Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over One of my best friends is nearly eight months pregnant with her third boy. She just asked me if I could help her clean up her bikini area because her husband won't shave her. I said yes because I am firmly against untamed jungle pussy, pregnant or not. What's the craziest/weirdest thing you have done to help a friend?
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over What the fuck is wrong with him? Why won't he shave her?
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over I have cleaned up shit, piss, vomit, human hairballs, gunk, dead animals. My hoarder friend cleaned up my shit during an illness that incapacitated me with blackouts (we were on a trip, I FUCKED UP that motel's bathroom like it owed me money). So, I cleaned his filthy apartment of unspeakable horrors when he was out of town. More than once. I also helped him trap his 20 pound Tagu lizard when he moved out. That thing was a fucking killing machine. I walked a 400 pound man, dripping gallons of fetid, fat guy sweat all over me, several blocks when he was too pissed to even see. Ever try balancing that kind of weight with a bad back? Bonus when he clunked his head on a street pole and it actually went *PLONK*. Why walk him? His best friend in the whole world went to get the car, but instead fucked the chick big guy was madly into while I'm trying to keep him from falling into the gutter. Thanks, cocksucker. Usually I find myself full of human sputum and discharges because no other friends have integrity. Gal's friend loaded her up on rum and pills. She vomits everywhere, all over herself, the floor. Friend laughs and goes to fuck some dude. So I cleaned her face and her hair and put her to bed face down so she wouldn't die. Luckily the dog ate all her puke off the floor.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over Not sure about the dynamics of their relationship but given how my wife behaves when I'm performing most simple tasks I can see how that opportunity would turn sour very quickly. Last thing you want is a backseat muff wrangler. That said, he's an idiot not to do it. Personally since she can't see it I'd shave a design into it, such as a simple geometric shape or brief personal message. Makes for a pleasant postnatal surprise and it adds a lighthearted touch to the birth video. It's a good thing.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over I'd say do "Property of Pimptress", but that's a mouthful. How hairy of a girl is she? Link to one of dixie's photographic contributions so we can get the ideas flowing here.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over I'm not sure how unkept the situation has become, but the last time I saw her with no clothes it was like this, but blonde. NSFW Should I use this? NSFW
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over This is being done, as we speak. Either way, design or bald, I hope you get to tongue test it for smoothness.
In the process of moving some posts over from the drunk thread, which is why one of those drunk threads is locked. In the meantime, Focus: What's the craziest thing you have ever done to help a friend?
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over C'mon. You can do better than that. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a>
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over Whoa. Now I'm going to be in the bathroom shaving all afternoon.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over C'mon. You can do better than that. I predict that when Bandit clicks this link his penis may just spontaneously explode. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"></a> FOCUS: Let a friend talk me into taking out an interest only $25,000.00 second mortgage to cover his medical expenses.
Re: Weekend Drunk Thread, Today Until It is Over I think you should bring in a leather strop and a straight razor. You should put a warm towel around her vagina so only the clit pokes out like a nose. Then apply cream from a hot lather machine. Cut with the grain. Slap aftershave on her lips and as she gets up say, "Next customer!" and slap the chair with the towel. If you'd be so kind as to do that with a Maine accent, that would be perfection.