Our recent "Ask a (X)" threads have been pretty popular with the members, but this time they have attracted a new member, Ms. CandyCane. CandyCane is, as the thread subject implies, a stripper. She has generously volunteered to answer our questions about this unusual profession. I don't know much about her to offer as a way of introduction, so I will let her do the talking. As always with these threads, be nice and respect the fact that someone is willing to answer our questions. I'll seed things with a couple intro questions: 1. What is the most annoying part of the job? 2. There are a lot of stereotypes about strippers. Any true? Or does everybody really have their own story? 3. How much of what you do onstage is "you" and how much is "in character?"
What is the atmosphere like in the dressing room? Do you get along with your coworkers? Is there any level of jealousy towards dancers that make more money than other girls?
First off, thank you for your time. Now a few questions: How much drug use is there in the Gentleman's Establishment? Any crazy/interesting stories that you could tell? What kinds of tricks do the girls use to try to more money or booze out of us? Are you seeing a lot more women customers now than you did when you started? And thanks again Ms.Candycane.
Do you enjoy what you do or do you do it just for the money? Do you ever feel ashamed? Not that I think you should - I'm just curious. Do your parents know what you do? What do they think? Boyfriend? You must have to get close to some pretty gross men (and probably women too). Smelly, zit-riddled nerds and emotional cripples and stuff. How do you soldier through? Has there ever been anyone you refused to dance for? Can you pick up a dollar bill using just your ass cheeks?
How did you first get involved in the business? How do you deal with guys who break the ground rules, particularly when it comes to touching? Is stripping recession-proof?
How often do you get asked "Can I fuck you?" Have you ever done it? Do the regulars seem as creepy to the strippers as they do to the rest of us, or do they just look like big dollar bills in chairs? I guess this is similar to my first question, but have you/would you ever date a customer? I had a buddy that dated a stripper for 6 months or so, and he met her at her work. How often does that happen?
How much dough can you pull in on a "good" nights take? Do most strippers have other jobs as well or is it their primary source of income?
Are you in or have you been in a relationship while involved with stripping? Would you treat it like any other relationship and assume the guy is cool with it, do you hide it, or do you lay down a serious set of ground rules before getting into it? Have you been asked about doing private parties (VIP or high class, not your average bachelor party) or porn while on the job?
Hey Guys! Great to be here! Now to answer Questions! Most annoying part of the job? The shoes. You get hurt real bad when you fall while wearing them. Sterotypes? The three that i hear the most are that we've been molested as children, we're not smart, and we will have sex for money. I'm not saying im supper smart or anything, but I wasn't molested and I have only sex if i want to. How muuch is me? Mostly it's the character. My character is kind of bossy and mean, but in real life I'm super nice. Dressing room? You would think with all those girls together we would be fighting all the time, but with the exception of a new stupid bitches who don't last long, we all get along pretty well. Sometimes it's good to have a friend or two when giving lapdances and faking lesbianism. Drug use? I a customer does drugs in the club, they get kicked out. As for the girls, we take xanax to go out on stage, but it's hard to do the job when you're too high to realize what you're doing. Drugged out looking girls don't make as many tips. Crazy/ Interesting stories? We used to have this girl, Trixie. Trixie could climb up the poll using only her leg strenght. She could climb all of the way up with her egs rapped around the pole, then ring a bell with her toe. I got to be her assitant the one night (which means catch her if she falls) She kept her arms crossed over her chest the entire time. Tricks? The best way to make more money to go get a guy coming back as your regualr. The trick is to be all over him the first couple times he comes in, then slowly start to ignore him more and more. He'll drop more money so you'll pay attention. It's mean, and sometimes it backfires. But if he comes after you, there's plenty if bouncers (and the other regulars) to deal with him. Women? Definiatly. We actually had a bachlorette party come in the other night, which was funny. It's a lot of women coming in with thier boyfriends, see how much fun the atmosphere is, and bring a group of girlfriends for a girl's night.
Do I enjoy it? I started this job because I got kicked out of a ballet academy. I didn't want to stop dancing, so I decided to do this. At first, I was ashamed of my self, no so much because I was a stripper but because i got kicked out of school and this was what i could find. Once i got over the first couple days of work, I found out how much fun this is. Parents? Boyfriend? My parents think i work at Johnny Rockets. They live on the other side of the country and don't really have the money to fly over here, so i don't worry too much. As for a boyfriend, it's really hard to keep one because they're either really posessive or a little too into my job. Gross people? My particular club has a dress code and don't let in anyone smelly. The people I won't dance for are the "bro douchbag" types. They don't treat the girls with respect and they're shitty tippers. Dollar bill with my ass? No, we had a guy come in and tell us if we don't be it sanitary he'll close us down. Involved? See d I enjoy it Dealing with the unruely? We have bouncers, and the guys who come in regularly are really protective uf us. I have a regualar who looks like Lou Ferigno and picked a guy up out of his chair by the scruff og his neck because he was messing with me. Recession? Yes. When people lose their jobs, they come to the strip club to feel better about themselves. People spend their unemployment checks on us. Fuck me? At least once a night. I tell them they have to buy me dinner first. Done it? Dated? I've had dinner with guys i've met there. It occasionally leads to sex. It's never lead to anyhthing serious though Regulars? I love my regulars. They're actually really sweet guys if yu get to know them. Money? The club i work at gets a lot of business with only a few girls. If I make $500 I consider it a good night. You have to remember, though, being a stripper costs a lot of money. There's waxing, maintaining your hair, a gym membership, the outfits, the shoes. Thyen on top of all that you have your normal human being expenses. Other jobs? One of the girls teaches 3rd grade. Another is a tattoo artist. I occasionally sell a piece of jewelery. It helps.
I'm not in a relationship now. I tried it for awhile, but the guys get posessive and creepy. I'm open about my job. I tried to hide it when I first started, but it just ended relationships. I did a private party at New York ComicCon last year or the cast a certain TV show that I've never heard of and can't remember the name. I'm assuming they were nerds because they actually wanted me to come out of a cake and when I did, they were all afraid to get too close to me. As for porn, I've never done it, but I used to work with a girl who does "exploited babysitter" stuff now.
What's your favorite part of the job? You said you're pretty open about what you do, when you tell other people, what is the general reaction from friend of friends and strangers? Does she teach far away from the club? Has she ever been 'caught' by a co-worker or student's parent?
I love being up on stage. It used to totaly freak me out, but it's really fun when everyone is cheering you on and you totally feel sexy and stuff. When I tell people what I do, they ususally scoff or ask me a bunch of questions. Guys think it's sexy. When I first told my roommate (who is on this website all the time) that I was going to be a stripper she laughed, bought me one of those portable poles and some huge shoes, and wanted to take pictures my first night. I've known her since we were kids and she thought the whole thing was funny. She wouldn't tell any of us where she teaches, but then she ended up having one of the girls' kids in her class, so we found out she's in the same school district as the club. She hasn't been caught yet, but she also wears a wig during her show and talks with a French accent.
In your club do you encourage boobie touching? What's the creepiest thing a guy has ever said during a lap dance?
You make more money if you let the guy touch you. I let guys put their hands on my thighs if they want me to put my boobs in their face. But I do that because if the guy wants me to back up, they can squeeze my leg instead of pushing me away and making me fall on the floor. I get a lot of guy who want to put it in my butt, which creeps me out. The scariest was a guy who talked about wanting to cut me open and fuck the wound. There was also a guy who kept saying really creepy stuff, and later someone told me he was quoting American Psycho.
What is your thoughts on fake tits? Do they generate enough extra money to justify having them done? Whats the burn out rate of strippers? You mention new girls that can't hack it but is there a time where it's just time to give it up or do girls just move on before this?
How long have you been stripping? Following from this, do you see yourself stripping for a while, or is it just a way to pay the bills while you look for something else? Have you seen any women who were once hot but don't know when to quit? I find it hilarious to see the "C-squad" up on stage during non-busy nights. Were they hot five years ago, or did they just show up like that and get put on the JV team?