4 Chan So I've seen several references here on TiB that have origins on the glorious/hideous site that is 4chan. Usually once every couple of days I'll visit for the "lolz". The site is a monstrosity that has given us such things as lolcats, Boxxie, tubgirl, ruthless hits on the disciples of Scientology, de-motivational posters, and the brilliant ballot stuffing for Time magazine's 100 list. The site is all parts retarded and yet has its moments of brilliance that make me laugh and give me a tiny feeling of appreciation for the sickness in others and therefore myself. You visit it. Don't lie to me. If you don't visit it, I highly discourage/encourage/endorse/cringe for you to visit it. Focus: What do you laugh about from this site that is just wrong? Alt-Focus Seriously? After that description you went there? What did you see? Did you need a puke bucket?
I've tried visiting it before, but the layout is too cluster fucked for me to waste my time trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Another thing they've contributed to the world is the Rick Rolling. I always thought this was fairly clever. Until I was trying to look up the online menu for a restaurant I was going to for a work lunch, and the damn Rick Astley music video kept popping up. I always want to know the menu ahead of time before a work lunch, so I can keep conversation going without having to awkwardly peruse the menu (don't ask, it's just one of my things). I was really pissed off. Edit: BTW - I'm pretty sure that nothing on that site is SFW. Might want to make a note of that.
Ah, /b/. The Mos Eisley Spaceport of the Internet. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Just writing this where they might see it makes me nervous.
Focus: I occasionally visited b, for the 'lolz' as you say. I read about this girl getting beaten up and is now (was?) in a coma. Because she had been talking shit about some guy who had commited sucide. b thought it was allright and she had it coming for being a total bitch - and 'bitch should have stayed in kitchen'. So wrong in many ways, deeply retarded, but I couldn't help laugh anyway. Guess i'm retarded. +1
My older brother who was an avid RMMB lurker actually switched to 4chan when that site was shut down. He forced me to look through some of the pages, like he did for the original RMMB. Over all the place is way more cluttered than I can really keep up with. Some of the shit they do is extremely funny but Im too ADD to rifle through the shit to find it. That MS Paint comic strip meme with the guy that screams usually in the last pane is probably my favorite part of the site, you know besides the nudie post.
Oldfag since '04 here, /b/ is pretty fucking horrible nowadays and some of the bigger memes came from SA. Granted, it was never good, but in the beginning it was kinda like the RMMB but with more anime porn. Some of the other boards are slower and less shitty. /sp/ is pretty awesome, as are /toy/ and /co/ if you skew nerdy.
Yep /b/ has definitely gone down hill. It used to be a constant source of amusement for me, now it's just really fucking stupid. NSFW
Come on, idiots, what are the first two rules about /b/? I suggest <a class="postlink" href="http://www.encyclopediadramatica.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">www.encyclopediadramatica.com</a> instead of /b/. It compiles the funny stuff that happened on /b/ in short, readable format. I don't think there's been much funny stuff lately, but when I started reading it a few years ago it was pretty good. You know, if you totally sublimate every fibre of your moral conscience.
I second this. 4chan is too much for me, but if I'm ever curious about some meme I go to ED to find out what I'm missing, and whether it's funny. Still pretty NSFW though (especially, whatever you do, DO NOT go to the entry for "Offended" because you will be disgusted, unless you are already a sick fuck). The most I laughed browsing ED was when I saw this (nsfw because it could be offensive, but not disgusting): NSFW
Instead of using my free time to better myself, learn new skills, or socialize, I visit /b/. ED is great, too. Some of the funniest things I've ever read reside there. NSFW, obviously: <a class="postlink" href="http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Asa_Coon" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Asa_Coon</a> Here's an article about a school shooting in which the shooter failed to kill anyone besides himself. I laughed SO hard the first time I read this.
I used to go on to 4chan alot for the boobs. The first time I went into /b/ I came across kiddie porn and it made me feel disgusting and sick. I havnt been back on the /b/ yet.
I've visited it a couple times. I don't see the appeal. There's some cool stuff but the majority of it is lame shit. Finding something worthwhile is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Can someone explain to me what the hell "/b/" means? I don't get why "/b/" means random.
Rules 1 and 2, yeah yeah yeah. I just couldn't abide by all of these memes coming from there and people pretending like "I'm so smart. I came up with that on my own. Someone high five me." That and the site is ridiculously funny at times. So I thought I'd share.
I'll go on /b/ very infrequently. It is set up, as other people have mentioned, like a total clusterfuck. I guess you just have to get used to it and know how to find what you're looking for. Personally, I like the "You laugh, you lose" threads for the funny pictures. As for the best description of the place possible, here you go:
Apparently I missed the golden days of /b/ because whenever I go there every so often it's just mundane pics of tits/porn/anime porn. Maybe I'm doing it wrong? Also, how has Allord not posted on this thread yet?
I've heard stories about anon fucking with people, and that shit makes me really angry. That is all I know.
Link NSFW: <a class="postlink" href="http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Princess_Punk" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://encyclopediadramatica.com/Princess_Punk</a>