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Ain't No Party Like an Ohio Party

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by konatown, May 24, 2010.

  1. konatown

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    Evansville, IN
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... rity1.html</a>
    Ohio sisters under gun for recent vomit-, booze-, sex-filled event

    MAY 24--For the second time in recent weeks, a chapter of the Pi Beta Phi sorority is being accused of drunkenly trashing a facility during a formal dance. At a March 6 party sponsored by the group's Ohio University chapter, attendees engaged in sex acts, used plates as "missiles" during food fights, vomited on carpets, defecated in urinals, and tried to tear off the clothes of a female bartender, according to a letter written by the director of the West Virginia art center where the formal was held. In her April 6 letter to the sorority, a copy of which you'll find below, Abby Hayhurst, head of the Parkersburg Art Center, reported that catering staff witnessed "a couple engaging in sexual congress, while surrounded by a cheering throng," and that a bathroom sink was broken as a result of "one of your members and her date attempting to have sexual relations on it, an act which was witnessed by the event's caterer, who walked in on them." The art center, which reported the damage to the Parkersburg Police Department, is seeking about $47,000 from the sorority, which contends that the art center has exaggerated its damages. Last month, the Pi Beta Phi chapter at Miami University was suspended after a wild April 9 spring formal at a lakefront Ohio lodge. In a letter detailing damages and the sorority's wild behavior, lodge owner Lyndsay Rapier-Phipps noted that the students were "totally obliterated and behaving like immature children."


    I LOVE Miami girls. They're snotty cunts with perfect bodies and rich daddies. Do nothing but act like drunken chimps. Then I thought about Halloween/Palmerfest at Ohio U in Athens, a party in Ohio that rivals or exceeds old school Bourbon Street Mardi Gras. And every fall Saturday in Columbus, especially against Michigan. I've heard legendary stories of Dayton and Bowling Green State, witnessed some great weekends at Uof Cincy and Xavier. I really believe there isn't a state the parties quite as hard as Ohio.

    Focus: Is it an inverse proportion to the quality of the state? Any where rank up?
  2. slippingaway

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I have a feeling this is going to turn in to a "No! This school parties waaaaayyy harder than your dumb school!" thread in no time.

    That being said, I didn't go to University of Wisconsin, but that town knows how to fuckin party. Mifflin St block party, Halloween (riots optional), every home football game, and any other time that they decide to drink (so pretty much every day). Outside of that town, I have never in my life consumed that quantity of booze, or been completely wasted for the sheer number of days I was when I'd visit. We would seriously drink for days on end, with no more than a 2 or 3 hour break to get some sleep from 4-7am. I can't believe I survived some of those weekends, and that's not even considering the things that I just can't remember.

    Wisconsin is just a drinking state, people in Wisconsin LOVE drinking.

    As far as Ohio goes, I've lived there too, and my theory is that people in Ohio have to just get wasted all the time, or else they'd all kill themselves. What a miserable state.
  3. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    This sounds kind of tame for Ohio. The best times of my life have been spent at OU, partying with these same people.

    I lived in Ohio for 25 years. Most of my friends there I only have one thing in common with- we like to get blackout drunk as often as possible. Until I got out of the state I thought this was a normal activity. This is probably because:
    1. The state is really fucking boring
    2. The average IQ is a good 20 points lower than most other places. You will find shit tons of hot girls, but only 1 out of 10 can hold a conversation about anything relevant. Relevant- Not related to LeBron James or Ohio State football.
    3. The sports teams all suck
    4. Cleveland has been named the crappiest city in the country several times, by several publications (Cincinnati isn't far behind it). I'm embarrassed to be from the state because of Cleveland.

    After traveling a little I learned 1-3 are true about anywhere in the midwest. 4 is unique to Ohio, and that is what puts us over the edge in awesomeness!

    Ohio's new state moto should read "Crippling Depression + Boredom = Alcoholism".
  4. Kubla Kahn

    Kubla Kahn
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    Oct 19, 2009
    Miami girls are hot snooty bitches with rich daddies, Ive witnessed that part, there are cool ones though. I haven't seen the over the top out of control party girls/guys there really. Ive been to Green Beer day a couple of times as well as some random trips to party. Over all pretty tame. These recent news stories are killer though. UC as a party school doesn't have as many institutionalized parties after sporting events or holidays as other schools. We do have a population of ghetto ass townies/lower income students that make them over the top. I haven't been to many other urban campuses like it. I hear St Louis has a similar ghetto element on their campuses.

    I won't hate on Ohio that much. To be honest most of the places you party at/live/travel too have the same mind set as anywhere else, "lets party, drink, and try to get laid." Crippling depression? Maybe you don't like who you are, but everyone else seems to want to have a good time.

    P.S. the mistake by the lake is dirty and a shit hole....
  5. Gargamelon

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    Average Idiot

    Apr 5, 2010
    Disclaimer: I just finished my freshman year at Ohio University.

    I know people in Pi Beta Phi here and those damages are grossly exaggerated. The event place is basically trying to extort money from them, and might end up being successful, considering that this is getting national attention. I'm not saying they aren't drunken whores, but they didn't do 47k in damage.

    As far as the parties here, I have no basis for comparison, but they are pretty fucking nuts. The big ones like Halloween/Palmer Fest are only so wild because they have a reputation that attracts outsiders looking to drink, raid, and pillage. This year at Palmer Fest I got tear gassed and bopped on the head with a night stick. Why? Because a bunch of assholes from out of town lit couches on fire in the middle of the street.

    Enough whining, though. Just watch this video of the annual Athens music festival (more like drunken mud orgy) and be jealous. Or maybe not... yew fancy city folks don' understand gittin down like a pig in a playpen.

    #5 Gargamelon, May 25, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2015
  6. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    No, you got gassed and bopped on the head because you are retarded. Why didn't you go home when the fires started? You had to know that can't be good. Common sense tells you when a riot breaks out you shouldn't be in the middle of it. So who in the fuck cares if you started the fire or not? Personally I'm just glad to see the out of towners are bringing their own couches with them to the party nowadays.
  7. Gargamelon

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    Average Idiot

    Apr 5, 2010
    I was on the porch of a good friends house half way down the street, completely away from the fire... I had no conception of the swift and excessive force they use to shut these things down. I know what you mean and maybe I am retarded, but I didn't think they could/would storm someones private porch commando style, especially that far away.

    I can't really complain though, it could've been plenty worse.
  8. slippingaway

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    Oct 20, 2009
    I got locked in a Taco Bell in Madison one Halloween because the riot police were tear gassing all the unruly hippies outside. Nothing really compares to the experience of being wasted beyond comprehension, eating super delicious Taco Bell food, and looking out the plate glass window at drunk, crying, coughing hippies getting shoved down the street by riot police. That was the most delicious meal I have EVER eaten. The icing on the cake was the look in their eyes when they realized I had Taco Bell food, and they just had pepper spray and tear gas. It was as if someone ripped their souls in half before my eyes.
  9. Crown Royal

    Crown Royal
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    Just call me Topher

    Oct 31, 2009
    London, Ontario
    I would probably party as hard as possible if I lived in Ohio, too. I would help drown out the drudgery of LIVING IN FUCKING OHIO. Besides Cedar Point and the Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame, I've driven through it a dozen plus times and it's safe to say that collectively it's a shithole.

    As for these Soroity whores, they need some in-your-face discipline because it's not an easy thing to disgrace Ohio. They're not "party girls", they're utter fucking pigs, with no redeeming qualities other than the fact they'll put out quicker than a biker sheep. I hope some 300 lb. bull lesbians in jail will wear them like a sock. Dyke sandwiches for everybody!
  10. Aetius

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... edom1.html</a>

  11. Happy

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    Average Idiot

    Nov 11, 2009
    I go to Miami Ohio. I was at that formal.

    Everything you read happened... and that just what was reported. Trust me.. there is stuff that was worse.

    Within the last two weeks of school, 6 frats and sororities got kicked off for years. I'll type more later, I'm dead fucking tired.
  12. Happy

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    Average Idiot

    Nov 11, 2009
    Oh and this happened the next week. I'll be answering all questions...
  13. Happy

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    Average Idiot

    Nov 11, 2009
    I dont think you understand these girls. Richer than God, Daddy's girls (in which Daddy uses his uber-high status to get the girl out of any trouble) that know they can't do wrong. Then, to add on top of everything... they are all models. My big head is disgusted. My little head thinks otherwise.
  14. spoons

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I graduated from Miami last December. I can't say I was involved in anything quite that ridiculous while there, but we certainly did more than our fair share of drinking. There are more than one occasion where I went months without having a sober night. And that's not a few beers a night either, for most of the people I know who went there you weren't really drinking unless you were having 10+ drinks, anything less was a quiet night in. For most people I knew any given night was a perfectly valid drinking night, you'd hit the specials on each night. Monday karaoke night, Tuesday $2 pitchers, Wednesday dollar drafts and then Thurs-Sun were the weekend, so of course you drank.

    As others have said, its because there's absolutely nothing else to do there. A tiny movie theater and a bowling alley are pretty much the only thing to do other than go to a bar. So everybody just gets fucked up all the time.

    Green Beer Day is usually the biggest drinking day of the year. The idea is to start at 5am on the Thursday before spring break, drink until you fall over, take a nap and then start drinking for the night. Its an absolutely ridiculous feeling to come out of a bar and realize its just starting to get light out.

    And on top of that there is a decent drug scene. Lots of weed, fair selection of hallucinogens, lots of prescription drug abuse and among some groups lots and lots of coke.

    Miami is what happens when you send a bunch of rich white kids to a place with nothing to do and away from adult supervision for the first time.

    I certainly had a great time, but after 3 years or so I realized that I'd pretty much gotten all the fun out of it I could, I knew exactly how any given night would go because they were all pretty much the same. While I'm glad I went there for school I'm also glad I got out when I did and managed to avoid doing something stupid that would come back to bite me in the ass.
  15. Mike Ness

    Mike Ness
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    That was absolutely amazing. A couple quick questions,

    1. Was Ben Rothlisberger anyone's alumni date?
    2. Can you hook me up with one of these chicks?
    3. Are they kind of "the kind of fat and slutty" sorority?


    focus I don't think it has any ramifications on the state.

    alt-focus I have been to university of wis., Ohio State, Penn State, Florida State, Michigan, USC, Pepperdine, many of the big guns.

    The school that was the craziest and partied harder than all was West Virginia none.

    The state school I went to in PA ranks about let see about 274th on that list, but god knows we gave it our all.
  16. JWags

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    I graduated from Miami in '08. When I was there, Alpha Xi Delta was, in terms of female attractiveness, pretty solid. Pi Phi's were usually quite attractive as well. So neither were the kind of fat/slutty because thats the only way people will like us sort of girls. That being said, unless you were in a fraternity, they wouldn't be that big of a fan of you. However, casually drop any number of houses and they would push you to the nearest bathroom to blow you.

    Its all pretty sad and it really pisses me off. I have immense pride for my school and I loved my time there. I am really proud of my degree and loved the positive responses I got when I told people I went there. Between Ben poorly managing his PR and his penis, and these fucking idiot sluts and their stunt cocks, a great school is getting dragged through the mud. Its an affluent school, sure, but its not like a fucking East Coast prep school and the majority of kids don't seem like they are out of David Spade's click in PCU. However, this shit gives ample ammunition to "Miami is a bunch of spoiled rich kids" and lights the fires of everyone who hates the school for whatever reason *cough* couldn't get in and is now "partying it up" at BG or Kent. *cough* That being said, this shit goes on everywhere, maybe not to this extent, but I know for a fact that my sister's sorority at UW-Madison has never been asked to return to any formal location.

    My roommate's gf and another of my close friends were both on Panhellic Council (sorority executive board of sorts) and they can't reiterate enough how happy they are not to be on right now, dealing with this BS.
  17. Sam N

    Sam N
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    BAHAHAHAHAHAH. This is allll sorts of awesome. "If they heard a song they liked, they would throw their drink down smashing the glass and getting the floor wet..." AHAHHAHA. What idiot gave these guys glass cups.

    I went to OU for a year and absolutely partied my ass off. None of this surprises me, fucking hilarious.

    Yes, I did leave Ohio with haste.
  18. Danger Boy

    Danger Boy
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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    In a flyover state hoping your plane crashes
    Nice reading comprehension you have there:

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  19. dubyu tee eff

    dubyu tee eff
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    Thinks he has a chance with Christina Hendricks...

    Oct 25, 2009
    I think my favorite line was this: "There were also two girls who continually vomited throughout the facility."

    Just the images that phrase conjures up are so god damn hilarious. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall during this event. Dear god.
  20. Racecar

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    Should still be lurking

    May 19, 2010
    Miami is a bunch of spoiled rich kids. It's not exactly a hard school to get into either. The only people who don't get accepted into Miami are kids who don't try in high school or people who are legitimately too stupid to get into Cleveland State, people hate Miami because of the fags that go there. I live in Hunting Valley and went to Orange High School. As a result, I've been surrounded by the super wealthy and their offspring for my entire life. Any of the spoiled brats whose parents don't buy their way into a private college or some amazing school go to Miami.