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Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dubyu tee eff, May 18, 2010.

  1. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    This story has been making the rounds: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>

    It was a scene Saudi women’s rights activists have dreamt of for years.

    When a Saudi religious policeman sauntered about an amusement park in the eastern Saudi Arabian city of Al-Mubarraz looking for unmarried couples illegally socializing, he probably wasn’t expecting much opposition.

    But when he approached a young, 20-something couple meandering through the park together, he received an unprecedented whooping.

    A member of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, the Saudi religious police known locally as the Hai’a, asked the couple to confirm their identities and relationship to one another, as it is a crime in Saudi Arabia for unmarried men and women to mix.

    For unknown reasons, the young man collapsed upon being questioned by the cop.

    According to the Saudi daily Okaz, the woman then allegedly laid into the religious policeman, punching him repeatedly, and leaving him to be taken to the hospital with bruises across his body and face.

    “To see resistance from a woman means a lot,” Wajiha Al-Huwaidar, a Saudi women’s rights activist, told The Media Line news agency. “People are fed up with these religious police, and now they have to pay the price for the humiliation they put people through for years and years. This is just the beginning and there will be more resistance.”

    “The media and the Internet have given people a lot of power and the freedom to express their anger,” she said. “The Hai’a are like a militia, but now whenever they do something it’s all over the Internet. This gives them a horrible reputation and gives people power to react.”

    Neither the religious police nor the Eastern Province police has made a statement on the incident, and both the names of the couple and the date of the incident have not been made public, but on Monday the incident was all over the Saudi media.

    Should the woman be charged, she could face a lengthy prison term and lashings for assaulting a representative of a government institution.

    Saudi law does not permit women to be in public spaces without a male guardian. Women are not allowed to drive, inherit, divorce or gain custody of children, and cannot socialize with unrelated men.

    Officers of the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice are tasked with enforcing such laws, but it hasn’t been an easy year for Saudi Arabia’s religious police.

    The decision last year by Saudi King Abdullah to open the kingdom’s first co-educational institution, with no religious police on campus, led to a national crises for Saudi Arabia’s conservative religious authorities, with the new university becoming a cultural proxy war for whether or not women and men should be allowed to mix publicly.

    A senior Saudi cleric publicly criticized the gender mixing at the university and was summarily fired by the king.

    That was followed in December by a surprise announcement from Sheikh Ahmed Al-Ghamdi, head of the Saudi religious police commission in Mecca, who published an article against gender segregation, leading to threats on his life and rumors that he had been or would be fired.

    Meanwhile, the Saudi government has gone to great efforts recently to improve the image of the religious police, most notably by firing the national director of the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice earlier this year. The new director Sheikh Abdul Aziz Al-Humain then announced a series of training programs and a special unit to handle complaints against the religious police.

    Last month, however, members of the religious police in the northern province of Tabuk were charged with assaulting a young woman as she attempted to visit her son, in a move that marked an unprecedented challenge to the religious police’s authority.

    "There is some sort of change taking place," Nadya Khalife, the Middle East women’s rights researcher for Human Rights Watch, told The Media Line. "There is clearly a shifting mentality regarding to the male guardianship law and similar issues. More women are speaking out, there are changes within the government, there is a mixed university, the king was photographed with women, they want to allow women to work in the courts and there are changes within the justice ministry. So you can witness some kind of change unfolding but it’s not quite clear what’s happening and it’s not something that’s going to happen overnight."

    The fact that the police are known as "Hai'a" makes it even funnier

    Focus: I've never been in a physical fight so I've got nothing but what about you? Did you get your ass kicked? What were the repercussions. Bonus points for pictures and extra bonus points for a video.
  2. effinshenanigans

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    Of the few fights that I've been in, my favorite one was at a Halloween party where I beat up some asshole who sucker-punched my friend in the side of the head. He was Mr. Incredible, I was Tigger, and I laid about half a dozen elbows into his face before leaving him in the dirt on the side of the house and walking away. My friends said the image of the fight was awesome from a distance.

    This was taken that night, probably 2 hours before the fight.

    Attached Files:

  3. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    My friends are badass tough guys, and sometimes if I had to back them I would partake. I know how to fight well, but I have more resolve than my buddies. A few years ago I knocked out a guy's front teeth that sucker-punched my friend and I haven't thrown a punch since (I did headbutt a guy out cold downtown for spitting on my Bruce Springsteen T-shirt, though).

    Aside from the time I was thrown like a battering ram face-first into a fire hydrant, my only true ass-whooping came at the hands of a 5-on-2 fight. When I was at my friend Book's place at Fanshawe College, some drunken ass-hats threw snowballs at us. Book (who does not feel fear or impulse at all) ran down the street instantly and challenged all five of them at once. I was the only one at the gathering to go help, and the the next thing I knew I was throwing down with three assholes at once. We fought valiantly but suffered greatly. We were overpowered and thrown into deep snow, where we were rain-danced on for about 3 minutes (and felt like an eternity) before the others we know finally got brave and rescued us. I was blessed with two broken ribs, and Book had a boot print on his face that lasted two weeks. Here's a pic 5 minutes after the melee took place. I'm on the right clutching my torso, Book is the one with the red face next to me. We're squinting because we got extremely stoned RIGHT after we re-entered the house:

  4. WickedBitch

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    Jan 1, 2010
    The one time I got into a fight, I got sucker punched in the lunchroom by my best friend who thought I'd hit on her boyfriend (I hadn't). After the punch, she kind of pounced on me and wailed at the back of my head a few times, pulling my hair and ripping off my favorite necklace (never did find it). I had a black-ish eye, some scratches on my face and my scalp hurt but it was fairly minor considering. We were no longer friends after that incident.

    This dude, however, got fuuuucked up:

    <a class="postlink" href=",0,3600046.story" onclick=";return false;"> ... 0046.story</a>
  5. whathasbeenseen

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    Dec 30, 2009
    I have been in my fair share of fights. When I actually learned to fight (Krav Maga) I began to like fighting for a much different reason. I don't like hurting people but I enjoy the competition of deception, misdirection and technique over just throwing wild ridiculous punches. I'm a fairly decent sized guy so most of the time I don't get into altercations because of the perceived stereo-type of being a big guy. I'm saying all of this to say the following:

    My cousin is a from the streets brawler. He's 160lbs soaking wet. Kid isn't afraid of anyone or anything. We get into it one day and I kind of feel bad. This is an ass-whoopin that hes gonna remember. We go outside and I'm just toying with him. He throws this wild haymaker that I didn't see coming because of the weird way he contorted his body to deliver it. Brain scrambles, I make the mistake of getting angry. Technique goes out the window. I counter with a cross that would disintegrate a brick wall. He feints. The sheer force of the throw dislocates my shoulder. Fight is over. I reset my arm and we call it quits.

    There will most likely be a rematch in the future. I can't go out like that.
  6. jennitalia

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    Jan 5, 2010
    I think I've mentioned before that in middle school I played in an all-boys lacrosse league and had the most penalty minutes. Simply put, I was just a dick, because really most boys are not going to hit a girl. Most boys except for one. This guy was about 6'3, over 220 lbs and I could just get him riled up. He never really did anything about it besides lame attempts at trash talk until one day he apparently had enough and wound up and punched me in the face.

    The entire arena just went silent in shock. I was not about to just take that shit, even though I definitely had it coming, so I used all the strength in my 5'6, 130 lb frame and slashed him as hard as I could in the back of the shins with my stick. A pushing and shoving match ensued until my brother ran over and started pounding on the guy and the refs broke it up from there.

    I think we both got 10 minute majors and my brother maybe got 5 minutes in the box. To this day whenever I run into that other guy he always gives me the dirtiest looks.
  7. Volo

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    Dec 9, 2009
    Saw something similar to that once, only in a bar. Some poor fucker, just looking for a scrap, picked the absolute wrong guy to fight. Turns out his mark was a martial artist. I was outside having a smoke when a half-dozen guys come pouring out of the bar and two of them started squaring off. The sucker rushed in, got side-stepped and hip-tossed, and when he got up was knocked out cold by a rather impressive roundhouse kick. I bought that guy a beer after such an impressive showing.

    At the same bar, months before, I was having a smoke outside with a friend of mine (we'll call him F), when we saw a guy at the other end of the lot getting boot-fucked in a two on one. Before I'd even had a chance to react, F had thrown down his smoke and was sprinting across the parking lot. He launched into a missile dropkick hitting one of the guys square in the chest, vaulting him nearly head over heels, before beating the shit out of the other one. A fucking missile dropkick! I've never seen anything like it! And keep in mind that F isn't a big fellow. He's 5'1", and well under 130lbs. After he's finished up with those two, he walks back, picks up his discarded smoke and relights it like nothing happened.

    As for me, I've been in several, but nothing really stands out that hasn't been posted on other threads before:

    <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&p=44278#p44278</a>

    <a class="postlink-local" href="" onclick=";return false;">viewtopic.php?f=1&p=49927#p49927</a>
  8. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    The most important part of learning any combat sport is that the basic knowledge of it sticks with you even when you're blackout drunk.

    I've been in plenty of fights but during my junior and senior year of college is was almost a weekly occurrence.

    I boxed growing up and through high school so I know how to throw and take a punch. I'm also a bit mouthy when I drink. I don't start shit but if someone is playing the "Tuff Guy" at a party and takes it to an obnoxious level I definitely try to incite them. This was a bad mix when combined with the ass-hattery that is most UMass Amherst parties and my love of copious amounts of rum and whiskey.

    More times than I can count I'd wake up with my knuckles bruised and my head pounding. My friends would fill me in on sometimes hilarious or heinous stories about what I had done. On one occasion I let some huge drunken football goon take 10 swings at me in a parking lot while explaining why he couldn't hit me before dropping him with a single gut punch. Funny.

    On one occasion I beat the living crap out of some guy who nudged me off the porch because he had been standing behind me saying "excuse me" for 5 minutes. Being drunk I fell into the wet lawn and I apparently walked up to him while he was pissing and cold cocked him. Then I continued punching while he was likely knocked out until my friends grabbed me. Not funny.

    The worst part was being at one of the dining halls or town pubs and having to ask my friends why some dude was glaring daggers my way. "Oh you fought that guy a couple weeks ago. He's probably still pissed about it."


    Now when I drink around tough guys I slow my consumption and keep in mind that I really don't want to go through the expense of defending an assault charge. I also keep in mind that the scales will eventually get balanced since I never suffered any injuries or blatant defeat while engaging in fisticuffs so I'm probably owed a major ass kicking.
  9. Solaris

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    Jan 17, 2010
    Belfast, Ireland
    I haven't been in any fights but I've been very close several times.

    The best incident that stands out in my mind is the first time I ever got thrown out of a bar. Me and my friends were getting absolutely hammered on a Sunday afternoon, just causing havok and eventually the barman tells me to leave. I tell him he'll have to physically throw me out which he does.

    I bump into the guy later on at the late night club at about 1am. He beckons me over in the smoking area and tells me if I don't fuck off he's going to knock the shit out of me. I'm pretty drunk and he has a group of girls and guy friends around him and I can tell he's just trying to impress them. So I call his bluff and say "Go on mate, hit me".

    "Don't Challenge me mate, you don't want me to hit you"
    "No I do, go on hit me, look I've got my arms behind my back, you can have the first punch, I promise I won't even hit you back, go on hit me as hard as you want right here in the face"

    And of course he wouldn't do it, didn't have the guts I suppose. Most people who tell you they're going to hit you, in my experience never do. He looked deflated in front of all his friends and I got to walk back to my group a hero.

    But, as I don't want to brag, the week after this me and my mate were nudging a girl on the dancefloor we hated and she hit me in the face out of nowhere, knocked me over and I had a blackeye for about a month and a half.
  10. Primer

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 22, 2009
    Edmonton, AB - The frozen suck.
    I've been in two fights in my life, one of which I didn't even throw a punch.

    First one, I was playing soccer in high school and some muscle head thought he could push me around. He came up to me, started pushing me and yelling in my face; one lesson I learned from my dad is to never let anyone push me around, so naturally I started yelling back. This made his minuscule brain go straight into fight mode and he swung at me. I'm a pretty agile guy, so I step back from his swing, stepped back in and clocked him in the face. He didn't go down but kind of just stumbled backwards and then went and sat on the sidelines. Nobody gave me shit afterward, the teachers, students or anyone and he pretty much avoided me for the rest of high school.

    Second time, we were drinking at the bars and headed home. Some morons in Affliction shirts started giving my friend, who was wearing shorts (they apparently thought wearing shorts was some sort of crime) hell and started pushing him around. I stepped in to calm things down and some short little fucker came out of nowhere and swung at me. He completely missed my face and just punched my hat right off my head, then he ran away into the crowd of his friends. By the time that I figured out what had happened, they got one of my other friends on the ground and we kicking him in the ribs. Cops showed up, arrested the guys kicking my friend and we all went and got another round.
  11. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Im a small guy with very little confidence in my ability to fight so I have avoided fights most of my life. Not that I had to avoid many but being 5'5 and 155-60 through out most of college meant I was going to get some shit from the usual Tommy Tough Nuts at various parties. The fragile male ego that likes starting fights with anyone shorter than them is just as prevalent as the so called "short man's syndrome" when a short guys fragile ego is busted on one too many times. I've had drinks knocked of out my hands and been squared up on by so many wannabe hood rats I can't even count, this is even more true when I have a girl with me. A short guy with a girl he may or may not be getting pussy from equals instant fighting opponent in most idiots' minds.

    There have only been two times in my life where I instigated and participated in a fight that squarely revolved around me. I lost both. It was at a friends kegger my sophomore year of college. It all started when the people that owned the house decided 2 am was the cut off and was time to push everyone out. I had been playing beer pong with my friend and two girls we had just met. I got in an argument with this guy that lived there hoping to at least finish the game we were playing. He refused and pushed us out the door and proceeded to mock my arguments. So I started swinging on him in a drunken dimwit fashion, I got four punches in before him and a group of 3 or 4 of his friends grabbed me. I really don't remember how long they were beating on me, it was probably only 30 seconds but it felt much longer. They switched their attention to my friend who was trying to break it up while some random party goer that no one knew kept kicking me in the side. We scampered home.

    I had a solid inch high welt from my right temple to the back of my head as well as some nasty rib bruises. This didn't sit well with my roommate who was a constant fighter. Pissed that I had been jumped by a group of dudes he somehow get me riled up enough a few days later to go back and challenge the kid one on one. We rolled back over to the house with some people we knew. My roommate had really wanted a royal rumble type fight and had called another buddy of ours that was another bruiser. Coincidentally the guys at the house had called the same dude knowing people were coming over for a fight. We settled on a one on one with me and the kid I had originally swung on. We squared up on the back lawn and the first thing I thought to do was shoot in for a double leg take down from my glory days as a middle school wrestler. The kid was able to sprawl out quick enough and turned me over and kneeled on top of me raining punched straight to my temple. After 4 or 5 unblocked unanswered punches he stopped and asked if I had had enough. I had. I again scampered off having dissapointed my friends and having earned some wicked vertigo for the next week or so.

    Like a lot of guy stories about fighting I ended up making friends with the kid and his roommates and we hung out a lot at parties. In a fucking crazy movie twist the kid OD on prescription pills while on Spring Break in Mexico later that year. We all went up to his hometown for his funeral. Guess I won the war.

    As for the rest of the fights I've been a secondary character in, 100% of them involved my roommate. He started countless fights and did pretty well over all, I only saw him lose maybe two or three times. Each time I was more the guy in the middle trying to stop the stupidness than fight anyone. I did see him in a huge Halloween Fight at OU's famous Halloween party. He was dressed as a Greatful Dead bear and had an unopened beer chucked at his head. His girlfriend at the time beat the shit out of some chick as well. It was an amazing fight to watch and I got sucker punched by some random kid while I was getting my boy out of the pile.
  12. palmettosc

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I had been in several fights growing up in what amounts to a suburb within the city that I grew up in. When I went to college (College of Charleston Go Cougars and random homeless folk!!) I got into two fairly bad ones. The first one occured when I was driving my car at 19 with quite a few kegs in the back. I clipped side-view mirrors with this fella. I proceeded to go ask him for his insurance info sure that I was in the right. He refused to give it to me and an argument ensued. I had a couple of buddies with me and he was with his girlfriend. At some point during the argument he said "palmettosc you can punch me in the face and you still won't get my insurance info." Naturally I decked him square in the jaw and jumped on him. A few minutes later he's crying on the ground for me to stop while his girlfriend is freaking out. My friends pulled me off and we left. Next day I realized I had been driving the wrong way down a one way street at the time.

    The other fight was kinda crazy. Me and around 6 friends were drinking at my friends apartment that was situated above a bar. A couple of guys were spitting out the window while they were smoking. Naturally they managed to hit a couple of people. The door started getting hammered and me and my pal sat in front of the door and listened to these guys scream figuring they would leave eventually. Next thing we know the deadbolt comes flying at us and the door flies open. Everyone files out single file into this small hallway and are confronted by a black dude and an italian. I apologized and tried to send them on their way. Then someone takes a swing and all hell breaks loose. Long story short me and my freshmen year roomate take this huge black guy completely out. I mean when he got up he had no teeth. The other guy got hit with bottles and thrown down some concrete stairs for good measure. It all ends when they attempt a charge and I drop one with some brass knuckles I had that I hadn't pulled out yet. Best fight I've ever been in none of us had a scratch and we were free and clear when we called the cops since they broke the door down.
  13. ElNombre

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    Village Idiot

    Apr 10, 2010
    Excellent timing. I was just out with a few friends and we were walking home when a group of 6 or 7 guys start talking shit to us. We politely tell them to fuck off and get in a taxi that is nearby. Obviously, we shout abuse at them as we drive away but then get stopped at traffic lights. I was facing forward so couldn't see this coming, but they run up, open the door and swing a punch at the side of my head, I gladly punch the fucker right back in the face just before my friend slams the door and we drive away. Currently I have an icepack on my ear and don't have any more alcohol to rid myself of this adrenaline rush. Fuck.

    Edit: Typo.
  14. JDTheHero

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    Oct 19, 2009
    The only time I have ever gotten my ass kicked was by people who I am acquaintances with. We took my friend out for his 22nd birthday to a local pub, and a guy that liked his girlfriend was there and was talking shit about him all night. My buddy was hammered and looking for a fight, and when he was going to change the song on the jukebox the guy's buddy bumped shoulders with him knocking his beer on him. My friend, being an idiot, broke the glass over the kids hand and then got tackled by the bar owner, and 5-6 other guys and got boot fucked good. I ran over to stop the madness, as the entire bar was full of people that I talk to, and was body checked from behind and given three or four good knees to the face. When the kid looked down and saw who he was kneeing, he picked me up, apologized profusely and put his hands up saying don't hit me I didn't know it was you. He even went through the trouble of messaging my brother on facebook to apologize and let me know he didn't know it was me again. Cue a fucked up lip, broken glasses and a nice little welt, it made for a good story. The dumbest thing was my buddy just got laser surgery on his eyes and was told not to drink or do anything over exerting. How does 10 minutes of boot fucking to the head get classified in that?
  15. Disgustipated

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    Oct 20, 2009
    Gold Coast, Australia
    I've never been in a fight that didn't have a referee. It's come close a few times, but the other guy's always backed down. I have a policy of "I refuse to start shit, but I will finish it". For the most part from what I've seen, and always in what I've been in myself, if you stand up in a situation and your words and actions show that you're not going to be easily defeated, the instigator tends to back down pretty quickly.
  16. 31stday

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    Village Idiot

    Apr 5, 2010
    Hardly an ass whooping, but I've thrown a single punch in my entire life, and I use the term punch loosely. I'm probably the least violent guy you'll ever meet, but this does not always go well with hockey. During a game, I usually just try and calm everything down when shit's about to get real. Well, this time I think it was the for the consolation side in our league so it meant absolutely fuck all but I was pretty in to it. The other team had a penalty about the be called on it but I didn't realize this and when the other team touched the puck I was about to hit him and ended up giving him a bit of a nudge. One of his teammates comes up to me and starts beaking me about how I'm a fucking pussy etc, which is weird because the guy I hit is probably about 3 inches taller than me and this guy beaking me is 2 inches shorter than me(I'm about 5'7" at the time). I just couldn't put up with his shit and I noticed he was probably the ugliest guy you'll ever see so I just threw a punch at his head. He wasn't expecting it and he just went down and laid there for a few seconds while I skated to my bench. Pretty much no one saw it except for a few fans so my friends would not believe my one attempt at trying to being a badass.

    Another time in hockey I accidentally dislocated a plate in a girl's back when I body checked her and we had to call the ambulance in though.
  17. LucasJackson

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    On that note, the only contribution I can give this thread was Labor Day weekend in 2007 at my buddy's kegger when I got piss-ass drunk and ruthlessly and shamelessly hit on some guy's girlfriend, inciting the ire of every male in the room. The exchange went something like this (from what I'm told):

    Him "Take off your glasses, mother fucker."

    Me "Take of my glasses?"


    "So you can fight me?"

    "Yeah, take 'em off."

    "HAHAHA!! What a pussy. Come on, Hollister, if you're going to punch me in the face, then fucking do it! DO IT!"


    I woke up on the ground about three seconds later, my glasses very much so off. Apparently I got up and laughed in his face and went, "Come on, do it again!" but my buddy scurried me out of the door. The fucker really, really tagged me - when I got home and sobered up a little I noticed I couldn't move it, gave it some ice, and when I woke up I looked like Michael Corleone after he got laid out by McClusky.

    It felt awesome. Everyone should take a hit in their lives at some point, just to harden you up (even if you invite one in the douchiest way possible, like I did).
  18. Decatur Dave

    Decatur Dave
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    Oct 19, 2009
    The woods of Central Florida
    I'd posted this one on the Rant and Rave thread awhile back.

    A few months back I went to a concert with the girl friend, and met up with a couple guys she works with there. One of these guys had made a habit of harassing her at work from what she'd told me, which I really think is just her trying to incite some jealousy in me, but I do believe it was happening. We made it through the concert fine, but as we're leaving, the other guy calls her and says they're about to get in a fight with a group of dudes back at the venue. I hop out of the car and sprint back, only to find them standing there like douches with their dicks in their hands. Pissed, I call shotgun, and am forced to ride home with these dumb asses as the girl friend is now long gone in the dense Orlando traffic. At some point we're riding down Colonial Drive, one of the major roads in downtown Orlando, and I'm cussing them out for crying wolf. Dude that enjoys talking slick to the GF pipes up from the back to "shut the fuck up," I'm primed for a fight as it were, and this was the excuse I was looking for with him. Soon as we hit a red light, in the middle of six lanes of traffic, I hop out and invite him to as well.

    I've been in plenty of fights growing up. I'm now almost 28 years old, and the absurdity of fighting is not lost on me. Especially the serious legal implications of it. This was one of the dumbest things I've done in a long time and truly felt like a retard for doing it.

    Unfortunately for him I could tell he'd probably never been in a fight. I invited him to throw the first punch which he did, and with people beeping at us and cars whizzing by, I proceeded to pummel this guy in the middle of traffic. He was cool about it, after I finally knocked him down with a few punches to the head I bought'em Waffle House to go with his concussion. The timing on this was perfect as well, no sooner had we hopped back into the car, a cop car pulled up next to us in the turning lane.

    Last I heard this guys since started taking MMA classes. I don't believe, but hey, I wouldn't blame him.
  19. skyello

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    Average Idiot

    Oct 23, 2009
    This is a picture of me drunk and on LSD at the same time. I barely remember this, but at some point that night I instigated a fight with some random kid who was also in women's clothes. He wanted to go, but our friends got in the middle. I wound up fighting him two days later on Easter Sunday. It was an easy win because he was stumbling drunk and I was sober at this point. Neither of us were hurt, but the kid who stepped in to break up the fight got kicked in the chest and broke a rib.
  20. Tom Ato

    Tom Ato
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    Experienced Idiot

    Dec 23, 2009
    I spent five years of my life in Saudi Arabia before returning to the United States for college. I still go back to visit every summer.

    That place is a clusterfuck. Let's just focus on male-female dynamics over there - out of nearly a hundred elementary, middle, and high schools in the city of Jeddah (where I lived) maybe five or six, tops, allowed boys and girls in the classroom at the same time, in accordance with Islamic law. However, people, naturally, rebel - the allure of hooking up knows no boundaries.

    Guys would go to malls and 'hit' on girls - throw phone numbers on slips of paper at them, slip them into cars full of girls hanging out outside, talk to them on cell phones via bluetooth, etc. Girls would often do the same, hitting on store employees and god knows who else.


    I've been in a few fights, but the most comical one that stands out was after school, when we had to...well, damn, a bit more backstory first.

    In Saudi.... teenage kids don't fight alone, one on one. They fight in groups, or packs. Over here, that's cowardly shit, but back there, it's accepted. So, after school or whatever, when people rumble, it's literally The Outsiders type stuff where people meet at a pre-arranged place and fight each other. That's what was happening here, when the kids from my school (me included, for kicks) went to some French - curriculum school to fight someone who did something. I don't know, half of us were there for fun.

    At the gate, where a group of 14- 18 people walked up to, some security guards and bus drivers yelled at us to get lost / asked what the hell we were doing, I dunno, someone just threw a punch.....and chaos erupted. Utter pandemonium. Someone took a swing at me and I shoved him back. There was this kid in our group with nunchucks who was swinging them wildly around with no skill whatsoever. People were grabbing, pushing, and hitting each other with pent-up testosterone fueled anger. At the first mention of cops, our entire group took off running and piled into separate, random cars, and took off. I ended up in a different car than I got a ride in.

    Oddly enough, the next day I was praised as a hero " for knocking motherfu**ers out, yo!" My street cred rose significantly in the school hallways that day.