A man turns his dead, taxidermized cat into a helicopter. Now, in addition to ^ that, in the last week we've seen: - A nice, normal guy's mind snap and cause him to attack a sleeping homeless man and eat off his face. - A deranged, mentally ill guy kill, rape and dismember a person, then ship parts of the body to various Canadian political parties. - Someone walk into the food court in Eaton's Centre, Toronto and start shooting. Focus: What's the craziest thing you've ever seen? Or, who's the craziest person you know? It would be nice to have actual backstories in this thread, and not just one-liners saying "Saddam Hussein," or whatever crazy person you can think of from history.
Honestly this should be a caption contest: In this day and age with the dissemination of internet memes into every day life this didn't even register in my mind as weird or fucked up. Plus I mean the dude is/was a cat person. They're all kind of fucked up imaright? Live in a semi impoverished area for a while and try NOT to see some fucked up shit. I once saw a guy get jumped by a bunch of black lesbians outside of a 24 hour diner in Kentucky. I think he tried to hit on one of them, was rebuffed, so he made some off color comments about their sexual orientation. They started slapping him and then one picked up what looked like one of those cardboard tubes you put posters into and cracked it over his head a few times. Then one of the girls maced him. The guy slinked off and no cops were called.
I know a few crazy people, because I gravitate towards people who like to make a scene, they entertain me more. One in particular was this guy named Rells. If you missed the story I told earlier about him, he's the one who freaked out at teh beach, stole a kid's air mattress and then ran around having the cops chase him for an hour without ever catching him. He was a bouncer when he was seventeen years old, but the issue with him is that he was a psychopath, which of course made him very creative at his job but a nightmare for people that got in his comfort/temper zone when he didn't want it. One time a catifight broke out on the dancefloor in the club he worked. He saw this, realized there is a God, locked his arms straight out from the side of his body like switchblades, then ran full speed through the crowded dancefloor yelling "AUUGGGHHHHH!!!!!", leaving a scorched earth wake of clotheslined human beings behind him. Seriously, he took out almost twenty people for no reason. So yes, aside from being deranged he was also a complete maggot. Yet another that stands out was when we were at a house party. I was drinking with friends in the living room and I guess Rells was playing cards in the kitchen. Somebody stormed in the kitchen and told Rells some guy was a picking a fight with a friend on the front lawn. Instantly Rell slams his fists into the table, flips it over like a wild west salloon, runs full speed down the hall towards the open front door and launches a perfect drop-kick right into the perpetrator's face. The guy was already tits up but Rells decides to go Good Will Hunting-style and sits on his chest to deliver about ten or so lightning-fast smashes across the face. There is a reason to distance yourself from people like this, kids. Make it so.
Out of curiosity, what makes you type this? I didn't know the guy personally, and I'm guessing you didn't, either. I'm going to assume, however, that a guy gnawing off another man's face and simply growling when the police shoot him was probably not "nice, normal" before that. There's ALSO the whole part about his mind snapping from doing narcotics (reportedly, powerful bath salts) and him having a previous criminal record. Doesn't sound very nice and normal to me.
The reports I read indicated that he had no criminal record, no history of mental instability, was gainfully employed, had a girlfriend and in general was quite normal. Everyone from his brother to his high school teachers seemed stunned by this. It's more out of the blue than, say, someone with a long history of schizophrenia doing something like this.
If the art behind him on the wall is indicative of his talents, this flying cat is a masterpiece. I fully support flying cat art subsidization.
Now, now. For some people, ingesting household chemicals not intended for consumption and the resulting drug-induced psychosis is nice and normal. Try not to be so myopic!
What news sources do you read, out of curiosity? I ask because you're factually wrong about almost everything, including his criminal record. Rudy Eugene has been arrested 8 different times since he was 16 according to the Miami Herald. Also, every time there is a violent, psychotic tragedy, the friends and family of the perpetrator are "shocked" by this. In fact, think to your own life. Is there anyone, even the weirdest and creepiest guy/gal, who you would NOT be "stunned" if they were to eat another human's face off? But even THERE, you're factually wrong once again. There ARE people in the cannibal's life that mentioned he was a violent nut. Like his ex-wife; "Eugene was previously married. He met his now ex-wife in high school at North Miami Beach Senior High. Their marriage was short-lived, lasting a year and a half. "I wouldn't say he had mental problem but he always felt like people was against him type of attitude. No one was for him, everyone was against him," said Eugene's ex-wife. The two filed for divorce in 2007 during a violent point in their relationship." Thirdly, since when is having a girlfriend and/or job a sign someone is "nice, normal"? Many infamous serial killers were married with children before their crimes were exposed, and gainfully employed. I don't see how it stops the person from being a crazy criminal at all. Sorry to burst your bubble, but looking at the facts, the guy was most likely a paranoid, fucked-up piece of shit who was abusive to women and a life-long, career criminal. Unless you are personally related to the guy, I have no clue where you are getting the "nice, normal" from.
You're missing the point of the thread, and totally off-focus. If my one-sentence description is off, then my apologies. The reports I read during the first two days of aftermath might conflict with subsequent stories that have surfaced. Let's try not to nit-pick incidentals, shall we? You've honed in on one small part of a subject and missed the focus of the thread completely.