Recently I was having a really fun discussion with a friend of mine who is very knowledgable about music. We were talking about the best intros to an album or a song ever. I think it's an under appreciated question as a huge number of artists have kicked off epic albums or songs with some absolutely priceless openers. There was no real breaking down of the term "best", just whatever tickles your fancy. Here are our agreed upon top 3. Led Zeppelin - Black Dog This opening words to Black Dog/Led Zeppelin IV are fucking unforgettable. I dare you to find even the most casual purveyor of the music industry who doesn't know those opening lyrics "Hey hey mama i said the way you move gon make you sweat gon make you groove." Man is it awesome Heltah Skeltah - Intro (Here We Come) This was my personal favorite. It's so simple. "What the hell is your dick coin in the milk, man?" It's completely absurd, completely hilarious, and absolutely perfect. People who know underground rap know Heltah Skeltah and the huge impact they had on the scene. And they started it by putting their dick in a fucking glass of milk. Fuck you. Ol' Dirty Bastard - Goin Down This is too ridiculous to not include. Who the fuck other than ODB could think of something like this....and then decide to make it a song on his debut album. It's just beyond words. Focus: Best openings in music history
I hate to pick two from the same band, but I definitely expected to see the intro to Welcome to the Jungle on your list: Sweet Child O Mine also deserves a mention as well:
The first thirty seconds converted me into a Coheed fan: One of those songs that I know how to play on guitar, but my fingers never seem to want to do it: "Thunderstruck" on steroids:
Every song off Metallica's And Justice For All. Every. Fucking. Song. For brevity's sake, we'll stick to Blackened, the album opener. You hear those harmonized guitars start, you know good things will happen. That right there is the entire reason I picked up a guitar. Nothing has been that cool before or since. You hear the drums? Then the tapping. Then the play on the main riff. I dare you not to bust up your steering wheel when this comes on. Van Halen Hot For Teacher: Everyone knows it. EVERYONE. It's been a part of every cartoon series, TV show, joke-gag, and in God knows how many movies. Beethoven's 5th: Honorable mentions to Zepplin's Kashmir, ZZ Top's La Grange, every other Metallica song, Sabbath's Sabbath Bloody Sabbath, Jimi Hendrix's Foxy Lady, and VH's Jump.
Good enough for Tyson and the song itself is called "Intro". I have never had a lifting playlist that didn't have this song on it...
Wow, I completely forgot about Billie Jean in my post. Some other songs came to mind that I wanted to add: Guerrilla Radio This has one of those intros that gets adrenaine pumping. Pull Me Under Here's something that starts off calm and simple from a band of supertalented virtuosos Lucky 13 I always liked the power of the drums on this one.
Here's two Beatles intros that I think deserve mentioning. I'm staying away from both "Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band" and "Come Together" because those are obviously very strong gateways into their respective albums. Ringo gets alot of flack for...being Ringo. But not many bands were utilizing their drummers like that in 1967. Now alot of people tend to dismiss earlier Beatles albums, but its pretty much impossible to ignore this song. Its a rollicking good time that doesn't let up until the very end, and its subject matter is universal - we've all been there before. I always been very fond of this song, as I used to play it while driving to class early in the morning. I'm expecting this song to be the intro to a movie some time in the near just had that vibe that would mesh well with a montage of some sort.
I'll stick with albums. Sadly, albums aren't made the same way as they were, and opening tracks aren't as important. Hence, having to travel back a ways in time for when albums, and what the opening track would be, mattered. The opening track would set the whole tone for the album, and the intro would be key. First, this one: "In Through the Out Door" is not considered one of Zep's best, but this song? Fucking brilliant, and yes, the intro goes a bit (about a minute) and then kicks into a nasty straight ahead rocker with lush backing keyboards. It also sports one of Page's more memorable solos. That sound at the beginning? Yeah, he has his tremolo depressed all the way down, and that sound you hear is the springs in the back of the guitar expanding as he lets it up. The intro is creepy and brooding, much like most of the album. Plant had narrowly escaped death a couple years before, Page was battling heroin addiction, Bonham is soon to be dead. And it's all there in the first minute. Second: Aerosmith was under a lot of pressure prior to 'Toys in the Attic' to have a hit record. The record company was on them, and their deal was going to be up if they didn't deliver. What they delivered, 'Toys..' is considered their best album, and it's a great album. However, I think their follow up 'Rocks' really lights it up. And this opener sets the tone. "I'm baaaaaaack in the saddle again..." It's letting you, the fan, know, 'yeah, we're Aerosmith, we'll fuck your mom, your girlfriend, get your dog high, shit on your carpet, and you'll FUCKIN LIKE IT." Finally, The haunting opening riffs of Keith's guitar, the slow build up, and the melancholy melody of the lead guitar, with a hint of evil, lets you know the Stones are here and they're going to jam it down your fucking throat, so sit back and listen to a blues/rock band just reaching the height of their power. They know they're good, and they're letting you know it too. Hell, the song's still so good Adele stole half of it for 'Rolling in the Deep...' A great follow up to 'Beggar's Banquet,' this song is the perfect opener to 'Let it Bleed.'
There are just way to many for me to think of right now, but this is probably the best guitar intro of all time, as far as I'm concerned:
Two of my personal favorites: Very recognizable and good for driving, the intro to this song is just badass. Watching Ted play it live is pretty damn impressive. I love this riff. Just like above, when I saw Mark Knopfler play it live, I was hooked.
I have a ton of songs from the metal and rock genres that I fucking love the openings on. But a quick perusal of my iTunes library brought these to my immediate attention. (Side note: This thread is an awesome way to start the day, that and it makes me realize how much I miss 90s rock and grunge) I can't believe that no one has posted Black Label yet! Zakk Wylde is the fucking man.
One of my favourite songs of all time, it must be played on high volume or nothing to truly hear the aura of dark menace this songs has from the get-go, opening with that spooky, creaky keyboard into the bass line that is modern music folklore, eventually erupting into the loudest song ever made. I will never, EVER tire of it: This song has a wonderful, dragging opening that builds and builds, but this song gets my eternal kudos for the best "OUTro" of all time-- the final two minutes of this song is the fucking End Of All Things- nothing could ever top it, and it's my favourite song by Tool: