Ok so, George Zimmerman, Miley Cyrus and The Beibs all hang out together for a wild night on the town. What happens? Where do they go? What do they do? For me as long as atleast two out of the three end up dying in a fire I'm all good. Alternatively, which would you want to burn up, which not so much, and why? SGEDIT: Spelled her last name wrong.
Zimmerman leaves knowing that the media circus that follows those two will only make the iPod he just broke into front page news. Miley then gets jealous of Bieber being asked questions by the paparazzi that aren't about her or twerking and pulls a page from Silence of the Lambs and makes Bieber's face into a friendly mask. She then goes on to sing, for the paparazzi who upload her songs to youtube. The youtube videos net 14 million views before anyone figures out that something was wrong. Miley in the end isn't charged because the signs of her breakdown were obvious in hindsight and the songs sounded better from her. Zimmerman is still blamed in the end and ends up on front page news.
Biebs gets drunk and starts a commotion inside of a Miami bar. Zimmerman, finally trying to get out of the limelight, politely asks him to calm down. Biebs spits in his face. Claiming assault and that he heard, "The big loogie is next," he shoots Biebs in the face with a harpoon gun he had cleverly concealed on his mushy body. While this is happening, Miley is on one of those swings over the bar reserved for only the drunkest girls with the shortest skirts. Naturally, she's chosen to eschew clothing altogether and ends up grinding her crotch into the ropes so hard that one of them snaps, sending her careening into the harpoon sticking out of Biebs' back, killing her instantly. After a brief, shocked pause, the crowd erupts into applause and cheer. Zimmerman is showered with drinks the remainder of the evening. And then, as he leaves the bar at dawn, he's killed by, oh, let's say...Moe.