I hate the movie Ferris Bueller's Day Off with a passion. I've seen the movie just recently and I still can't stand it, just like I couldn't when I was a kid. The main character is a unlikeable, smug little shit. His friend is played by a thirty year old, and the plot is so stupidly unrealistic in would insult the intelligence of a six year old. If it wasn't for a hysterical cameo by Charlie Sheen, it would be a complete bomb. Yet, EVERYBODY I know loves this movie like they directed it themselves. I've lived with hearing the endless "classic quotes" from this bore OVER AND OVER for more than half my life, and I've had to listen to people argue if it's John Hughes best film or not (it isn't). I will never, EVER figure out why this movie is so loved by people world wide. FOCUS: What things, despite the fact that they seem to be loved by the rest of society do you have contempt for?
I think I almost burned down RMMB with a topic similar to this. As I write this post my rep is 2946. I'm betting it'll be half this after I say the following: I hate the Beatles. And not in favor of another band like "Oh the Beatles are shit compared to _____ (usually the Rolling Stones get tossed in here)." Nope. I just hate the Beatles. I hate how every fan of theirs acts like every goddamn song they've ever made is the best song in the whole wide fucking world and when you admit that you don't care for the Beatles (I can't say I hate them actually around real people) they act like you gave an entire kindergarten class full blown AIDS and cancer. I never go off on anyone when they say they don't like another band/artist. Movies, I will, TV shows, I will. But not music. Music is on an entirely different level than any other art form.
I don't understand everyone's fascination with Halle Barry. Don't get me wrong, she's not hideous or anything, but "the most beautiful woman on the planet" she ain't. Not by a long fucking shot.
Weve had a thread similar to this before and it was KIMasters dream-come-true. Hopefully it doesn't turn into a butthurt shitstorm: I strongly dislike the following things: Nirvana - Highly overrated, I don't give a shit if they started grunge Zoolander - Not funny whatsoever Dave Matthews - Sounds like a stroke victim on karaoke night Stephen Colbert - See Zoolander How I Met Your Mother - Tired, formulaic humor Butter - It's disgusting, even on popcorn Tucked-in blankets and sheets - Uncomfortable and what if theres a fire??? Rum - I get it, but it's just not my thing
Snapple. Get fucked, Snapple. I don't need 27 jillion flavors of "tea" or juice mixes or whatever, and your little caps were the most annoying thing in the world when I was in highschool in the late 90s. Also, thanks a shit ton for starting the trend where no one can just have a few flavors, like gatorade used to. Now if I want to buy something as simple as Vitamin Water after a workout, I have to sort through a 128 color box of Crayolas to find the flavor I like.
Angelina Jolie looks like a fucking troll. I'm convinced that's why she adopts babies. Because she knows that even with Pitts sperm its mostly likely that her offspring would turn out looking like her. Deep down inside in places where she knows she can only be honest with herself,, she agrees with me. Late at night after drinking herself into a coma, she cries herself to sleep because she knows its all a sham. Her looks are a facade, and someday all the fake media like US magazine, and Cosmo, and People, are going to put her on the cover and announce to the rest of us while we are shuffling our feet in grocery lines everywhere that they were wrong all along,,,, and she is in fact,,,, a caricature of someone pretty. So much so that she's fucking ugly. Just like Artie Lange in the movie Elf, she is sitting on a throne of lies.
Butter? You don't like butter? What the fuck is the matter with you? Are you sure the last time you had it on something you checked the expiration date?
Jon Stewart: He'll totally eviscerate someone and when the person has solid comeback that Stewart doesn't have an answer for he just says: "Whoa whoa whoa, this is just a comedy show" Nice bitch comeback. Every time he does that stupid move where he grabs his tie and makes an awkward face I want to gouge my eyeballs out with my thumb. I hope he chokes on his tongue and dies. Fuck I hate that guy Almost every time I go to my brothers house, he puts it on because he knows it irritates me.
Marcel the Shell. The whole (female) internet world and all of my friends love this shit, but I can't stand it. I couldn't get through more than a few seconds when I tried to watch either of them. I hate its little voice; it makes me feel like I'm being molested. It's not fucking cute. Or funny. I have a physical reaction against it, like my skin starts crawling or I shudder. I really really really hate that little shell.
Ferris and Sloane don't exist. They are figments of Cameron's imagination as he fantasizes about a life he could never have. Cameron isn't even in high school; he's thirty years old and inherited his parents sizable wealth after they died in a car accident. The resulting trauma, coupled with his preexisting depression sent him into a nearly catatonic state where he lives aimlessly among the material remnants of his parents' lives, afraid to change anything they have created.
Seinfeld. That shite is so unfunny it hurts. I find it physically painful to be in the room when that show is on. The anti-humor is like nails on the blackboard of my soul. Having lived in NYC for 7 years didn't make the torture any easier - the natives loved quoting it to appear pseudo-profound, yet insouciant. I was subjected to a number of episodes, and even more quoting/renditions, and never once thought of laughing.
Pink Floyd I don't hate everything they ever did but I've never thought they were special, even when I smoked weed. Bill Maher He used to be sorta funny. Now he's just an angry pothead. Potheads are not supposed to be angry. Make me laugh clown!
Co-signed. And with it goes Curb Your Enthusiasm. Also Ballsack...not sure if everyone really LOVES pickles, LARP-ing or crystal meth...not sure if they fit into this category, but cool...cool. This topic sort of reminds me about the Adam Corolla topic of things that divide a nation, his primary example is plantains (sp?). You either love them or hate them, and judge people accordingly.
Let's go. Patrice O'Neal. Meh. Bill Hicks. Meh. Dennis Leary -- see Bill Hicks. No, seriously, you might as well just see Bill Hicks.
Reality TV I hate all of it with the exception of Cops. It wore out its fifteen minutes well over a decade ago, and I stand by with my shovel still anxiously awaiting to bury this so-called trend. May we never see it again. Ever.
Lumping O'neal and Leary in with Hicks makes me think you don't know Hicks very much. Sure, Leary and Hicks were/are both rant-y comics, but I doubt anyone puts them on the same level. FOCUS: I feel like I overdo this one, but Family Guy has to be the laziest comedy writing around (except maybe those re-heated turds American Dad and Cleveland Show), which sucks because Seth Mcfarlane seems like a legitimately funny fucker. I still check in on it semi-regularly, because I'm a big cartoon fan, and the "jokes" (aka the incredibly over used cut aways) are as lowest common denominator/low hanging fruit as it gets. I used to play a drinking game with friends where we'd watch a Jay Leno monologue (if it happened to be on) and guess his punch lines before he said them. I found myself doing the same thing with the newest Family Guy episode -- successfully -- and a comic genius I am not. Oh, and while I can kind of see someone disliking Seinfeld, if you don't get or don't like Curb Your Enthusiasm, your opinion on comedy is irrelevant.