Yes children, it's that time again. Time for you to sign up, and time for me to try and wrestle up 12 people willing to pay and play. $100 ESPN H2H Auction draft, just like last year. Instead of Paypal, we are going to be using LeagueSafe to set up the payments, why? Because paid fantasy sports leagues are completely legal nowadays and there are services set up to avoid the hassle for me. Hooray, BEER! Who is in? So far we have Sherwood Brendan. And the rest of you... GO!
I'm in again. I'm not interested in LeagueSafe though. If you don't want to deal w. holding the fees, people can paypal them to me, I'll just toss them in a spare account for the season. If people aren't going to pay us, then they aren't going to pay some 3rd party vendor anyway, we just need to set up a cutoff a week or two before the draft to ditch any owners who haven't paid. This will be easier for me anyway, I win money every season, so now I don't have to wait on you to authorize a payout. oh snap.
Count me in again. Just let me know how to pay, Paypal or Leaguesafe because I am going to have to transfer money either way.
I love this league, but I have a lot of money tied up elsewhere and a potential 10 day road trip with my boss at the end of March through the beginning of April that would almost certainly force me to miss the auction (I assume the consensus is to do the auction again?), so I can't commit right now. Put me on the "maybe" list. If the league fills up quickly, I'll just have to sit out this year. But once you get down to the final spot, let me know. Two weeks from now, this road trip may be canceled.
Jesus, really? It's all fucking yours man. If we can't trust the lawyer, who can we trust? My big issue with paypal is that when Wachovia changed to Wells Fargo, I couldn't link up my checking account with paypal anymore. The account changed... but the account number didn't, so I'm SOL on Paypal forever after. Current Lineup Sherwood Brendan Kinsey Justinarelost atcmh Zyron Erk33 On hold: Chairman 7.5 out of 12 in one day? This might be easier than usual.
Definitely in for another year of under the radar guys who are there for a reason jesuschristjustlightyourmoneyonfireinsteadasshat
OK, up to 8, 9 if Chairman becomes available. Kinsey, you want to be the commissioner too or just handle the cash?
You can have the honor of setting everything up, I'll just collect the funds, I'll be busy w. work for the next couple of weeks anyway. I'll send you my address, if everyone else would PM me their email I'll get out some paypal requests this weekend so we can get paid & collected before draft time.
I'm fine with a transaction cap, make people decide if they want to jump on every rookie or wait and stream arms late in the season. 3 of us have paid in so far.
I've never done a money league before (and prior to this year haven't done baseball) - not sure if I'll be in or not, how do you work it out, just everyone chips in a hundred winner take all, or does it work differently? Sorry for my obvious ignorance.
Here is how it was paid out last year: 100 - Best Regular season record 100 - 3rd place 300 - 2nd place 700 - 1st place It is also an auction draft instead of a snake draft.
You are correct sir. This way someone who has an awesome team that shits the bed in round one of the playoffs still gets something for their time. And it also ensures that the consolation (3rd place) game is played for a reason.
Sorry, fellas. For the reasons I stated earlier in the thread, I won't be able to join this year. I'll be back around next season though.
I need to pay more attention. Yes we can, do we want to do a weeknight? And has anyone paid you yet? I need to get on this thing.