"A relaxed ass, is a happy ass", is just one of the pearls of wisdom imparted by porn icon Ron "The Hedgehog" Jeremy, as heard from his CD, "Pornosonic: Unreleased 70's Porno Music". And speaking of porn, the WDT thread brought up people's thoughts and fears of posting boobie pics (feel free, by the way), and making personal sex videos. Being a bunch of depraved individuals, I have no doubt that there are more than a few members around here that have stories. So... FOCUS: Personal sex videos and pics. Have you? Would you? Want to? Do tell. Show, even, if you're so inclined, and aren't Skyello. Share your experiences and stories.
But where else are we going to see a video of him dipping a dildo in peanut butter and sucking it off (not to mention Shegirl's sweet video he made)?
Have not, will not. Ever. I fear that seeing such a thing will drive a person into suicide watch-style insecurities of watching themselves park the pink cadillac on film. Plus, with our friend social media dipping it's tenticles into a billion homes on the planet, the fear of it being leaked to the entire earth pretty much seals the deal in the FUCK NO Department for me. I've never heard about anybody doing this andit turning out to be a worthwhile endevour. Others may vary.
Yes, yes, and yes. I am woman, hear me whore! I had videos on college. That was dumb. Thank God I never had my face in them. Stupid. Someone please delete this before I sober up.
100% agree. I will never ever make a sex tape. I have never even sent any naughty picture of myself to girls Ive dated/fucked. Kudos to the women who post on the Boobie Thread, but totally understandable for the ones who dont. I might be President some day, I dont want to fuck that up ya know?
Nope, nope, nope.....and nope to probably any other questions along those lines. I am secure with myself to an extent, but I sure as hell don't want to see my jiggly ass on camera, making indecent faces and sounds. That shit is for memories only. While I am perfectly happy doing all sorts of miscellaneous naughty things, I don't need a fucking recording of the moment. I guess that makes me vanilla. So be it.
Did once... but let's just say it wasn't pretty. Or flattering. At all. The VHS tape was quickly and completely destroyed shortly after.
In ten years NOT having a fuck tape will be a detriment to any candidates chances. A real sex tape with Palin or Bachmann would be hot (Lisa Ann just ain't cutting it). I haven't filmed or photod myself at any point at all. Maybe with the right girl and if it is deleted/destroyed in appropriate fashion. Two random sex tape stories. First in middle school I went to a drive in with a friend and his mom. The jeep next to us had to black lesbians, as I deduced by the rainbow flags and their skin color. I hear one of them start talking, aka gettin rowdy, I looked over as the driver is half hanging out the window to keep a video camera out of the passengers hands. In the video screen was a close up of a girl masturbating. Apparently the girl in the video was not either of the women in the car and this was of great/hilarious concern of the driver. The pussy was clean shaven. Thumbs up. In college I partied once up at Purdue with my brother. At the end of the night I passed out in his roommate's room who was in the process of moving out. The next morning I awoke and saw a video camera sitting next to the bed. I hit play and low and behold it was his roommate fucking some girl. Over all not a quality tape.
Back when I was dating the woman who would later become my ex-wife, we decided to take various Polaroids of ourselves getting it on. "Okay, so what's the funny part?" you are asking. Well, one evening we were coming back from Mexico, and as usual, my truck was picked for a "random" shakedown. I remembered that I had some of the Polaroids in an envelope in the glove compartment (for the life of me, I can't remember why the hell I ever left them in the truck.). I grabbed the envelope, but one of the fuckwads, er, I mean Customs agents (a woman, by the way) saw me and asked me what was in the envelope that was so important. Me: "Uh, just some pictures." Agent: "Well I need to see them sir." Me: "They're nothing, really." Agent: "I need to see them sir." Me: "Why? Is this really necessary?" Agent: "Sir, we have to be sure that you aren't bringing child pornography into the country." I knew she was never going to back down on this, so I reluctantly handed them over. She went through them, looking over at me and my ex-wife with each new picture. Then she put them in the envelope and gave it back to me. After ransacking my truck and having it sniffed out by a dog, we were allowed to go. You know those assholes were laughing about that after we left. For the record, I shredded all of those pictures after I got divorced.
Kind of off focus: My brother buys storage units for a living. I have helped him clean out over a hundred of them. It is unbelievable how many poor, ugly people take pictures of themselves. I have seen so many homemade shots of disgusting people.
I have a great video of me getting a blow job, and then the cumshot ends up in Jägerettes eye, then me dripping the camera onto the bed ao all you can here is "shit sorry, sorry" then me knocking over a tequila bottle in the rush to get her a towel. The next day I asked her to marry me.
I video the wife every now and then. Of course, she makes me delete them... After I've put them on my hard drive in a secret file she doesn't know anything about. The camera will be coming out again soon actually, since I just ordered her some stuff from Adam and Eve.
There are nekkid pics of myself out in the interwebz, but it's something I kind of out-grew. I have this paranoid feeling that somehow an employer/someone important could dig them up. I'd be really ashamed if family members or school/professional contacts saw my titties or ass on display. I trust my bf with pics because I know he wouldn't want his friends or anyone to see my goods. (Until we break up). No videos, though. That seems like a terrible idea.
I made a sex video a couple years ago, which has since been lost. I also made a second one, with the same girlfriend, and saved the video to my desk top. Literally the next morning, someone broke into my apartment and stole my laptop. So, some scumbag thief has my laptop with the raw footage of a sex tape that I've never even seen. Goddamn it. I have done some nude modeling, so I'm not shy about filming myself on tape. I would love to get a tape of my current girlfriend on tape, but she has only let me take a couple pictures so far. Oh well. I think sex tapes are awesome, I would love to build a collection over the rest of my life, for nostalgia's sake, but it remains to be seen whether that ever happens.
Scootah's party was very well behaved. I only saw one pussy on display (at least up until I left). This was some whacking, thudding and moaning behind the "do not disturb" sign I can't testify to. My girl's warming up to "caught on tape" proposition. Some pics may or may not appear on a Fetlife profile attached to mine. And that's as far as I'm going with that.
I have done some modeling of the nude nature. Thos aren't worrisome to me. I have taken photos and video during the act. I think I destroyed the video before it was saved to anything else. It was on my ex's cell phone. Photos are in Mr. P's possession, I trust him with them. There are a few photos out there, I don't lose sleep at night over it.
No and the reason being is this site: http://isanyoneup.com/ It's a Bay Area based website, started up by a guy with a serious sick sense of humor. I've seen a couple of girls I know on there. Can't trust no one with shit nowadays...
Been on camera once before during the act. Myself and another guy that lived in my dorm ran a train on one of the nastiest gutter sluts I've ever encountered, and we had a another buddy record everything on my camera. I don't know what this girls story was(local to the area) but he went and picked her up and brought her back to base. I was drinking before, but alcohol could not soften the blow of how fugly she was. I finally worked up enough courage and thought "Just do it for the story." Clothes come off and we both take turns on her, all with my friend doing the camerawork. I got through about ten minutes before I completely lost my will. I left shamed and disgusted, laughed at the whole idea of it for a while then deleted every bit of it.
link? What? FOCUS: Personal sex videos and pics. Have you? Several years ago, the girl I was with at the time and I were apart for an extended period of time. Then, I had to leave for a week after she had been gone for several. So, I made a video that I was going to leave for her to "keep her company." I watched it back. After I was done laughing and throwing up, I deleted it. It was awful. I never told her I did it either. I've tried to convince my current girl to let me take some nekkid photos of her. Less to have keepsakes, and more just for the hot foreplay. Haven't convinced her yet.