A list of 95 sequels currently in some state of being. Which ones are you actually interested in? Which ones do you think should actually get made? Which ones did they miss? Which ones would you like to see DIAF? I wish they would do a sequel to The Incredibles. Think of all the fun they could have with that!
Here's a list of movies I expect to see in cinemas - 300 2, Bad Santa 2, Captain America 2, The Chronicles of Riddick 3, The Dark Knight Rises, Diehard 5 and 6, Expendables 2, Fast and Furious 6, Ghost Rider - Spirit of Vengance, Green Latern 2, James Bond 23, How to Train your Dragon 2, Major League 4, Pirates of the Carribean 5, Red 2, Salt 2, Sherlock Holmes - A Game of Shadows, Sin City 2, Taken 2, Thor 2, Terminator 5, A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas, The Wolverine, X-Men 4, X-Men First Class 2 Here's a list of movies I expect to think were worth the money - Bad Santa 2, The Dark Knight Rises, How to Train your Dragon 2, A Very Harold and Kumar Christmas, The Wolverine. The rest are probably just me being masochistic. An it's probably foolish self delusion to think that Wolverine won't suck. Although has anyone else ever wondered what a Wolverine reboot with Vin Diesel in the title role would be like? It could be so fantastically awful that my eyes hurt from imagining it, or it could be so incredibly perfect that there are truly no words. I really want Ryan Reynolds to make a great comic book movie. Deadpool or Green Lantern or something. I just don't expect it to actually happen. Major League 4 sounds like the greatest trainwreck of all time.
If it could be done well, I would love to see someone make "Spaceballs the Sequel". I heard Mel Brooks was going to have "Spaceballs 3: The Search for 2", and there was talk in Spaceballs about "Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money", but who knows.
Any and all subsequent Michael Bay movies (particularly sequels, since he has no movies to his credit that are worth following up) and additions to the Saw franchise. We get it already: you suck at plot construction. It's okay, we won't hold it against you. Just. Please. Give. Up! There's no Saw title on that list, but I've learned not to bet against the possibility of, "let's make just one more shitty snuff film, you guys!" As for Salt 2...fucking why?? Did the first one not suck hard enough? Other than a few cool chase scenes involving a motorcycle, it was a waste of an hour and 45 minutes of my life.
Fuck, there's some AWFUL shit in that list. Wow. Scream 5 and 6? Fuck off. All four of those previous Scream movies were horrid. Spy Kids 4? Another Step Up shitfest? I'm glad I don't go to the cinemas as much anymore, because anyone who wastes their money on such nonsense is just helping Hollywood churn out more of the same shit. Fuck Hollywood. After all, they keep giving Michael Bay work.
Well there's a quick list of 95 movies I won't bother watching. A sequel to 300? It sounds a little anti-climatic, seeing as all 300 of the stars from the original "movie" died at the end. You gotta love when Hollywood really fucks history in the ass. 300 (2): Watch the bodies decompose-----IN 3D! And no National Treasure 3? That's one I actually would watch, just to find out what was on page 47 (or whatever page they referenced in the President's Secret Book in the last movie).
There are maybe 5-6 movies on that list I'm slightly looking forward to, other than that, Jesus, Hollywood, ever hear of originality?