This weeks theme is cute animal pics. I'll start it off with this, seems suitable considering what time of year it is.
The odds are pretty good that, on the next G+ Hangout (whenever it is, if I am invited and if I am awake for it), you'd see a cat (or both cats) leaping in front of the camera multiple times. Cute enough? Probably... Anyway, Formula 1 again this weekend. Italy. Hoping for a good race...
I have re-remembered how awesome a simple vodka seltzer and lime (or lemon) is. Russian Standard vodka if anyone is curious. If I'm mixing in a drink where I want to taste the sweet flavors of vodka, or if I'm drinking neat, Russian Standard is my go-to.
I'm watching Jungle Gold, apparently doing business in sub saharan Africa can be sketchy. Who knew? Next time I'm broke I'm going to Nigeria to drill for oil, cause you know, whats the worst that can happen? Why would you drink Vodka neat? I like drinking bourbon and scotch neat, makes sense. I thought the point of vodka was to be tasteless and odorless? If thats true, the best vodka taste like nothing.
I tried to break up a bawl fest 6 floors down where my neighbor's kids were hanging out in front of another unit. I thought the bully older brother was just being particularly nasty today but the girl was being overly bratty and laying on the ground, throwing a tantrum. Bitch, please, you are like 11. Get off the ground. I promised her some homemade carrot cake with buttercream frosting if she'd let me take her back to her unit and she had the balls to tell me she didn't like that kind of cake.
Vodka club is the only way I will take that crap. So here is a dog missing a chromosome pair: Ok, I feel bad because I want to like that dog, but he's fucking ugly and making me sad. His tongue looks like the back of Forest Whitaker's head. Because I am not a monster, random baby cuteness: <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... man-hands/</a>
My friend's Sheppard Mia is the biggest pussy ever. Wallabies are pretty cute... My friend Mia holding Charlie, who is both cute and a badass.
What a little cunt. But I blame the parents. If ANY of the kids in my family (or my inlaws' family) tried pulling a stunt like that, they would have gotten smacked, or dragged away and smacked up much worse. Anyway, here's a question for everyone: Am I the only one who thinks that it looks incredibly tacky when a woman leaves the tag on her swimsuit or lingerie?
Why do pugs pop up when you type "cute animal" in google search? What the fuck is their damage? My definition of "cute" does not include an animal that looks like somebody dropped a curling stone on its face. Same goes for Pomeranians. I can't understand the attraction towards those chainsaw-toothed bug-eyed tampons that never shut up. They're like Neanderthal chihuahuas.
Pugs have decent personalities, but looks wise, enh, not so much. Pomeranians suck. I don't understand why some women think small dogs are easier to handle. In my experience big dogs tend to be easier to handle and tend to be more predictable. Some people see a big dog and assume its going to drag them around, it may but its not malicious, and they snap back into attention pretty quickly. I think the size if a big dog throws people off. A big lab is way easier to handle than a Pomeranian. A big newfie or great dane can be the sweetest dog ever. I'm a big dog guy, for me, having a 100lb lab around when I'm watching TV is nice. When I get money and land I'm getting me three newfies.
Hmm, I am conflicted about this whole Threadus Interruptus of closing one WDT and opening another during the start of the weekend, and that this new "theme" limits the potential of posting on theme that have boobs. But, it did bring Blue Dog back to the party, so that's a win. Alas, I don't have any cute pet pix since I don't have any pets. Although there is a dust bunny under my bed that's been staring at me like it wants a treat.