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Baby's first porn thread

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Revengeofthenerds, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Revengeofthenerds

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    ER Frequent Flyer Platinum Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    What's your earliest memory... of porn?

    The majority of us grew up with scrambled Skinemax, which sadly is going away. Shegirl came of age with black and white magazines and bushes that Dixie would be proud of.

    For many, finding our father's "secret stash" was almost a rite of passage, and the cool kid in school was defined by the one who had access to the most porno mags.

    After the internet, though, life -- and more specifically, masturbation -- was forever changed as we waited patiently for our dial-up connection to load a single image. It took a good 15 seconds just to download a nipple. And back then, that was heaven.

    Now, though, we are in the matrix of porn. Porn is accessible from a cell phone, which barely existed back in those dial-up days; the challenge of finding porn (any porn) has since been replaced by the desensitized task of searching the dregs of the Internet porn barrel in hope of finding something, anything, that can still turn you on.

    Focus: What was your earliest porn memory?

    Alt. Focus: Discuss the sad loss of Skinemax, how this new generation (and all future ones) will never truly appreciate porn like how we do, or what you think this ease-of-access to porn will mean for the sexuality of future generations?
  2. Nom Chompsky

    Nom Chompsky
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    Honorary TiBette

    Dec 23, 2010
    we out
  3. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Focus: What was your earliest porn memory?

    I remember a buddy who had the milk carton trick on the cable box to descramble, when I was in like 8th grade, but I don't remember anything about watching stuff. First softcore title I remember was getting together with my highschool football team in 10th grade. One of the seniors had "Spaced Out".
    Hilarious - in the IMDB listing, I just noticed that Bob Saget is credited with voice work.

    Then, my junior year, another buddy's mom was out of town, and he invited a bunch of us over to drink beer (!). We're hanging out, and he says, "Hey, I got a video." He walks over to the book case, moves some books out of the way and reaches back behind them. When I think back, I always picture it in slow motion with an angel chorus singing "ah ahhhhh." It was a bootleg, 2nd or 3rd generation VHS copy of "Insatiable" with Marilyn Chambers. (Edit: Spoliered because holy shitballs that's a big image!)

    Alt. Focus: Discuss the sad loss of Skinemax . . .

    It's sad.
    #3 Rush-O-Matic, Jan 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  4. iczorro

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The Island
    My friend's Dad had a stack of Easy Rider magazines in the basement. We also (and is it just me, or did this happen everywhere in the country) found a playboy torn up all over the school yard one fine day in 4th grade.

    As far as my parent's stash, I found it while babysitting my little sister one night in 8th grade. I thought it would be a funny joke to look through their shit, didn't actually expect to find anything. Found a shoebox full of VHS tapes. One of them, "The Opening of Misty Beethoven", is still my favorite porn of all time.

    When my Dad and step-mom split, he told me with a bit of a grin, "No, we're not bringing Cherie's porn with us". I was surprised for two reasons. 1. They knew I'd found it? Sonofa... I thought I was so good at putting it back just right. 2. It was my step-mom's? Respect.

    People talk about how watching too much porn is going to ruin young people's perspective on sex. I disagree. I think it will elevate the level of fucking in the world to a new, better, kinkier norm. Plus, there's plenty of slow sensual emotional porn out there too, if that's your thing. I just think I would have been way better my first time if I'd had more visuals to study beforehand.
  5. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I think the content is only a small part of the issue. If someone is into black midgets blowing a donkey with a bowling pin in their ass, thats not because the internet has desensitized them. Thats their own mental illness. But I think the sheer volume of porn has contributed to a desensitization. People are learning to rely less and less on imagination and just click through endless porn tube sites. The novelty of seeing a naked chick in print is completely gone.
  6. Rush-O-Matic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 11, 2009
    Novelty? It's about the art, man.

    Seriously, though. I must not have not looked at too much, then, because I still enjoy seeing naked women in print. Or in cursive.

    I think it was Ron White that had the line somthing like, "Am I right guys? You know, once you've seen one girls boobs . . . you pretty much want to see all of them."
  7. wexton

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    North Coast BC
    For me my first porn tape was probably gr5-gr6, I hung out with a few guys that there family were drug dealers, so they didn't have a whole lot of rules. Go over one day, they are like hey watch this put in a VHS, it started with an extreme close up. I remember be a little confused as to watch it was watching then they zoom out and was like ah. I found my dad's playboy and porn tapes gr8-gr9.
  8. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    Racquel Darrien. You don't forget your first time.

    Horny little shits of today have it so easy. It's not even fun. Acquiring porn used to be a mission. An adventure. A buddy would call up saying they got rid of the Red Room at a video store so everything is for sale and its ASSEMBLE THE TEAM!!! There's pornography for sale!!! The girlfriend you can rewind.
  9. xrayvision

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    I enjoy it too. I was talking more about arousal. The women in Playboy are beautiful and I enjoy seeing them naked, but you will be hard-pressed to find a guy who rubs one out to a centerfold these days. When I was a teenager and got a Playboy(specifically the Shannon Elizabeth one when American Pie first came out), it was almost life-changing for me. Thats because internet porn was in its infancy and not anywhere near the lightning fast speed and enormous selection of today.
  10. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I see it both ways. I completely agree with iczorro. I'm a much better sexual partner, and was especially early on, due to porn. Not that my technique or anything is honed by people fucking on a waterfall or in the Bangbus, but more of the "what the fuck do I do?" was taken away. And it definitely pushes me to be more ambitious and creative.

    But I totally get the densitization. Women naked in print is more weird than anything. And I remember when you would rejoice over seeing a topless chick in a movie. Now I don't even care. My old roommate used to cheer when the "N" would pop up on the opening of an HBO show, and we would make fun of him...but we were all there once.

    FOCUS: I'm sure there were snippets here and there, but as far as I know, my parents never had any porn, or I was just too stupid to find it. But my first memories were of scrambled Playboy channel. They would do the slowed down black and white stripshows between programs and that would come through pretty damn clear. We would naturally watch them in groups like the 13 year old weirdos we were.

    Later on, I remember the scrambled Spice channel that was hard to decipher, but at exactly 10PM each night, the sound would come on. And then suddenly it was much easier to make out what was going on, and naturally to fap.
  11. FreeCorps

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    #1 Internet Boo

    Apr 22, 2010
    Boca Raton, FL
    Not for nothing, but this is like saying I wish I watched a lot more Formula 1 racing before my first time driving a car because I think it would've helped me a lot. It's a bit silly.
  12. caseykasem

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    Emotionally Jaded

    May 6, 2010
    Damn right it used to be a mission. I remember looking at scrambled skinimax stuff in 3rd or 4th grade. It was always our mission for the evening at any sleepover with my friends. You had to wait out the parents and when they went to bed. Then, you had to look at the tv guide channel and wait until you found something that might feautre a nipple or maybe their was some porn on. Then came the waiting and trying not to fall asleep. No one ever wanted to fall asleep and be the one who missed out on a partially visible vagina or boob. Other than that, I had a few friends who had dads and older brothers with good stashes of porn but there was none in my house. If there was any, I would have found it. I tossed that place like I was executing a search warrant in the effort of finding porn.

    This was how sleepovers went for most of my childhood until the invention of Napster. When that shit came, we were downloading all sorts of stuff. That happened around 6th grade for me. This eventually led to Kazaa, morpheus, and limewire. My friends and I spend the majority of our spare time in jr. high downloading porn from these p2p programs.

    Because these programs took forever and massive galleries of online porn were still in their infancy, sometimes my cousins and I would head to the local Hastings, Circuit City, etc. and "hey mister it." This is where we would ask random guys to buy us porn such as a playboy or penthouse DVD in exhange for generous compensation, as we were too young to purchase these items. We would hang out near these and if any dudes came and looked at them, we would ask them to purchase us a video and, in exchange, we would pay for theirs as well.

    This all required teamwork and strategy the likes of which the current generation will never know. It's a damn shame but I would trade it all in for readily accessable porn. Damn this current spoiled generation and their instant gratification.
  13. Angel_1756

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    The Big Four-Oh

    Oct 21, 2009
    The T-dot O-dot one-of-a-kind
    Does ASCII porn count? Because that would be my earliest memory. That, and Friday night movies on channel 7 which were softcore movies in the early 90s with lots of spandex and big hair and soft lighting. If you were lucky, you'd see a distant image of the back of a woman hopping up and down and moaning with some guy underneath her and a sea of covers around her waist. I would have been about 13 in both cases.
  14. Misanthropic

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    The first porn I ever saw was old Playboy photos hung inside of an outhouse.

    The second was a deck of playing cards, that I found in the old man's sock drawer when I was about 10 years old, with porn photos and raunchy cartoons on the backs.

    The first porn movie I ever watched was a black and white 8mm we found in my buddy's dad's closet. The "story" revolved around a woman waking a guy up with a blowjob.
  15. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    That segues nicely into the next thread of "earliest memories of strangers we met at Circuit City taking pictures of me and my adolescent friends naked in exchange for a copy of Juggs magazine"
  16. katokoch

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    I was in 7th grade when Napster came about. It was a glorious time, need I say more? My parents never got us cable so I was never aware of that stuff, but there was the internet and easily downloadable videos available just as I figured out what a boner was for.
  17. audreymonroe

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    The most powerful cervix... in the world...

    Nov 23, 2009
    Brooklyn, NY
    I was home alone a lot, so I had pretty easy access to porn thanks to my dad's magazines and tapes and not worrying about being caught looking around the Internet and what I could find on TV. (Although I did get caught once when we had dial-up and a 1-900 number showed up on the bill. I think I had somehow connected to a camgirl without realizing what was happening. That was a fun conversation.) I also had a very darling bonding experience with some of my friends where we watched a DVD one of their older sister's friends gave her, which she gave to us. I can't remember the porn I watched a week ago, but I remember that one so clearly, as well as hearing my friend yelling "MY VAGINA. DOES NOT. LOOK LIKE THAT!" over and over again.

    I think porn had a mostly positive influence, actually. I think it's better for people to get exposed to a wider range of sexualities to be able to figure out what they're interested in on their own. Then they can take better control of their sex lives and have better sex and more compatible relationships - all good things. And, hey, you pick up tips. I doubt threesomes would have gone so smoothly if I was going into it totally ignorant, for example.
  18. john_b

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 24, 2009
    Early 80s when they played shit like 1001 erotic nights on HBO/Cinemax late night. After the parents went to bed...yeah buddy.
  19. Cult

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Nov 1, 2009
    Focus: One of my friend's brothers had a Christmas edition of Playboy. Does that count as porn though? I mean, Playboy is barely porn.

    Alt. Focus: Ehh, it could be good, could be bad. I think porn creates misconceptions in kids heads but those probably go away pretty quick once they actually start having sex. I couldn't get by without porn, I don't get laid enough and my imagination is shit. I beat it every day and I'm still craving it all the time.
  20. The Village Idiot

    The Village Idiot
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    Porn Worthy, Bitches

    Nov 23, 2009
    Where angels never dare
    You people with 'dial up' and 'oh the scrambler on my tv?'

    Fuck you.

    I had to deal with print. That's all we had. And you know what we had to deal with, back before the wheel was invented?

    The porn friend. Yeah, you haven't had to live til you dealt with this dickhead. Who's the porn friend?

    He's the guy who had a dad with a great porn collection. Penthouse, Hustler, Playboy (when you were feeling classy). The problem was the porn friend was always an asshole. Supply and demand. He didn't have to be nice, his dad had a stack of porn that would make a 70's porn publisher blush. So you had to tolerate him. In school, at the playground, and everywhere else. And they always made it tougher to stand them because they knew they had you, quite literally, by the balls.

    So you youngin's can fuck right off. For those of us old people, we had to endure to get our porn. It was a sacrifice, it required physical hiding of evidence, it required moxy.

    You kids don't know how fucking good you have it.

    Now get off my lawn.