This is a brand new HBO show, I just caught the pilot tonight and I thought it was completely awesome. The main character is a serious badass but flawed, the show is steamy and stylish (and gruesome). I'm hooked so far. It's shot with a real cutting-edge cinematic style like Breaking Bad that adds to the good vibes. Even the music for it is cool. You should check this one out.
I watched this show last night. I think they set it up for some great potential plot lines and character development. I will give it a fair shot.
I just watched this as well, looks good so far, plus you get to look at her naked, at least for the first season. NSFW So it has that going for it.
I thought episode 2 was great as well. Less exciting, but you got to see what a jumbled and anxious character "Lucas" is that episode. He did that final scene with his daughter so well just by NOT saying anything. His tranny resource/contact is hilarious. I hope they use him more often. "Shoo! Go get pregnant!" awesome. Also, that Amish girl he met at the bar... sheesh.
Amazing new series... I got hooked with the first episode and have enjoyed the ride so far. This latest episode is just pure awesomeness with a lot of the back stories making the entire plot interesting. Looking forward to finishing this series out.
Damn, Lucas fucked. That. Guy. Up. I'm glad he won by fighting dirty. I wanna know what Creepy Accountant is up to whenever he takes his glasses off. For street guys that's "ready to rumble" so I want to know if he's carving people's eyeballs out and shit. Ben Cross looks like an Easter Island statue. He won't be running to Chariots of Fire on this show. I'm not missing an episode so far. The show is a lot of fun with a great main character.
That accountant guy reminds me a little bit of Brother Mouzone from The Wire. Clean cut, calm and calculating. Brother Mouzone was a bad ass, but he seemed to have a moral code and was strangely likable. This accountant guy is just psychotic and creepy. Video of this getting out is not the best of things for this main character. He is a con who is impersonating a dead sheriff. My only gripe so far is that he seems to be playing his cover quite loosely. I understand he's not the brightest guy in the world and he doesn't seem to have a plan other than being near his old girlfriend, but it's a little far fetched. Thankfully the show has been pretty awesome so far and well worth suspending disbelief to just enjoy the craziness.
It seems Lucas is a bit sadistic.. he enjoys screwing with his ex, but I think the only real reason he would stay is to look out for his daugther. He has no reason to mess with husband, he's a decent guy. And, since he's a master criminal being a cop would give him carte blanche to do what he wants. There's a lot of plot lines for the show. Creepy Accountant is like the little, grimmacing guy in old Shaw Brothers kung-fu movies. We don't see him do anything for the first little while, but when he cuts loose you know it will be good. He DID fuck up way too soon by picking a public fight like that. With how sneaky he is, he could have just strangled the guy in his trailer. The watch-pull was awesome, though.
I'm pretty happy with this show thus far. The permanent grimace on Lucas' face is a bit weird, however. This is the first Showtime show that I've gotten hooked by. Dexter and Weeds were decent at the outset, but ran on too long and I lost interest. Here's hoping that if they need to milk this one for 9 seasons they can keep it interesting.
I've loved it so far, only the thing with the Bikers last episode was stupid and weak. I mean, Telly from Kids as a bike gang leader? Dude looks and sounds as tough as a white funk band. At least Lucas whooping their asses (and Sugar, at that) was awesome. The female cop at "The Cadi" Lucas works with is insanely hot, and a good character for the show. I felt so sorry for her at the end of the episode.
Ho-ly Shit. Knock-down, drag-out, Thunderdome-to-the-death in the attic. That was some nasty, vicious shit. I love it when they take the romance out of fight scenes and make it dirty, bloody and painful. Big improvement over the episode last week, but what now? A lot of cats out of the bag now it seems.
OK. This show has hands down the best fist fights I have ever seen anywhere. The most brutal street fighting, dirty pool ever filmed. The last two episodes I felt in my nuts. Last week's, Hood and Proctor really looked like they were going to kill each other. The show itself kind of sucks. I don't particularly care about any of the characters. The plot doesn't do much for me. But holy hell is there some filthy sex and awesome violence. The Amish girl's body is ridiculous. I'd churn that butter.
The show is entertaining but I hate that all shows these days minus a very few won't take risks with the writing. As in Rabbit's daughter being some sort of baddass that can shoot a fleas asshole at 50 paces with a 9mm on the run but when she Spoiler is less than 10 feet from her dad she shoots him twice in some none lethal way setting up more of the same for the second season. Gets old knowing what will happen before it does.
I felt it moved way too fast in the last few episodes, I felt the covered way too much ground for one season, they could have stretched the subplots they already had. The excess is the best thing about the show, and I think Lucas and Kai are both great characters. You are calling it on the predictability, though. Speaking of which: I think Rabbitt will pull the "We're even, now we have to work together" cliche sometime next year. It's still one of my favourite new shows of this year. It was also signed for another 10-episode second season.