FOCUS: If you had to boil it down to just five items in a bag, and not just for your car but an "anywhere, anytime" kit beyond what you normally have with yourself daily- what are the five most essential things you require? You can carry lots of stuff in a vehicle, let's restrict it to just what you could easily stuff into a small bag and get the hell outta Dodge with.
- An upscale porn magazine from 1986 - One Hawaiian shirt - 6 feet of chicken wire - 1911 .45 - A martini shaker I'm already humming the Magnum PI theme. Incidentally, this is also the list of items found in a dead hooker's apartment when Carrot Top finally snapped.
1.) $150 in twenties, tens, and fives; any other denominations (i.e. coins) are too large or small to bother with. 2.) My Scharade knife, can't remember the length of it but it's of a decent size. 3.) Good pair of gloves and a balaclava; this is cheating on the 'five item rule' but they go hand-in-hand for me on a near daily basis. 4.) Either a full carton or a minimum of four packs of cigarettes. 5.) Pocket pussy just because I have needs no mere hand can meet.
-A hat, the faded old Twins cap that was way too big when I got it in youth baseball but fits perfectly now. -Sunglasses, dark and polarized. -A 1911, loaded with hollowpoints. -A bag of stinky, sticky weed, papers, and a lighter. -Condoms. What can't I accomplish with that?
Leatherman tool. As much cash as possible. Kershaw knife. A box of bic lighters (at least 30). Rubber gloves.
Yeah, the dude who's baked out of his tree carrying a loaded gun and wearing dark sunglasses, what could he possibly screw up. Focus: Anal beads, lube, and three disposable cameras.
Realistically: Swords in an adjustable sheath (or my lightweight combat tomahawk) Giant box of Quest protein bars Tinderbox for fire making Compound bow and arrows Water bottle with built in filter Funny: Latex gimp suit Talc Rubber chicken (pocket sized, not full sized) Seltzer bottle like in silent movies 1982 Zagat's Guide
Realistically, (as in these are actually in my car right now in a bag in the back) - A change of clothes baseball glove tampons + two pocket shots of booze flash light jumper cables I'm not funny, so I don't have a funny list.
I don't know. How much am I going to have to live off the land? Do I have to include my big "fuck off, winter!" parka? And for that matter, I've been places - on short notice - and there's usually 2 duffel bags and a 100 litre backpack involved. If not more. I'd want... -a sturdy pair of boots -passport -lots of cash -smartphone, jailbroken -a very comfortable backpack I'd say that lets me do just about anything. I can swing by the outdoors store, the liquor store, or the bus station as needed and go from there. I mean, I'm assuming I can use that wad of cash to buy whatever, right?
If I had to drop everything and hop on a bus to somewhere: 1. Passport 2. Wallet (ideally $1-200 cash) 3. Tylenol/Ibuprofen 4. Cell phone 5. Spare underwear Honestly I could probably get by on spare underwear and a passport.
It'd be more fun with a caveat: no cash. That's like having a magic genie when we're talking just bare minimum stuff, not to mention worthless aside from tinder and toilet paper if you aren't in civilization.
I carry a 9mm, a lighter, and a small pocketknife daily, so that's covered. - LED headlamp - First aid kit - $1,000 - Large, sturdy water bottle - Handheld GPS
The husband's answer: *A change of clothes *$200 in cash *40 pounder of vodka *first aid kit *100ft of paracord My answer: *Emergency blanket *This book *Hatchet *Toothbrush (and toothpaste) *Lifesaver bottle (barring that, a pot and lid, string and a cup) Y'know what? Fuck that. I'd bring my credit card and a pack of condoms. From there, I can buy or fuck my way into getting whatever else I need.
See, I gave my answer based on some sort of apocalypse scenario, rather than just going on the lam. Passports and cash aren't gonna help after a major meteor strike.