be all kinds of awesome. It's all about the attitude.
I've spent too much of my adulthood thinking I needed to be a serious adult. Kudos to those who get it early on.
I don't think it's awesome, but I think calling a bunch of people playing and having fun and not really hurting anyone retarded is retarded. Oh no! The nerds are enjoying themselves! Judge them! Quickly now, judge them all!