My favourite brainless guilty pleasure currently on TV is back. Albeit I found last season a bit disappointing compared to season one, I'm still happy to have it back. Looks like big-ass Cheyton will become a much bigger player this season now that Alex is gone. I'll be watching episode 1 later tonight.
Looks like Brock has a little bit more of a role this season and Proctor is now shacking up with his niece? That's creepy. I gotta admit that I really love this show. It's so entertaining and I'm a sucker for a hot, tortured soul trying to make himself a better man.
That was easily was one of the dumbest episodes of the series. Attacking trained marines with a bow? C'mon man. Although let's face it: this is tongue-in-cheek and is about style over substance. Speaking of which: I don't care for gunfights so much on this show. It's the dirty pool hand-to-hand that sells it for we so well. There are no "rules" with the fighting on this show, they hurt each other however they can in the most painful way possible. I really like what they did with Brock. He certainly wasn't easy to like at first, now I think he's one of the best characters on the show. It's seems like they're foreshadowing him for upcoming tragedy, though. Cheyton is one scary motherfucker, even though the guy has dropped at least 20 pounds since last season he's still as intimidating as hell. Oh and how YOU doin, Nola. Glad we won't have to wait half a season to see her ravishing self.
Well that episode's car fight scene was one of the most intricate and well shot fight scenes I've ever seen. It looked almost like one continuous shot, but that's impossible. Great episode.
That was one of the best scenes this show has offered. Such awesome, stylized and senseless violence. Clay is like Waylon Smithers from hell, the guy has had ALL the best scenes this year. And to use the Dalton Fatality from Road House... dayum. RIP, Nola. You were far too beautiful for this world.
I'm kind of upset they got rid of Nola so soon, but she should have known better. I really liked that they brought in Branton or whatever that fat guy's name was. And I can't wait for next week to see what Siobhan does with her new found information.
Just watched the latest episode now... and yeah, RIP Nola... you were one hot and deadly bitch... sorry to see you go.
Well, they killed off my two favourite female characters in three episodes. That was sad and damn cold, but foreshadowed. Have to keep the secret going somehow. Luxmcas is eventually going to be squaring off with Cheyton'scwrath one-on-one and he's going to be fighting dirty.
I can see that Tank dude coming into the fray as well. They're slowly but surely killing off all the hot chicks.
That episode was all over the place, but Anthony Starr (Lucas) really nailed sadness-drenched rage that episode. The scene where he stabbed Cheyton was awesome, probably my favourite scene of the year. I also liked the B&W "what if" flashbacks that reveal the damage he caused by showing up. Rebecca needs to take a chill pill and get nekkid more. I think I speak for everyone.
Agreed. I think they're bringing her on too strong too quick. Makes for fun tv, but she's one crazy bitch. The flashbacks to how Banshee would be without him were excellent. Looks like Deva's going to be joining a cult. Fun.
Do you think he's dead? That was some point-blank shit right there, my friends. Madness. I liked that episode a lot. It had two excellent fights and one heckuva money shot. I don't really care for GI Joe as this season's primeval. Too many shots of him getting squinty-eyed like a playground perv. The whole base subplot doesn't blow my skirt up at all.
The CGI was overdone. Otherwise a satisfying episode. I am losing interest in the plot quick. All I'm looking forward to are fist fights and tits. Make that happen in abundance and we will be square. Not to nit pick, it's just a kind of mindless action series, but that foot chase scene was all over the map. That was at least 2 miles they covered in 2 different directions. They just HAD to film in one of the Lafayette Cemeteries, which is waaaaaaaay far from that old port. The end of this video sums up my feelings about Clay. Spoiler
Not a lot. Although you see Eliza Dushku's naked ass but my GOD is it bonkers. A satanic cult. Fo shiz.
I've pretty much enjoyed the show for the insane violence and fight scenes. Mixed with gratuitous nudity, it's not hard to see why sex and violence mixes well together.
They haven't had a truly dynamite fight scene this season, it's been different. I'm hoping since it's the last hour they will go all out.
I was pleasantly surprised. They kept the crazy shit to a minimum and instead made it a very personal finale. I really liked the way they tied things up, not predictable but a way fans of the show will like. One of the best episodes, if not the best of the series. This show was a great little guilty pleasure diversion. But if you watch season one it was nasty, raunchy and dirty as hell and that season was never topped. It has some of the best fight scenes any EVER. The fight violence and sadism was EXCRUTIATING. It was purely a show that flaunted style over substance, but I liked it.