<a class="postlink" href="http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/27/live-from-the-apple-tablet-latest-creation-event/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.engadget.com/2010/01/27/live ... ion-event/</a> Discuss. I, for one, think Jobs should gargle my balls since my $300 netbook is not slow and has a magnificent screen. I've read e-books on this thing, I use iTunes, etc. etc. Oh, and I have a tangible keyboard. Ah hah! Anyways, this tablet will be huge. The WSJ said last time there was so much excitement about a tablet, it had some commandments written on it.
Re: Apple's Tablet Yep, which makes me think that its gonna be pretty damn worthless, and you know its gonna be hella expensive. Give me the HP Slate with Windows 7 over this crap any day.
Rumor has it the IPad can also be used to plug up a leaky Nook during that time of the month. This thing is dumber than Apple TV. Much like the first poster said, I have a netbook that I paid $230 for and does 4x as much as thing does. And it runs flash!
For those that don't know about HP's slate: <a class="postlink" href="http://gizmodo.com/5456941/hp-slate-coming-2010-way-less-than-1500-plain-old-win-7" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://gizmodo.com/5456941/hp-slate-com ... -old-win-7</a> I, personally, am not in the least excited about this product, besides the fact that mac-fans will bring my company millions of dollars in sales rev. I'd sooner shell out a grand for the new macbook and stick with my decent oled samsung touch screen phone. I don't need to check my facebook every 5 seconds and feed my iCat and all that other bullshit. As of now, I am happy with my $300 samsung n120 netbook and 2 year old toshiba laptop that I bought for 284 bucks on clearance which runs cs3 and decent games just fine. I know apple, in recent years, hasn't made anything that "doesn't make sense" but for half the price, one can get a basic netbook with a bigger screen, a tangible keyboard, a more powerful processor, and capabilities of productivity software. Shit, some netbooks have better battery life than the iPad (certain Asus models, the Nokia with integrated 3g card) Have fun pumping out excel spreadsheets on this overgrown iPhone. All in all, if you have extra cash, it's a cool toy, and the brushes app looks awesome, but a more practical and economical purchase would be a netbook if you need basic computing. Oh, and lastly, there's word of dual-core processors coming to the netbook realm. Apple may have jumped the gun and released a product with soon to be outdated technology. and I'm spent edit: engadget just showed iwork on it. looks retarded typing on a touch screen
The really funny thing about this is that I did a focus group for it about a year ago. It was way different from any other focus group I've attended. A huge production, a camera crew, a really professional interviewer, and bright lights. They were SUPER strict about us not being able to take pictures of it, or record anything. They basically frisked us before we sat down for the interview. It all makes sense now. I got to play with it (a prototype) and I thought it was only okay. Nothing terribly exciting - but I guess Apple can make anything look exciting.
The only reason I was excited for this product is I was hoping to be able to use it as a cheaper visual drawing tablet. Wacom makes them already but the lower end models already run at $1000+ and go up as far as $3000-5000. I want an actual netbook-esk device with touch screen not an engorged iPhone.
I'm going to reserve judgment until I see what kind of apps come out on this thing. I could see it being a pretty cool interface into your stereo/tv by plugging it in and streaming all music or video on your network. I could also see it being a much better version of the kindle, but that is a product that I have never had any use for. With its specialized hardware, it will be able to do some pretty cool graphic intensive stuff and there could be some interesting games for it. I am pretty bummed that it appears there is no flash support on it. Obviously, apple would prefer you to pay for shows over itunes than stream from wherever, but it sucks on my iphone and it will suck on this.
Modbook Like that? I know its not exactly "net book" priced, low model is around $1200 but its still a computer + wacom tablet, whereas the cintiqs are just tablets. iPad = meh for me. I'm not a huge ebook reader and I can browse the net and use app store apps just fine on my iphone and it fits in my pocket.
I might be a bit of a Mac fanboy, but I think this is pretty cool. I'll probably buy one a couple months after it comes out and love the shit out of it. Thats just me though.
Come on don't leave us with that? What exactly is it that you think looks cool about it? Is your Iphone not big enough?
I don't get when it would be practical to use it. Are people supposed to carry it around all the time? I don't see how it's that useful because when you're at home, you use a computer and when you're out, you use something that will fit in a pocket, like a blackberry or iPhone. If it was the size of an iPhone but there was some sort of halographic screen that illuminated to 10 inches, that would be pretty sweet. I think they had it in Demolition Man or something.
I dont have an iPhone. I have been tempted to buy a Kindle for a while, but just havnt been able to justify spending a couple hundred bucks on somethign to read books on. This can have books, iTunes, youtube, all the good stuff that the iPhone has (i'm assuming this). Plus, its easier to take to the crapper than my Macbook. Maybe i'm excicted about this because I dont have an iPhone, but whatever the reason, I'm excited.
They also wiped their ass with sea shells in Demolition Man. Not exactly the ideal technological utopia to be referencing if you ask me. Focus: It's impractical, unnecessary, and fills a useless niche between constantly evolving smart phones and consistently more portable and more powerful laptops. To me, it's more Steve Jobs seeing how much his Apple minions will eat up whatever he produces by hiding that behind some shiny plastic that you can read an e-newspaper on.
Just read the specs on it too, it's going to cost $800 for the big hard drive and wifi, you need a monthly plan, it weighs as much as a 24oz bottle of water, and you'll look like an idiot carrying it around everywhere.
From the quick glance that I took of it, it seems like its a underpowered, under equipped bastardized over sized iPhone with out the phone part. Best part is that you can run iPhone apps on it....but they probably will make you buy a second copy of it because you have to devices now. The only thing that seems really nice about it is the battery life 10 hrs use with 1 month of standby. Once again, I will not be getting one because, well it looks stupid....that and I have no job
Here's an article that was written a few days before the announcement about what this guy hoped for the iPad: <a class="postlink" href="http://www.slate.com/id/2242556/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;">http://www.slate.com/id/2242556/</a> The gist of the article is that this guy would like to see a computer that's like a car - you can drive it around just fine without knowing the mechanics of internal combustion, or the stoichiometry of air-fuel ratios, or whatever. And with the iPad looking like a huge iPhone, this kind of seems the direction the iPad may be going. A computer that will play music without you having to know the locations of all of the files in your directory, and so forth. You know, so grandparents and idiots can use a computer without having to bug someone else to learn about how to use it. The concept is neat, but as I do have a functional knowledge of using a computer, it makes a computer seem more like a child's toy than a real computer. It has a certain appeal, but then again, how would I go about saving notes I take in class? I kind of need them separated into different folders by class, and year, and in a different location than my non-school crap, and the ability to organize everything like that would quickly start reverting into windows explorer, which would kind of nullify the whole point of getting rid of it in the first place. When I got this laptop, I had my MacBook for 14 months after the hard drive crashed, which occurred only after the screen had cracked and my ethernet card had cooked (that was replaced under warranty), and the overall performance became extremely sluggish, with lots of that stupid rainbow wheel in between me switching programs. Overall, I preferred using the software, but the hardware was utter shit. I would have liked to get a tablet PC - you know, one where you can fold the screen down over the keyboard and draw on it, then flip it back up and use it like a regular laptop. They cost a bit of cash for the good ones, but the functionability is pretty damn nice to have for taking notes and playing simple games. The iPad concept (i.e. no keyboard) might seem like an okay thing to have for sitting on the couch and just browsing, provided you could hook it up to a docking station with an external keyboard and mouse to do real work. But it would be fucking useless for me without a keyboard to type on.
Cracked's take on the iPad is a little outdated, since it's basically impossible to keep up with Apple's constantly-evolving hype and rumors, but it's still pretty funny and for the most part reflects my own sentiments on the new Apple toy.