I dated a chick who would start similar fights to BakedBean, I dated her for about 4 months, 5 months longer than I should have. She definitely believed in the "Fighting means you care" philosophy and I simply did not do that shit. "Do you even care? Do you even give a shit? Does this mean anything to you?" were asked with no breath in between at a shrill. These two things happened the time. Me: Steve's having a party at 9, want to come? Her: Nope. Me: It's gonna be fun, music, food, people... Her: Nah, I don't want to go. Me: Ok. (8:50) as I'm walking out the door. Her: Okay I want to go to the party. Me: Sweet, well you can hurry up and leave with me in 10-20 minutes or just meet me there to not rush. Her: (Blowing up in a rage) What the fuck is wrong with you!?! Why don't you give me any goddamn time to get ready!?! Just fuck it, go ahead without me and have fun! Just fucking leave me here alone! You're so goddamn inconsiderate! Now were two variations of this. First few times I stayed and talked her down inevitably missing the party or showing up way later. The other variation when I just said "I'm going to the party, you knew the plan." Then get texted every five minutes the entire time I was out. If I didn't respond to 3-4 texts, I'd get a call. If I didn't respond to the call, threats to throw out, burn, or somehow damage the few things I had at her place. Usually clothing I liked.
I'm still a fan of SillyLittleFreak losing his mind and banning anyone who disagreed with him on the "plane on a treadmill" problem. Dude couldn't have had more than an 8th grade science education and was flipping out on people who had advanced degrees in shit like engineering, physics, and math.
Along the same lines was the "fight that wasn't a fight" between Savage Henry and Bunny about crystals and other healing methods. That man showed more patience than I thought possible in that thread.