Since we had a boobs thread, I have been contacted by the People for Hot Ass Threads (PHAT) who have demanded equal time. Therefore, we need a poll of some sort. What do YOU consider the perfect ass? Or, do you just want the boobies? For me, this ass is basically perfect: What about you?
It's only fair, given that we had a boobs thread. No TiBettes have requested a Weeners thread yet, which is probably lucky for all of us. However, if they request like a Taylor Lautner Memorial Abs Thread, I don't know that we will be able to fairly deny them... On-topic: Like boobs, I'm not too particular since I am lucky to have access to any boobs and/or ass at all. I have an ex-girlfriend who I thought was pretty cute. She was white with blonde hair (OK, maybe it was dyed, but she was definitely like 100% Scotch-Irish), but she had this white version of a ghetto booty. I thought it was cute, and kind of funny but I had to keep it to myself since she probably would have kicked me in the balls if I had mentioned it to her. I'd never seen anything quite like it, but the angle between her torso and her ass had to be something like 90-100 degrees. Your thoughts on these critical matters, as always, are solicited and appreciated.
Jenna Haze again for the win! Nice heart shaped ass. I get the love for the Kim Kardasian DONK but I think Adam Carolla summed it up pretty well when he said, "It would just be too much too handle, it would envelope your whole cock before you could even get it in." Sort of like the 'anything over a handful is too much' sentiment some have for breast. Spoiler Note: The last two post in the booty thread are grade A. edit: For those interested the "episode" of bigwetasses with jenna haze, where this picture came from, is probably the hottest video Ive ever seen of her. It is a perfect video to showcase a perfect ass.
I have posted a few before that I think are pretty nice. I am not sure if heart shaped is the right choice, but that is what I picked. You have to have something back there. You have to have a nice hip to waist ratio, women should keep their curves. Some examples: My avatar of course, the gorgeous Monica Bellucci The curvy Sofia Vergara And of course, Jessica Biel,
For me, its the shape, not the size so much. It can be just about any size from small to Sir Mix as long as it has long as it has a lovely curvy ass shape. Jessica Biel's ass is too flat in that picture. I need round and shapely.
I lean towards the smaller end. It's damn near impossible to find a big ol' sir mix-a-lot booty that's also toned and shaped well. Basically the same as tits, once they get too big the nipples go off in funny directions and you get stretch marks and shit.
I guess I would consider this to be a medium ass? Not the kind where you say, "That girl has no ass" which is what I assume small means. But still tight and toned. Again, as with boobs, it really depends on the girls whole body. Any ass can be beautiful (within reason, on a girl that's in decent shape) as long as it fits her body.
Ass ass ass ass ass. This could make a break a girl. It has to be proportioned well to her body, that is to say too small and her legs look too skinny and really odd. Too big and it get's in the way and she's usually too thick for my taste. Small doesn't work well because it's nice to have something to grab a hold of or slap while I'm doing the deed, and it's gotta jiggle a bit when I do. If the size and shape look good in a pair of tight jeans according to her body, then she's good to go. Here's an example:
I think we should maybe find examples of the various types for clarification. Small: Medium: Heart Shaped: Mix-A-Lot: Each fantastic in their own way.
You forgot a category, namely, the one I would pick: "Not dressed in sweats from 1993 and attached to something saying for the four billionth time 'not tonight'" category.
Sir Mix-A-Lot all the way. Especially those two girls that izcorro posted, gotta have that "bubble butt" quality.
I voted medium. To me, its less about the width, and more about the depth, as hilarious as that sounds. I went to college at a campus horrifically afflicted with "flat ass syndrome", thus I came to appreciate at sort of bubble booty characteristics. I knew girls that had perfectly toned butts that weren't appealing cause there was nothing back there. I want to bounce a quarter off that curve.
Voted medium. I used to be totally oblivious to asses; if you'd asked me two years ago the definition of a nice booty, I wouldn't have had an answer. I don't know what the fuck was wrong with me. Thankfully, I saw the light when I dated a girl with an absolutely phenomenal ass. I wish I could share the 2.3 million pics of it I have on my hard drive, TiB, but there's no way I'd get permission. She was blessed with a thick little booty on a small frame, and she actively worked to maintain it. You could bounce a quarter off that thing. So now, I consider myself equal parts boob- and ass-man. My basic criteria: nice symmetrical shape with a little bit of thickness, but not so much so it'll sag once she hits 30. I've found this is a trait most girls of Latin descent have. Case in point (ignore the man-beast hugging her):
Put me down for junk in the trunk. As I've said before, I like slappin' that ass. And that ass had better be ready. This is key. I'm not against big boobs, but I'm not into slappin' 'em. Also, I would pound the entitlement out of Kim Kardashian.