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Because laxatives are sexy (NSFW!!!)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Revengeofthenerds, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    I shit you not, this is the title of an actual website: I Love to Take Laxatives and Completely Diarrhea My Pants

    It's the whole idea of Rule 34, i.e. 'if it exists, there is porn for it.'

    Focus: Get off to anything other than ass and tits? Know someone who does? What is it, and what does it for you/your "friend"?

    Alt. Focus: What's the weirdest porn you've come across?
  2. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    The more I see on the internet, the more boring I am. When it comes to sex, I'm pretty much a meat and potatoes type of guy.

    The weirdest porn I've come across tends to be stuff I see people talk about on here, as from a porn standpoint I have my 'go tos' and that works fine for me.

    Given my boring sexual nature, I'm curious to see what stuff you guys have come across. Hell, you guys come across weird porn shit when trying to find innocuous pictures in order to make fun of a board member, God only knows what you find when you're actually trying.


    And Grind! Haha, get it? Ok, I'll shut up now.
  3. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Paging Juice to the phone... Juice to the white courtesy phone please...

    Focus: I'm a pretty simple man. I'm basically up for trying anything if she's into it, short of feces and blood, but my own tastes are simple and straightforward.

    I knew a girl who was really into choking, and that weirded me out a bit. Not in a general, "ooh put your hand on my neck" way but in a serious, "get whatever rope is in the house and bring me near death." I'm sure in Scootah's circles, people do this with some safety and education but this girl used to have horrendous rope burns and bruises on her and I was just waiting to read about her in the newspaper. I don't really find the thought of impending death to be erotic.

    Alt-focus: Years ago, a friend forwarded me, as a joke I hope, a clip of a girl having sex with two guys dressed up as pterodactyls. That may not be the grossest/most extreme/strangest, but I think it wins my award for downright weird.
  4. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
    Your instincts are probably right on that one. Seriously depriving yourself of oxygen a lot can fuck up your brain somewhat over the course of time. Then again, so can playing football so, as long as she's not also a nose tackle, it's probably a wash.

    Breathplay is always dangerous because you can't unbreak a windpipe, but you can make it a lil safer by using a gas mask and just covering the hole. That way you don't have to worry about fucking something up and hurting the person, but you do have to worry about staring at a gas mask during sex so, you know. Your mileage may vary, on that one.
  5. Binary

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009

    I could put that in the focus.

    I wasn't so much worried about her long term brain function as I was about her short term brain function when something went wrong. There were some other aspects of this girl's relationships that indicated her boyfriends were probably not the best judges of how much was too much.
  6. Chellie

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    Oct 25, 2009
    Alberta, Canada
    I don't get the Daddys(or mommys)/littles sex dynamic. There is a saying in the community 'your kink is not my kink, and that's ok', but I cannot be ok with this one. I've been to dungeons and play parties with grown men and women dressed up as little kids, going to town in their colouring books and using baby talk around the pacifiers in their mouths, while their Daddy reaches a hand in and rubs a nipple and it just freaks me out. There is an argument that it helps the pedos fulfill some needs without actually engaging in pedophilia (yay) and of course most of the people who do it aren't pedos at all, but I just can't watch it, it squicks me out so much my skin just crawls.
  7. hotwheelz

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I probably shouldn't write this, but fuck it... There are aspects of this that appeal to me. The ageplay and coloring books are meh, but a girl in a onesie and diaper just does it for me. Maybe it's the juxtaposition of innocence and hedonism? I don't want a girl coloring, baby talking and sucking on a pacifier (unless the pacifier is my penis), but if she came to bed in a onesie/footies + a diaper, I'd be all like, "huzzah!". Weird fetish, but whatchu gonna do?
  8. Juice

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    Moderately Gender Fluid

    Oct 19, 2009
    I get the age-play fetish. Not my thing, but I understand it. Regarding the part of it that involves diapers, what's the deal? Is it the assumption that people use them as such to weave in some scat play it is it just for appearances? I saw a porn once where a girl (think it was Jenna Haze) was in a diaper and breast feeding on her "mom".

    Do people poop and pee in the diapers or what?
  9. hotwheelz

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I guess some do, but I just like how it looks. Maybe it's because of my situation because I remember having sex dreams about it way back in the 4th grade. Might be related to all my hospital stays and hoping the nurses would do more.
  10. Queen-Bee

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Edge of Canada
    I've actually seen this particular porn. It was a few years ago and I can't remember if I got off to it or not, but more than likely I did. Perhaps I'll re-visit it and get back to you (just for research purposes of course).
  11. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    I have no problem calling a guy Daddy if he likes it. One of the best nicknames I was ever given by a man was "little girl". I just like it. But then again, I like older men, so maybe that's obvious.

    One thing I flat out do not understand is Japanese tentacle porn. What. The. Hell.
  12. toddamus

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    Somewhere west of New York
    Apparently they can't show cocks so apparently a tentacle is the next best thing.
  13. downndirty

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 18, 2009
    I thought that whole genre (Japanese tentacle and anime porn) was a way around the laws preventing pornography there. That shit was as superfluous as Coca-Cola in Korea and it was truly bizarre.

    As far as fetishes go, I find that I am more entertained by porn than by attempting it in real life. It's a bit like sports: I prefer watching professionals do it better.

    However, I have bought a metric shit-ton of lingerie for Lieutenant Fiance (she got promoted from Detective Girlfriend) and it ranges from cute stuff that's a bit titillating to stuff a Nazi tormentress would wear to work. Nothing wrong with just stripping naked quickly, but I find it more enjoyable to prolong and foreplay lasts a bit longer if she's wearing something atypical. It also drives her nuts to wear this stuff to work or to run errands in, come home and the least little attention just makes her melt. It makes her more confident as well. I didn't pay any attention to it until I smelled her stuff afterwards.

    It's intoxicating, in a weird way. I totally understand how those pheromones or musk or whatever works now. Her sweat, perfume and...assorted lubricants mix and it sticks to some of the clothes well enough that I hate washing it (I do, otherwise UTI's). I wouldn't buy used panties from a vending machine, but I totally understand that fixation on scent.
  14. scootah

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    New mod

    Oct 21, 2009
    I was searching for a completely unrelated post when I noticed this one. Breathplay is dangerous as fuck and a great way to end up dead when it's done alone. Cerebral hypoxia (depriving the brain of oxygen) is SUPER dangerous if you do it for a long time - but it takes like 10 seconds of carotid occlusion (pressure on the carotid sinuses not on the trachea like a rear naked choke applied correctly where blood flow to the brain is interrupted rather than inhalation) to drop someone unconscious if you get the occlusion in right. With someone with a muscular neck or with a poor technique - it can be difficult to get full occlusion from a choke and someone who's struggling risks shifting pressure onto the trachea - and as mentioned, tracheal collapse is fucking dangerous.

    I'm personally not a huge fan of bagging or gasmasks for safety. I think they're sexy as fuck - but it's the kind of thing where I really want an o2 sat monitor around if I'm going to push it far enough for the person bottoming to actually get a good rush out of it, and where I'm generally not prepared to push someone to unconsciousness - which is a super fun high if you're into that sort of thing. Pushing with breathplay requires a really sound understanding of first aid, and more technical aspects of anatomy like o2 saturation and technique risks - with anything that restricts air inhalation, valsalva effect risks are a concern - I consider them a pretty low concern, but it's an important one to consider. Tracheal collapse of anything that constricts the airway (rather than isolating the inhalation path like a gasmask or bag) is scary as fuck - I really wouldn't want to have to perform a tracheotomy mid scene. But with any oxygen inhalation restriction - you're creating a full hypoxic system - all the blood in someone's body is running out of oxygen. When you use carotid occlusion - you're only creating a hypoxic environment in the cranium - or only about 15% of that person's blood. You can alleviate the symptoms of short term cranial hypoxia from carotid occlusion very quickly by lifting someone's feet up and letting gravity force oxygenated blood into their brain.

    Even with the relatively low risk carotid occlusion - having good technique, and having a health check for vascular plaque and other chronic health conditions (tell your doctor you want to take a jujitsu class and you might be choked out) is really important, as is having a good understanding of the timing and the risks and remediation strategies. It's a hell of a high, but fuck it's dangerous.

    Breath play is one of the few things that I'm good at, that I'm really reluctant to teach. I almost never do and only ever to people who I know well enough to trust that they're not a fucking idiot - because a fucking idiot can really easily end up with a dead partner. I don't want that shit on my conscience - or to have to try and explain that shit to a judge.
  15. lostalldoubt86

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 23, 2010
    Earth, The Universe
    one of my best friends is married to a woman who calls him "daddy" and it creeps me out. i've gotten better at hiding my disgust, but the first time she did it in front of me, i involuntarily dry-heaved. it creeps me out even more between the two of them because he calls her "baby", another nickname that i'm just not a fan of. there is something about it that creeps me out. with that said, i think it's sexy when a guys calls me "kid". although, that might stem from watching too much "sex and the city" as a teenager and associating mr. big with a quality man. also, i get the occasional lady-boner for chris noth and the "kid" part goes along with the fantasy.

    focus: i guess one thing i am into that others would find strange is getting tied up. i like the idea of having a guy tell me what to do or being a little forceful. i say idea because i tried to act upon this particular fantasy once and it's just a lot sexier in my imagination. plus, i couldn't take the guy seriously as a dominant figure. he was a sweet kid and i couldn't stop laughing at his attempts.

    alt-focus: i think this counts because i came across it while on a porn site, although it is from a movie called "lunacy" by jan svankmajer.

    i found this on a porn site, but it was just too surreal for me.
    #15 lostalldoubt86, Aug 11, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  16. Omegaham

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    focus: i like getting tied up and teased. people find it really weird that a big dude like me is submissive, but i get ridiculously turned on the moment that the cuffs come out.

    i had a buddy who dated a lot of crazy women; one of them had been gang-raped when she was a teenager, and it fucked her up. she wanted him to hit her black and blue, choke her until she started to gurgle, and rape her all while she struggled and begged him for mercy. he did it a couple times to see if he could get into it, and he finally said, "look, you're a really sweet girl, and i really like you. but this is just wrong. i just can't do this." he then set her up with some sadistic bastard who's into that shit, and she's perfectly happy.

    weirdest porn i've seen was a compendium of deaf girls getting fucked and screaming because they had no volume control. primal and disturbing. i suppose that if i actually heard it going on, i'd be turned on, but from a porn video, it was just weird.