I will but I'm playing catchup with academics, three assignments due in the next 36 hours, class and a meeting with the Head of Student Health Services.
I get the real life consequences that are possible, you and Audry are correct in all of the dynamics and possible results you've put forward, but on the flip side, doing nothing because of possible outcomes leaves the dude to face no consequences. The safest for you, highest consequence for the pervert, regardless of possible negative outcomes, would be getting the law involved. While not perfect by any stretch, there has been vast improvements in work place sexual harrasment because corporations as a whole started to face serious legal and civil consequences. There were, and still are, women that face negative results in reporting it, but for their courage to do so, regardless of possible negative actions, nothing would change. I'm not ever going to think less of you for taking the route you did, I just don't see how this dude stops the behavior otherwise. In other cute animal related news, a preemie baby hippo is the new non stop talk of Cincinnati: Fiona the preemie hippo Harambe died so she may live.
Until males can turn themselves into females and find themselves in any type of similar situation they will never understand things from the other perspective, ever. And to be fair, that goes for other topics and what not, only vice versa too. In shimmereds case this guy basically scared her into silence. I may be reading it wrong but that's my take. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done. I'd like to think, like she said, being the big bad lady hero would be great so I'd go that way but fuck man, I have no idea how I'd react let alone try to "handle" it. Either way, it's a snap judgement.
If our salon had video, if we were corporate, if we had a quicker response police department - if if if if if. Getting police involved sounds awesome until you realize you have to be with that person for another 20 minutes while they get there. I'm not sure that ends as well as we'd like to believe. Like you, I want repercussions for him. Absolutely. But in all reality, in that moment, I'm not sure how to balance prosecuting him with making sure those around me, my family, and I remain safe. Even discussing it with a police officer at this point would create the *shrug* "well. Just don't take any more appointments from him and we are glad you all are safe..." response.
Yep. Just ripped apart my dust extractor to have it fit better. Framed out a new cabinet for it and my compressor so they'll be in the garage and I'll run lines through the wall into the shop. Now for a stainless steel covered bench in the garage.
I don't recommend escalating it in some crazy black lady way "aaawww helll naaaw this dude jackin his dick in muh chair!!?! CALL THE POLICE!!!" (though hilarious, and might could possibly be his specific kink*). I wouldn't even let the dude know you were aware at all until the police arrive. In between wiping off hair needles after witnessing said jacking off, excuse yourself, consult manager, call authorities, wait for them to arrive, talk with police about the situation, confront pervert. If they don't have enough evidence to charge the dude, which like you said may very well happen, tell him you want him to leave or you will press tresspassing charges. I'd at least take the chance to talk with your boss/owner about proper proceedure on how to handle these situations in the future. Set up some standard proceedure so you wont be as blindsided and hopeless in the moment. As far as the possibilities of him becoming a stalker or threatening harm at a later period. The realities and reactions to it are interesting thought processes between the sexes that is hard to grasp being in the shoes of a man, so to say, that's worth getting into. Not sure it fits the WDT material. * I can't find that picture where a perv at a protest was confronted and knocked down(it was like an ally or storm drain behind some industrial building?), with a meme of his facial reaction to secretly getting what he wanted from it.
Yes - we are definitely discussing SOP for future events. This will happen again - it happens so often in this industry it's discussed in hair school and unfortunately met with a shrug and "well. Whatcha gonna do yknow?" mentality.
Hippos are one of the most bizarre animals on god's green earth. They are simultaneously hilarious and terrifying. I once heard a hippo fart at a zoo, and I did not stop laughing about it for days. On the other hand, a hippo also once roared at me at a zoo, and the image of that giant gaping mouf opening up wider than I am tall still haunts my dreams. Plus, those motherfuckers weight 2500-4000 pounds but run at 20mph! What is their purpose??? And because the internet is the worst but also often great, I went to find a video of a hippo roaring just to reassure myself that it was scary and I found this:
I fucking love Hippos. Before my trip to Kenya, I couldn't care less... but now, I'm a huge fan. In case you didn't see it in the video I posted, here is some hilarious video and stills I took from a hippo watching area that was about 30 yards from our tent: Stupid "smart" embedding... click on the "more info" and then the 15:50 link for the hippos.
http://jamanetwork.com.ezp1.lib.umn.edu/journals/jama/fullarticle/414475 March 5, 1997 Violent Land: Single Men and Social Disorder From the Frontier to the Inner City ... http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com.ezp2.lib.umn.edu/doi/10.1111/jomf.12176/full Effect of Marriage and Spousal Criminality on Recidivism
Hippos are one of the most dangerous animals in Africa as far as interactions with humans go. Plus they whip shit out of their ass with their tails to mark territories. All sorts of fucked up kind of animal. We cannot get enough preemie hippo though in this city. At the cincy zoo I once saw the bonobo male putting on a humping show for the human guest. When ever someone would walk up to the window he'd hop on a beach ball and start humping it wildly and started what looked like him laughing manaically. He'd only do the laugh part if you started smiling and laughing first. One of the funniest things I'd ever seen in my life. So like us.
They are THE most dangerous animal in Africa, period. No animal kills more people than hippos. Angry, dangerous bastards.
They may be the most dangerous animal, but this is the one that scares me the most On second thought, aren't misquotes the most dangerous thing in Africa?