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2010 NBA Postseason

Discussion in 'Sports Board' started by FoamyBologna, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. Guy Fawkes

    Guy Fawkes
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    Oct 20, 2009
    Nor'east USA
    I think Kobe is the best all around player in the NBA... but he's absolutely terrible at being able to tempo his own game to get his teammates involved.

    Regardless of Kobe going off he knew that he wasn't pulling away from the Celtics. He NEEDS help. Lebron is good at taking over a game and then bringing in his teammates and getting them easy buckets so that they get back into it.

    I'm not complaining since I loved the outcome of the game but Kobe should know better.

    Also fuck Phil Jackson. What a sanctimonious douchnozzle.
  2. MoreCowbell

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
    No, a fair number of people do hate KG. I mean, I'm not one of them, but they exist. It's because the whole intensity thing leads to him acting like a jerk a lot of the time. He's known around the league as sort of a bully. He tends to yell at/taunt bench players and rookies.

    Also: sad Kobe is sad.

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  3. LucasJackson

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 20, 2009
    I have a bet with my boss on Celtics in six for $25 (yeah that's right, I'm taking pudge bets with y boss at the striking value of $25). He's from LA and talks endlessly about how the Lakers are the best franchise in the history of forever (as well as the Bruins, when he gets around to it). I only talk shit to him because he never shuts up about it, and when he told me to put my money where my mouth is I threw down $25. Didn't think I'd actually get it, but it looks like I will. This is the sweetest $25 I'll ever get. I would go get drunk on the $25 if I didn't live in DC, but it'll at least get me two shots of Gran Marnier. That's awesome. Go Celtics. I hate the Celtics, but go Celtics.
  4. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    All I have to say about the game last night is there were some really REALLY shitty calls, no-calls and make-up calls.

    The officials can, for the most part, make or break a series for any given team. Kobe got his first foul towards the end of the third? Really? Granted it may not have made a bit of difference but how does a player that active and involved in almost every single play not get one single foul called on him until the third quater?
    And with that LA will win.

    I don't like either team but my dislike for the Lakers outweighs Boston ten-fold.
  5. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I don't think that this game was handed to the Lakers. There were some bad calls, but they clearly outplayed Boston. Hell, Artest even managed to hit a few shots!

    But with Perkins injured and the refs more than likely on the Lakers' side I can't see Boston winning tomorrow.
  6. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    I have a dinner meeting tonight right after work which means I won't see the game, which means I won't throw my shoe at the TV when the Lakers win.

    I read an article that said The Staples Center bans all noisemaking devices, yet hand out thundersticks during halftime. WTF?

    Can we just move on to football already? I hate this time of year. Yeah yeah soccer I know. Not the same.
  7. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    I love how Artest thanked his psychiatrist in his little interview speech after the game.

    I don't like either team but props to them both for having good seasons.
  8. shegirl

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    Redemption Seeking Whore

    Oct 19, 2009
    But but how else will he get to the line if he doesn't fucking flop every time someone breezes by him? HOW? I can't stand him either.

    I did end up catching from about half way through the third. I stand by what I said on the previous page, officials can make or break a team in a series. From what I saw and was told, last night was proof.

    Even though I dislike both teams I give the Celtics props, especially in this last game playing without their starting post and keeping it just about even (ahead for the 1st half I think??) right up until the end.

    I'm so glad it's over because I don't have to hear or see Kobe, Artest, and Gasol. Just because I respect the player Kobe is doesn't mean I have to like him.

    55 days until August 12th. I don't care that it's only preseason and doesn't count for shit, nor do I care that I'll be watching Ray Lewis. It's football.
  9. MisterMiracle

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 21, 2009
    In the kitchen
    NBA Draft is tonight. I'm kind of pissed the Knicks don't have a pick, but then again it looks like a pretty shallow draft so no chance of them picking this year's Jordan Hill.

    Is John Wall that good? He looks like a taller Derrick Rose but without the range or consistency on his jumper.

    Gordon Heyward might be a lottery pick even though he looks like the poor man's version of Luke Jackson. I understand the need for white guys from the midwest to have a hero, but Heyward isn't it. Chase Budinger was a better player overall and he went 44th last year.

    DeMarcus Cousins is the 2nd coming of Eddy Curry, only with potentially less heart, which I didn't think was possible.
  10. Gramercy

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    Experienced Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    Looks like LeBron and Bosh are going to the Bulls, just based off of betting trends.

    48 hrs ago: had LeBron at +125 to sign w/ Bulls. Bosh was +300. Now? They're both -500.
  11. Samr

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009
  12. FoamyBologna

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    Village Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
  13. Gator

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 20, 2009
    " Alan Hahn of Newsday reports that LeBron James will make his announcement on Thursday from a studio in Greenwich, Conn. Originally it was believed that LeBron might make his announcement from Akron, but the proximity of Greenwich to New York -- in conjunction with Jared Dudley and Chad Ochocinco's tweets -- can only add fuel to the theory that LeBron is headed to the Knicks. Stay tuned."
  14. roy jones

    roy jones
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    Oct 20, 2009

    I have lived near and rooted for Cleveland for my whole life. Anybody that ever has had a name in this town leaves for more money. The players' unions push that these guys need to take the maximum dollars available because it helps raise the average salary for others playing their position. A higher average salary for each position means more bargaining room when the CBO's come out.

    Now, when the Cavs have the only shot to pay the most amount of money, it's a free-for-all.

    If Lebron leaves for less money, I'm going to rip my hair out. It means that, ultimately, it's about market and market alone.

    (End Rant)

    FOCUS: I'm assuming that if he lands anywhere besides Cleveland, they'll start talking sign and trades "because Cleveland doesn't want to be left empty handed".

    (1) What do the Knicks have to offer in this scenerio?
    (2) What does Miami have to offer? Draft picks only at this point?
    (3) Is Chicago willing to part with its talent for James?
  15. Sleeves

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    Experienced Idiot

    May 22, 2010
    Dear god i hope lebron james never wins a championship with any team that he ever goes too. This whole thing is getting way out of hand and he is milking the shit out of it. I hope he doesn't come to the knicks because I really dont like him, the only way i'll approve is if this James, Melo and Stoudemire theory is more factual than reality cause that would just be pure force of unstoppable men.
  16. T W

    T W
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    Average Idiot

    Oct 19, 2009
    I can't stand this stance on James. The guy has said absolutely NOTHING about his free agency during this entire fiasco, it's all been media and fan driven. You're mad because - on the absolute first possible day that he can legally sign - he is deciding to announce the end to two years of wild speculation and media uproar from his own mouth for once (while donating all of the proceeds to The Boys and Girls Club)? The hate is absolutely unjustified, and pretty pathetic when you consider the fact that this has and will be covered non-stop for hundreds of hours by the major sports networks whether or not he divulges this on television or not.

    And being a Knick fan, you had better fucking pray that you land Lebron - because if you don't then you'll be stuck as the same shit organization you've always been. While if you do? You're instantly relevant and a likely contender for the next half decade.
  17. D26

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 21, 2009
    There is one problem with your theory of it being about market and market alone:

    The Cavs aren't as good as some of his other potential choices.

    The Cavs can offer LeBron the most money, but the real question facing LeBron is this: what is more important? Winning championships or making money?

    If he stays with Cleveland, he isn't winning any championships in the near future (the prime of his career). He'll toil away, and ultimately end up like Kevin Garnett was in Minnesota, toiling away for a losing team that keeps promising to give him the pieces he needs to win, but never delivers.

    However, if he signs with Miami or Chicago, he can start winning championships now. He makes those teams not only immediate contenders, but favorites to win it all.

    Here are his options, as I see them (note: this is from a Bulls fan, so I am slightly biased)...

    Cleveland: If he picks this, it will be purely for the money. They don't have the talent around him now to win him a title, and this has been the case time and time again. The other problem is that they don't lose enough to get him a good draft pick to help him, either. Honestly, if he picks this, I don't think he'll ever win a title with Cleveland (sorry, Roy).

    Miami: If he picks this, they'll not only be the favorites to win the East, but likely the NBA. The combo of him, Bosh, and Wade will be absolutely fucking lethal. HOWEVER, I don't know that this is a real option. For this to happen, Bosh and Wade will likely have to take lesser deals to free up money for LeBron, and I don't see that happening. More importantly, though, LeBron wants to be "the man." He signs with Miami, and he will have to compete with Wade for the spotlight, and I just don't think he wants that. He had no problem signing with Bosh, because Bosh would be the Pippen to his Jordan, and he knew it. Signing with Wade AND Bosh, though? I just don't think LeBron will do that, based on his ego (and if you don't think he has a huge ego, note that he is getting a fucking 1 hour slot on ESPN to announce what should take 15 seconds to say). In addition to ALL of that, Currently Miami has 4 players committed to them, and only 2 are signed. They're going to have to fill out their roster, and quite frankly, if they sign LeBron, the rest of their roster is going to be scrubs and worthless players. They'll literally need Wade, Bosh, and LeBron to carry them, because anyone else they sign is going to be signing for virtually nothing (in NBA terms). Miami will be exceptionally frontloaded with contracts, and will have virtually no depth. An injury to Wade, Bosh, or LeBron in this situation could mean the end of any contention possibilities should LeBron sign here. Just more negatives than positives to signing with Miami.

    New York: This is the super dark horse. The biggest market, and the Staudimire (sp?) signing gives them a star for him to play with, but not someone that will overshadow him. Again, there is a big BUT, though: LeBron seemed to be unimpressed with the Knicks management (according to rumors), and I don't know that he will be able to win here, either. They may win the east, but they'll struggle to knock off the Lakers.

    New Jersey: I think they're on the outside looking in at this point, but never say never. They can't offer the money of the Cavs, or the talent of Miami or Chicago, though, so I don't see how LeBron could justify signing with the Nets.

    Chicago: If he signs here, he is on a team that can win now. Between Noah, Rose, and just signing Boozer, Chicago puts a lot of great talent around LeBron, but not any talent that is going to greatly overshadow him. In terms of his desires (championships, money, respect, and to be 'the man'), I think Chicago is his best logical choice. If he goes there, he will get the max (though not as much as Cleveland), he will immediately have a chance to win titles, and IF he signs with Chicago, I think it immediately makes them the best team in the East.

    With all that being said, while I think Chicago is his best logical choice, his best chance to win titles, and his best chance to cement the legacy he wants, I don't necessarily think he'll sign there. My honest opinion is that he will likely return to Cleveland.

    If he does, I totally get it. Cleveland is where the money is, and it is where he is comfortable. However, if he DOES sign with Cleveland, it will show that it isn't about winning titles (as he keeps saying), but rather it is about making money. He has to know that if he resigns with Cleveland, there is little to no chance of him winning titles there (not with Chicago, New York, and Miami shoring up their rosters, while Orlando and Boston are still looming, not to mention a little team called the Lakers in the West to contend with). The East is going to be a much tougher division next year, and the Cavs, even with LeBron, aren't going to be winning any titles (again, sorry Roy, just my opinion) any time soon. They'll compete. They'll make the playoffs every year. But every year, they'll lose in the playoffs.

    Bottom line: if it is about winning titles and being "the man" he'll sign with Chicago; if it is about making money and loyalty, he'll resign with Cleveland.
  18. Czechvodkabaron

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 25, 2009
    Atlanta, GA
    D26: That is the most intelligent post I have seen on this topic so far. Bravo.

    The only thing I slightly disagree with is what Lebron's career would be like in Miami. If he and Bosh both end up there and one of them or Wade becomes injured I think that they are still at least a playoff team. Even with a super weak supporting cast outside of those three I can't see them being any worse than the Cavs have been the last 4 years or so.

    Most athletes seem to put winning titles as their number one goal. If Lebron wants to do that then Chicago is absolutely his best bet.
  19. Parker

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Jan 18, 2010
    Chicago, IL
    I agree with everyone D26 says, I cannot say that enough. Yes, the educated high road would to be talk about the effect on the NBA with him playing for a team, but you can't ignore this assholery he is displaying.

    I've been saying for the last few months also. I made an argument in the 2009 NBA thread forums when we were talking LeBron vs. Kobe in terms of mentality, LeBron loving the spotlight. Then Bill Simmons wrote an article on LeBron being like Doc J because his goal is to be loved, famous and amaze people. Then this fucking press conference. Do not get the shit twisted, yes ESPN is fellating him, but this was not their idea for this special. If they could sell advertising space damn near the price of the Superbowl, it would be there idea. They cannot and therefore are doing it because it's the spectacle. LeBron asked for this special. And it is more fucked up, because this is following his bad, but canceled idea to sell shoes on his free agency tour.

    I'd also just like to submit this article. Sums it up pretty fucking well. <a class="postlink" href="" onclick=";return false;"> ... cocksucker</a>

    I'd love if he came to Chicago, but I refuse to praise him more than Derrick Rose.
  20. Frebis

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    Emotionally Jaded

    Oct 19, 2009