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Banshee season 2

Discussion in 'TV Shows' started by Crown Royal, Jan 7, 2014.

  1. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Can we be honest? We didn't come here to think hard or marvel at magnetic performances. We came here to watch blood spurt, bones break and clothes get torn off. A pure, unabashed guilty pleasure of a show that I just cannot turn off, with out-of-this-world hot women and the best fight scenes EVER. I hope they do try to improve the story, it moved to fast last season but why carp? Let's watch our grinning psychotic hero Lucas fuck some shit up and watch hot Amish, Native and Ukrainian women get down to some sweaty, filthy, dirty nasty.

    Starts this Friday, kids.

    #1 Crown Royal, Jan 7, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  2. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Nola Longshadow is milk and honey poured from heaven. Jesus I am in love. She's not Native in real life but swooooooooooooooooon

    The set-up was decent, the agent is a bit too obnoxious but he seems to know about Lucas more than he's unveiling. The robbery was entirely dumbass action filler, but I was happy to see Julian Sands as the priest. Seems they're setting him up as the deus ex machina for villainy this season.

    Rebecca on the stairs. Trust me: pause it right there. Ye Gods. They choose wardrobe on this show more carefully than the disciples of Christ.

    When's the brutal-ass shit coming back? I want fucking PAIN.
  3. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Wasn't impressed. It lacked everything I want: extreme violence and gratuitous nudity.

    The preview for next week looked liked things will pick up, so I'll hang in there for more naked time and fisticuffs. Or naked fisticuffs; women's prison anyone? I have no connection with the show otherwise. The setup is completely absurd and nothing new, the more involved action sequences are kind of shitty, no emotional connection with the characters. So if it starts to bore me I'll just punch out for good. Fudge 'em.

    There are other ways to kill 45 minutes. Like staring at this:


  4. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    That was a much better episode than the first, the jump-cut duo fight at the end was awesome, along with the huge smile Lucas has when entering the motel room. WAY for fun this week. That was why I watch this show.

    So Black Jesus, what did you think of Rebecca's "performance" to open the show? Should TV just be shut down completely now? Words cannot fathom that wonder.

    So are Lucas and Kai a team, or enemies? Kai respects Lucas but its not at all the other way around.
  5. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Proctor and his niece are going to fuck and it is going to be awesome. There was almost no point in having her masturbate during the show's opener. The producers just thought it would be awesome, so they did it. High 5s all around.

    Nola is also ridiculously hot beating up men. So is Ivana Milkarussiansomethingorother when she's clobbering ghetto trash. I can't wait for more girl prison scenes.

    Seriously, this show has no artistic value, no greater meaning. It is 100% entertainment. Entertainment the way summer blockbusters are exactly not. Tits, ultra violence, exploding cows. If there is ever a cable network show that would have fisting lesbians, it would be this one.

    Honestly the best scene was the hot tub scene. There was no better way to show dominance over an enemy. That shit was how you win at mind games, son.
  6. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Kai and Clay.... bats off to you gentlemen. That was brutal, dirty and awesome. Clay has to be one of the coolest henchmen ever. Virtually mute, dresses like Orville Redenbacher and fears nothing. I love how you can see him clenching and unclenching his hands while Kai was telling the Natives to get lost, just jonsing to fuck some shit up. I hope he sticks around for a long time.

    Siobhan.... damn you one fine police, girl.

    I'm trying to figure out the last shot with Nola. Did she kill her, or was she more connected with this girl? If you watch the post-credits scene the huge native brings himself to tears during prayer. What up with that?

    Coolest part of the episode was Hood pulling the gun on the kid. Doesn't kneel at all to threats, and the scene finished hilariously. The look on Jason Hood's face was priceless.
  7. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The bat fight was awesome. I rewound that and got a boner.

    It seems like Nola has orchestrated herself a little plot. Last scene made it look like she set the whole thing in motion. Also, that Indian fella built like a brick shithouse scares the piss out of me. He's the thing nightmares dream about. Holy god what an animal.

    Clay reminds me of Vargas from Thunderball. "Vargas does not drink, does not smoke, does not make love. What do you do, Vargas?" Except Clay is way cooler.

    This was a fairly thoughtful episode. Really drove home just how fucked both the Amish and reservation lifestyles are.
  8. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    That was a better episode than the past couple. It seems Clay is even WAY more disturbed than we thought, but I was equally laughing a lot during the crime scene clean-up. Dude's into some hardcore shit, huh?

    The gas station fight was great. This show is at best when they bring the pain, that was fucking brutal.

    Oh, and Rebecca's ass.
  9. Puffman

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Central California
    a nice finale I thought. It wrapped up a few lingering issues from past years and moved forward some conflict for next season. I will not say anymore as I am not sure who has yet seen the final episode for this season.
  10. CharlesJohnson

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    That didn't seem like 10 episodes. The two before the finale kind of dragged. There was a ton of story in there that could have happened. Strange finale. Those flashback scenes could have been wrapped up quicker; seems like we tread old ground. The other plot lines could have received more screen time. Emmett was taken out completely ignominiously. However, fairly satisfying.

    Couple random thoughts:

    Littlestone scares the living fuck out of me. That guy is a beast. He's as tall as he is wide. Bane from TDKR was the only other villain that gave me the creeps like that.

    Proctor and his niece are banging like nasty animals. There's just no way they aren't.
  11. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I'm just glad the Rabbit monkey is off Lucas' back, and we can focus on just the town now. With Alex dead, not only will that procure Cheyton's wrath but also the ravishing Nola's as well.

    Seriously, they would have been cut down in one second. Seven guys with machine guns? Enough with the John Woo shootouts. It's tired.

    It wasnt as good as season one. Not enough nut-stinging fisticuffs. However, it got rid of a lot of extra unneeded plot, and I like that Lucas and Ana/Carrie went on with their lives. They're not pushing that they're star-crossed soul mates.

    It's signed for a third season. Far from my favourite show, but a guilty pleasure for sure.
  12. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Ok, so I just binge watched both seasons and this show is way too much fun to watch. Between the jaw-droppingly violent fights and the more than gratuitous nudity, I just couldn't get enough. I haven't seen violence in a show like that since 'A History of Violence' and 'Eastern Promises'. I like that they don't harp on little insignificant shit and just stick to what makes the show fun. Its not a complicated show to watch and you don't have to hang onto every word just so you don't miss a tiny nuance. For instance, the one deputy who doesn't trust Hood, I'm glad we don't have to deal with too much of his shit to bring the show down.

    They seriously need to bring back Nola because she needs to be naked more than anyone else in the show. And Carrie is a perfect example of how smaller boobs can be just as sexy as the larger varieties. She reminds me a little of Fiona from Burn Notice between how she looks and her abilities on the show.

    And I was happy to see Lili Simmons in there as well. She was one of Woody's squeezes from True Detective. I just hope they try to make her a more believable villain. Right now, shes just a hot piece of ass who is slightly conniving but couldn't hold her own in any kind of fight where she didn't get a lucky break.