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Advertising re-Enabled for a short period of time

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Nettdata, Jun 23, 2014.

  1. Nettdata

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    Mr. Toast

    Feb 14, 2006
    FYI, Kojak hasn't transferred the site over to me as of yet (have no fear, he's still working on doing so, it's just sometimes life gets busy), and he's still paying for the hosting of TiB. He uses the advertisements on here to offset the costs for that hosting.

    When I came back a few weeks ago I noticed that the adds were a little fucked up, he wasn't around, so I just went ahead and disabled them.

    Needless to say that loss of a month of revenue had a bit of an impact, so I've fixed some code on the site to get them showing properly again, and turned them back on in order to help him pay the bills.

    So you'll now see that the adds are back, but only for a short period of time.

    Once I get full/proper control of the domain name and re-host it, I'll assume the costs of the site and there won't be any adds any more.

    Until then, please help do Kojak a solid, and disable any ad-blockers you may be running, and help him get some of that revenue to help pay for this place.

    It's not like he's getting rich off it or anything... it's just to help make ends meet.

  2. Vorticon

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    Experienced Idiot

    Feb 2, 2010
    Just turned off AdBlock for TIB and can now see exciting banner ads for things I'd never click on. Don't mind them though, I only really put the adblocker on because of fucking annoying video ads that would automatically play and make you search all over the page to turn them off.

    Having said that, despite spending half my life on the internet I have no idea of how ads actually make money. Is it per click, per page view, per unique page view etc? Is it helpful if I randomly click a few ads each day I'm on here?
  3. Kojak

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    Village Idiot

    May 11, 2014
    It splits between page views and clicks. Rarely does the banner receive more than 2 clicks per day... so the majority of it has been page views (the payment for those, as you'd guess, is woefully low). Most users use ad blockers, which makes page views even less. As such, clicks are worth more. However, blindly clicking 10x a day by the same person can flag AdSense and let them know that it's being abused. Don't just become click-happy; albeit, clicking once in a while definitely helps.

    If it bothers you, keep the ad blocker on. I understand. But if you'd like to help, I will appreciate it all the same.

  4. Kojak

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    Village Idiot

    May 11, 2014
    We'll take this down latest at the end of the month..forever. Sorry if this caused any inconvenience. You guys are great.