And the winner of the gayest thread title of all time IIIIIIIIIISSSSSS: This guy. Oh well, the important thing is that the thread is up, right? RIGHT?!?! Awww, eff you guys. This is bullcrap, I'm running away. Talk amongst yourselves, I don't care.
Already started have ya? Me and a few friends have decided to get teenage drunk tonight. Buy a bottle of vodka and do shots. I'm probably gonna last less time than teenage me could. Been spoiled by beer and rum and coke for too long.
I work 8 PM to 8 AM the next couple weeks, with a shitload of weekends. We'll see how many conversations I feel depraved enough to enter... (My bet? %75+)
Yeah its time to party... ... by staying in the physics building and writing my report due on monday so I can watch England take on the kiwis tomorrow and play football on Sunday. Why does a science degree have to be time consuming. I knew I should have done a liberal arts one. On a brighter note I will drink aggressively once this is done ... until I need to do my programming and report for friday. Fuck
The appearance of this thread as I'm looking to do anything possible to avoid working on a Friday afternoon can be seen as serendipitous. So I'd like to talk to you all. I'm sure everyone around my age (born in late 83) fondly remembers Pee Wee's Playhouse. If you didn't watch, or god forbid didn't like the Playhouse as a kid, you can go to hell. Well, as a fan of the Playhouse, I was excited to discover as a child The Pee Wee Herman Show. An hourlong slightly risque HBO comedy special from the early 80s, this was, essentially, the genesis of the Pee Wee character. It begat Pee Wee's Big Adventure which begat Pee Wee's Playhouse. There is a revival of sorts that started in January when Pee Wee took an updated version of the stage show to LA. It is playing now on Broadway, and I eagerly picked up tickets in order to see this show. I went on Tuesday night. MAGICAL. It was fucking magical. The curtain raises and there, in front of your eyes, is an EXACT replication of the Playhouse we all know and love. The same door, Chairy, Clocky, Conkey, Magic Screen, The Fish, Globey, Randi EVERYONE WAS THERE! The best part? Not only was Pee Wee back, but the original Jambi was there, the original Mailman Mike (who was replaced for most of the TV show by a black mail woman play by S Epatha Merkeson of Law and Order fame. Is it sad that I didn't have to look that up?) and also the original Miss Yvonne (who now has a recurring role as Charlie's Mom on Always Sunny.) My god it was tremendous, they did some new bits (a bizarre giant Bear and a talking Sham Wow) they did a bunch of old bits (A Penny Cartoon! The Mr. Bungle Video that got even funnier when they put weird sound effects behind it) The plot was driven by the same storyline of love and a wish that drove the original stage show. But this is where the one thing that bothered me comes in. The original stage show was perfect. The principles were not only Pee Wee, but Miss Yvonne and Captain Carl, played by the late, great Phil Hartmann. Much like the TV show, which Hartman neglected to play in, Captain Carl was replaced by Cowboy Curtis (Laurence Fishburne in Pee Wee's Playhouse, Phil Lamar for the current stage show.) So a lot of Hartman's stuff was done again by a different character and it was just kind of... hollow. But other than that. It was pretty much the greatest night ever. It will be tough to beat that moment when the curtain first rose and you were looking right at the Playhouse.
I finally finished all of my reports and projects and bullshit due for this week and can somewhat relax a little bit. Rightfully so too, as it is my birthday tomorrow. I could care less, but I'm kinda glad it falls on a Saturday for some reason even though I have nothing planned for it. I will however treat myself to some good beer and/or liquor to celebrate. Rambling posts may appear this weekend, but that's why we have this magical thread.
Best sushi I ever had? I don't know if they have this other places, as I haven't investigated, but in Singapore, there was a place that had plates of sushi moving around on a conveyor belt past every table. Every plate was worth $2 (approx. American). Best Tuna and Salmon I ever had. Asians rock Sushi (Sashimi, actually) they way it's meant to be rocked...
Drunk thread's always a little bit late for Egypt. Got drunk at a bar last night and had a generally boring night, then came back and had a dream about getting drunker and making a fool out of myself. Weird.
They have those same kind of sushi joints in Vancouver too. Plates are different colours, and when you're done they just add them all up. 2,4,6 bucks per plate, depending on the colour. Just driving home from the hunt camp a day early. Dad's leg was acting up so we decided to leave a day early. I'm busy on the iPhone because otherwise I'd be scared out of my fucking mind. When did my dad become a shitty driver? Truck towing a trailer and he's tailgating like hell and passing people like he's drafting down the straight at Daytona. WTF I wish I were drinking right now. Thankfully I get to drive in about an hour. Fuck. In better news, we filled all the tags (2 does and 3 bucks) and got a wolf to boot. Mangy fucker, so o think we did it a favor.
I've been to Vancouver as well. Beautiful City. Many stairs. Unfortunately, someone offered me a BC joint when I was already drunk as shit. We were doing some sort of East Pac rim tour. I was told I was sitting at a bar and turned my glass up... fell straight backwards off a bar stool. Then I shook the glass to make sure I hadn't missed a drop. Later is when a native offered me part of his joint from (I swear to god) his flannel shirt pocket. Being a fan of Nirvana, I couldn't refuse, but then the natural order of things asserted itself. I can't smoke weed (especially good weed) after drinking without melting into the floor. I didn't even remember that I smoked until the next day in the breakfast chow line when a buddy said, "You got a little crazy last night, huh?" And made the weed smoking motion. Problem part was that same morning when my chief said, "Alright, urinalysis." Turned out to be a random test for half the division. Not me. But seriously, my heart dropped into my stomach. I thought, "Oh fuck, I'm getting kicked out, and I'm gonna have to pay back all my bonuses." One of the lowest 15 seconds of my life. Also, you spelled colors wrong.
Last night I hosted the student talent show with a variety of hilarious antics with my heterosexual life partner. Bullshit tutorial quiz worth 5% of grade this morning. Talent show again tonight, band concert tmr and Sunday. Assignment worth 40% of grade due Monday. We will be drinking while hosting tonight and there will be faculty present. Oh joy. Oh, and my internet bill this month was five bucks. Awesome.
Those restaurants are called Kaiten-zushi, and luckily there are plenty of them in the US too. And like Nettdata said the plates are colored by price and you just add it up at the end. Though you won't find many of the good plates at $2.
I think most people underestimate this kind of relationship. My best friend and I were stationed in the Middle East together for two years, between 2001-2003. We were such good friends that many people thought we were gay. I am now the Godfather for his 4 year old daughter, and according to his wife, the sexual replacement there as well (for her, not the God-Daughter, you sick fucks). Guess it helps that we consider each other brothers with different sides of the same brain. This is the guy who's Halloween party I go to every year. (Me as the fattest Toadstool ever).
I have to say this because it will bother me until the end of time. I haven't read past this post, so if it was addressed, I'm sorry, but I need to reiterate. Phil Hartman was on Pee-Wee's Playhouse. He was Captain Carl on the TV show. He did four episodes in season one. "Now You See Me, Now You Don't", "Luau For Two", "Ice Cream Soup", and "The Restaurant". I remember this because it blew my mind when I first saw him on Saturday Night Live. Anyway... This weekend it is supposed to snow here. Unless the snow is actually falling from the sky, I will be going on my usual Saturday morning 5-mile hike. Other than that, I have two seperate papers due for the same class, so I will be working on them. Also, does anyone have any good cold remedies that won't require me going to see a doctor? I've tried sleeping, aspirin, chugging jars of honey like a Pooh bear, and herbal tea, but my sore throat will not go away.
Fuck you McDonalds... Team of 7 people and none of us managed to win anything besides medium fries and the occasional burger. Does anyone know anyone who actually won any sort of prize besides food? Fuck you marketing strategies Oh yeah....Last weekend of cross country......Fuck yes Monday-sunday is now available again boys and girls.
I just did a 1st class Combat fitness test (CFT)!! Hooray for me being out of shape yet still being able to do well on this thing!! Hopefully I won't have a sim tomorrow morning and I can drink tonight and have a weekend off for the Marine Corps Ball...Time to get drunk and look devilishly sexy. Happy 235th Birthday USMC!!
Im getting ready to head over the Belgium Beer Fest for what will be sure to be the best time I've ahd in months. I may also get drunk. Anyone into craft beer in the Boston Metro area should be there too. Rave: I'll be there all day tomorrow too