This started last night, figured I would get a thread started about it. I've been very excited, and after last season (which was a nice rebound from awful season 6) I hope they explain how Jack didn't die from the nerve agent he was exposed to. A couple of things so far: Spoiler 1) CTU is a space station. Did anyone see how the door to the interrogation room shifted down hydraullically (sp?). Absolutely ridiculous. 2) CTU is obsessed with predator drones. 3) The dude from Slumdog Millionaire, President Hassan I think his name is, has a really creepy assistant.
Man. I've been looking forward to this season as well. I think they explained the nerve agent thing last season with an experimental treatment that involved a close family member and Kim was the one that volunteered to help with that. Its why she and her family are in DC instead of being in LA. She mentions something to her husband in the car about Jack being cleared medically two weeks prior. Hope that helps. Spoiler 1. Couldn't agree more. That was super duper ridiculous. That place annoys me more than the CSI stations. 2. Predator drones that don't even work properly. 3. Its his brother btw. And yeah - That hippie needs a goddamned haircut. let me add to it: 4. The Bubba director of CTU is like a caricature. I know we've endured some idiotic CTU directors in the past but goddamn. Is this guy for real?
I remember that, the fact that they said it was experimental, and had a low chance of working (in season 7) and now he's all fine and fucking dandy should be explained. Hell, the guy was having seizures towards the end of season 7. I hope they talk about it a little bit, rather than just writing it off as "oh he's peachy now". Then again, he's Jack Bauer, and much like Chuck Norris, can probably cure cancer with his tears. EDIT - I forgot to add, you think after so many years of Jack's service, and perfection of analyzing a situation, you think they'd finally realize that "Jack Bauer" is synomomous with "always right".
I did appreciate the look that the newb got when he said "Who is Jack Bauer?" That was pretty awesome.
I've been looking forward to this season for a while now, but I couldn't get into it for some reason. It just seemed like more of the same old same old. I have it on DVR and the wife and I stopped it after the first hour. We plan on watching the second hour tonight and I'm hoping it grabs me. Though I still love the whole Jack Bauer thing as you can tell from my new signature that was the best line of the night. Surprisingly, I liked seeing Freddie Jr. and I thought he fit in well.
that along with the awesome axe kill had me hooked! the preview for tonight's episode looks promising as well, does the assassin really think he can torture Jack? haha another thing liked was the reaction given when his granddaughter called him "Jack" woke up like he was being called to duty or something, Keifer's acting has come a long way
I don't know why every season we have to go through the whole Jack saying "I'm not in CTU anymore. I'm retired/focusing on my girlfriend/pretending to be dead" dog and pny show every year. We waste like half of an episode having people trying to convince Jack Bauer to be well Jack Bauer, when the time could be spent killing people with axes or biting their jugular vein. It seems like this will follow the same formula as seasons past, which I found to be enjoyable. I'm excited for tonight.
I was totally underwhelmed by last nights episodes. If tonight's don't do something to surprise me I won't be watching this season. It's just become too predictable at this point.
Renee Walker looks pretty hot in a strung out kind of way. So far these episodes have got me pulled in.
I still like the show, but goddam I'm hoping something really horrible happens to at least half the major characters and millions of innocent people. Just something big needs to happen. (No, after all the shit that happened in seasons 2-6, a couple planes crashing into each other and some people at the white house getting shot isn't big to me.)
I can see Chloe biting it this season. People love Chloe, and she has been around nearly as long as Jack. They do need to do something big, I agree with that. I feel like this may be the last season, so they may need to find a way to make it count. The whole scene with Renee cutting off the Russian's thumb reminds me of the start of season 2. They call Jack back in, when he is all strung out after his wife is killed, to send him back under cover. They bring in a prisoner that is going to testify against the guy Jack needs to get in with, and Jack blasts him in the chest and demands a hacksaw. George Mason is shocked, but Jack gives him a speech about never wanting to get his hands dirty. Replace Jack with Renee, Mason with Jack, and the headless guy with a thumbless Russian, and it is almost the same. I think they are trying to draw a clear parallel between Jack and Renee, and this season is going to consist of Jack trying to "redeem" Renee and keep her from following the path he took.
The 2nd set of episodes was definitely a lot more enjoyable. Renee going apeshit and cutting that guy's thumb off was absolutely awesome. I want to do dirty, nasty things to her.
Who else wants Tony Almeida back? and has anyone else noticed how Freddy Prince Jr pops a chub any time Jack Bauer is mentioned?
Unless he's purposely hunched over, that could be the worst casting I've ever seen. He just does not fit the part, regardless of how fucking stupid his character is supposed to be. Yes, Renee Walker was hot last season, and she just got WAY hotter this season. It looks like she lost a lot a bit of weight and would do some dirty things to you if she had some handcuffs.
She could bring the angle grinder with the handcuffs too if she wanted. I'm sure we could find a use for it.
Ugh, I hate these side plots. They've always been bad. Anyone remember when Kim was semi-abducted by Johnny Chase after the moutain lion tried to attack her? Yeah, I try to forget it too. The only side plot that was actually good was the murder side plot of Palmer's son and his sister's rapist. Ok, last season had a believable one with the muder coverup and Olivia initially attempting to kill Hodges (which eventually happens). Please remind me of other good ones. If anyone says anything that relates to Kim Bauer, I'm going to punch you in the face (all of her subplots are fucking horrible).
Hey, at least Johnny Drama trying to trick her into living with him in his doomsday bunker was unintentionally hilarious.