Because some of you have no common sense or really have nothing to lose, I know what you look like, as does anybody else on the Internet who cares to find out. This is because you post your picture on the Internet, sometimes even on this board, and associate it with your username. I'm not talking about a shot of your boobs or your ass on the Members Boobie/Booty thread (and we thank you all for your contributions) because posters there know to stick to the goods and crop out identifying information, like YOUR FACE. Good job. I still have a hard time telling most of you apart. It's easier for the ones whose pictures I've seen, because I can associate a face with the username. But for those of you with the good sense NOT to post your face with your username, I have no mental image. Your little 90x90 avatar doesn't help much either. So, we are going to try to rectify that in this thread. FOCUS: If you are dumb and don't care that we know what you look like, post a picture of yourself. No sunglasses/hats please, just what you actually look like. If you DO care, then post a picture of a person (could be a celebrity, could be just an average person from the Sears Catalog) that looks kind of like you, so everyone else can use that as a mental image of you. Do not fucking post somebody who is way better looking than you, because we are all going to laugh our asses off at you. ALT FOCUS: Pick another poster here, and post a picture of who you imagine when you're reading their posts. For example, whenever I'm reading a Chater post, all I see is: Or Nettdata: Or shegirl:
I'll bite, but I'm not dumb enough to put a pic of myself on here. Sorry. I look like Ben Roethlisberger. I've posted about this before on here and the other board that I've been approached by strangers 15-20 times in the past couple of years to tell me that. Keep in mind that its mostly black people that do this. I'm gonna chalk it up to All White People Look Alike. Other than that, I could take this two ways: 1. Least Likely. "Hey you look like a two time Super Bowl winning quarterback who is ass deep in straight cash." 2. Most Likely. "Hey, you look like that rapist who bounced his face off a car hood" I mostly resemble him in this picture because I usually have facial hair, longish hair, and a backward fitted hat.
I imagine people as their avatars, and it always confuses me when they reveal something about how they look in real life that totally conflicts with the image I've been associating them with. (This is an especially pleasing habit when the user with the dog wearing a raincoat as their avatar posts.) I do this even with the one member I know in real life. Note: Harry Coolahan does not look like Clint Eastwood. I get told over and over and over and OVER again how much I look like Regina Spektor: I wouldn't say we're twins, but we do basically have all the same features, except that I have brown eyes.
I'll second the idea of picturing people as their avatar. I only recognize some posters by avatars instead of names. I'm not posting a pic of myself, but people always tell me I look like Zooey Deschanel. Before I had bangs I got Emily Deschanel frequently. Some girls I used to teach asked if they could call me "Bones". Um, no, you whiny little brats. A certain mod thinks I look like a brunette Kristen Wiig, however, nobody else in my entire life has ever made that connection, ever. It's funny how differently people perceive each other.
I'm another person who assumes posters look like their avatars, which is a bit ironic considering I don't look exactly like mine (I'm taller and wearing different clothing). I'll post a picture if it seems like people care about this thread. Here are some assumptions I have for what you all look like: Pinkcup: Spoiler DrFrylock: Spoiler JimmyJames: Spoiler Frebis Spoiler Jennitalia: Spoiler
Let me revise the rule: if you post a picture of yourself, no hats, sunglasses, or other shit you're hiding behind, including but not limited to pints of lager, balaclavas, bicycle helmets, bandanas, wigs, war-paint of any kind, or convenient ficus plants.
Also, if there was a TiB movie, I know two things: 1.) It would be a huge black swan-type hit, and could easily out-earn the Hangover. 2.) The part of Ballsack would be played by Tony Hale, aka Buster Bluth.
Fuck it, I don't care. This is a picture of me a couple months ago at a winery. Uploaded with *edit: It's already been insinuated that I'm gay for having gone to a winery, do better TIB.
It's a shot taken in the wild, don't try and tame me motherfucker. I will post a full gob shot if a few of you other bastards do. If I can find one without a beer in it.
I enjoy seeing what posters look like, it's always interesting to see how well they match what you think. I've posted a picture of myself before back on the first Christmas thread, but here's my current facebook default with some cropping.
Eh fuck it. As I've said, I'm on the chubby side and mixed. I definitely don't look like my avatar. (My ass is slightly larger.) Spoilered for size and those who don't give a fuck.
I used to get people say i looked like Josh Hartnet, never saw it myself but i wasn't complaining as it was usually a pretty decent looking chick telling me this (it never got me laid though...) More recently i've been told Forrest Griffin (w/o a beard or his face pissing blood), this one i can see because of the ears. Seriously i look like a fucking wingnut. This is the photo of him people say looks the most like me. Spoiler Ive also been told a young Tommy Lee Jones bares a passing resemblance to myself. Spoiler
My friends a while ago started saying that I looked dead on basketball player Hedu Turkoglu. I didnt know him and finally got around to looking at him. Have to say the resemblance in a lot of pictures is pretty stunning. Ive had a few others but mostly because of my curly hair. Spoiler From the beard thread, one of the very few pics of me with a goatee... Spoiler