I go to sleep. It all kinda seeps out while I'm sleeping and I wake up with a level head. Works for anger, depression, etc. Anytime my head's not on straight.
Okay, I will be the first one to say it. I drink when I am angry. It will either make me happy, or just make it worse. I still like to take the gamble.
I am one of the select few that certain types of alcohol don't turn me into 10 feet tall and bullet proof. I'm a whiskey girl. It doesn't make me violent. Tequila doesn't make me do stupid shit. I think what impacts my mood more is what is going on around me, and what kind of people I am drinking around. If I am drinking by myself though it is a completely different ball game.
Running and lifting weights is my general release for tension, as is smoking the reefer. Drinking while angry is not wise for me. If I am provoked when dealing with someone, I tend to be a bitch (surprise!) and will make them feel stupid. This is a relatively rare situation, considering I work in fucking retail, I have managed to train myself to keep my cool. Usually I hold it together until I can leave the situation, then I swear like a sailor and insult their mother, weight, intelligence, etc.. Fortunately I have a damn long fuse and choose to laugh before I really get angry.
Oh you know, the usual: bubble bath, lavender incense, some Sarah MacLachlan music for ambience. Soothes the hate. Actually, most of you already know what I use: the same thing I use for pain or to make jam bands tolerable.
Anger? I'm pretty sure any real feelings that I may have once had are now long dead. Nowadays I only feel apathy, hungry, sleepy or drunk. Drinking has always been my favourite coping mechanism but it can be a gamble. It will either get my mind off of things and work like a charm or it will just get me even more fixated on what is causing my anger and lead to "questionable" behavior. Exercise, on the other hand, is probably the better (but a hell of a lot less appealing) option. Go for a jog, sweat a little and finish with a clear head.
I rant out loud. Sometimes to myself, sometimes to a friend. But lots of lots of ranting. Ending with repetitions of which over of the following applies "Are you fucking kidding me?" "Are they fucking retarded?" "They can't be fucking serious?" The word fuck makes me feel better and I'll eventually tire myself out. Then I can either go workout or play a videogame. Anything to give me a sense of accomplishment. Oh and let's not forget the good old shower+maturbate cry.
This minus the weed. Though if my wife was more open to it, and I actually had a non-shady source I would probably partake once a month or so. Working out in the morning and leaving it all in the gym does wonders for keeping my anger in check. Of course I still daydream about running people off the road and taking a tire iron to each and every window of their car. But I think that is just part of driving on any large highway system in most larger cities.
Yes "fuck" is very cathartic for anger and tension. It almost makes me sad that the majority of the time I get mad is playing fucking video games. It's crazy to think how much they can change your view to negative and into anger over basically fucking nothing. My blood starts to boil losing and if it gets bad enough I got to shut the system off. First world problems.
Eh. I'm pretty typical in this regard. Meditation helps a lot. For instance. Someone cut me off in traffic. No big deal. I just followed him home. Later that night after a few ounces of wood alcohol and huffing from a bag filled with model airplane glue, I just went back calmly and rationally. After stomping the flower garden down, setting a fire under his car, and writing "cunt motherfucker whore" in excrement over and over on the side of his house I just blacked out a bit. Woke up naked in a puddle of bloody piss 15 miles from home in the woods with a half a chewed dog carcass next to me. Nothing major. You people need to learn to control your anger. You'll realize nothing is really that big of a deal.
Jerk off. Seriously, in the middle of your next internet argument, take a break and crank one out. See if it doesn't feel idiotic to spend three hours arguing with KIMaster about why 6 Fast 6 Furious is terrible.
You see, you done fucked up here Broseph: You use your smartphone and do a reverse address search to get their public info, then write their FULL NAME next to "is a cunt motherfucker whore". It is a bonus if it is viewable from a city street and there is enough name left for their phone number. He will think it's a psycho ex-girlfriend, and if you're lucky and your timing is right, one will kill the other and then themselves. Then laugh and the atrticle about it in the paper to your collection tacked to the ceiling above your bed. You are the new King Of Spring Break. Maybe a tad on the extreme side. My own friends thought it was extreme when I wrote "Next" on a cheating girl's front lawn with a six-pack of motor oil (actually happened, really really worked well).
Thank god he finally left. I don't really get angry for a long time, it's usually seething rage for like five minutes and it's gone.
It actually makes me very happy when you get mad at video games. I have heard probably 50 variations of "Are you fucking kidding me? Oh man, are you fucking kidding me?" in the span of an hour. Pure, unfiltered, unadultred sweet, sweet rage.
WHY? Do you like action movies with no villains in it? I know that guy was probably 25% of the total anger that was caused on this board, but the guy could make a boring thread fun with his utterly selfish opinions that he stood by. He wasn't dumb at all, but pig-headed? Umm Yeah.
What I should do: go for a run and sweat it out. What I do: That stuff turns me into a jovial dancing lady. I give everyone hugs and tell them how much I love them. Unfortunately it gives me wine lip and everyone knows.